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Superstitious Beliefs

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by nandinimithun, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Superstition is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used basically to refer to folk beliefs which are deemed irrational. It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific unrelated prior events.`
    Friday the 13th being an unlucky day, Spilling salt bringing bad luck, breaking a mirror proving to be unlucky, a cat crossing your way when on a journey making the journey an unfruitful one…all these tales or basically superstitions that have been carried forward for centuries.

    They have basically no roots, no proof, no explanations but are handed down generations after generations, just making their presence felt with the blind way people follow them.
    In the subcontinent we do have some extremely bizarre superstitions one follows. Recently when the solar eclipse took place, I saw in one of the news channels covering the weird practice followed in a certain region in India where kids with physical and mental disabilities were buried upto their neck under mud of some holy shrine and left there for hours together, with the belief that they would be cured. They were not given food and water and it was heartening to see them crying and howling for water. I was watching the people crowding around the kids and not a single person seemed moved by the kids plight. I wonder what kind of belief is it where people forget even basic human qualities and follow them without a thought for children.

    Another inhumane superstition which I saw in television was, of a place where people ask for a child … where in one prays to have a baby and when the child is born, the child is thrown from about 25 feet height on to a cloth held below . Just imagine the torture the poor child has to undergo just because of the lack of education in the parents. Don’t they sense the danger in the whole act? What if the cloth gives away? The very child they prayed so hard to get may lose its life.

    I am a strong believer in faith, and in God doing wonders when faith is strong, I do not believe in blind faith. Little harmless superstitions like not cutting nails in the night could have had some reason like a fallen piece of nail that goes unnoticed in the evenings can hurt n get infected when stepped on it, but blind faith that cause harm to another life should be confronted and stopped as they are inhumane and anything could go wrong with them .

    “The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits, but not when it misses.” and probably when it misses …its too late. As they say “Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy: the mad daughter of a wise mother”.

    God wants spiritual flowers and not religious nuts, most of them follow superstitious beliefs in the name of god, which is annoying becasue god hasnt told anyone to do like this.... All that god wants is faith and a little prayer

  2. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai Nandi,

    correct and right way you have conveyed the message. In village still these type of belief is there and sometimes i too got annoyed. GOD needs always faith and patience from his devotees. The Human only create all these things and making everybody's life very miserable. Good post dear.:thumbsup
  3. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    thanx for dat instant comment and being a regular reader of my posts :)
    Very true god never created any superstitious beliefs, all that god needs is faith and a sincere prayer :) we in the name of religion, superstitious beliefs so and so forth do unwanted things which sometimes annoys me:(

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