Superstitions That You've Heard Which Have A Scientific Basis?

Discussion in 'Community Chit-Chat' started by Nylaa, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Nylaa

    Nylaa Silver IL'ite

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    One superstition that I heard recently is that it's bad to keep plants in the bedroom where you sleep. My mom told me this when she came over recently and noticed that we have a couple of plants in our bedroom. I can't remember why she said it was bad (it was some random superstition). Initially, I thought it was a just an old wives tale but it seems that there is a scientific basis, as @Nonya points out below

    What are some superstitions that you have heard which have a scientific, or at least somewhat logical, basis? Are there any superstitions that you've heard that you think have no basis?
    sindmani, Rihana, yellowmango and 2 others like this.

  2. Sandycandy

    Sandycandy IL Hall of Fame

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    Good question ! But You opened a can of worms by asking on this forum ! :sweatsmile:
    Nylaa, Mistt and GeetaKashyap like this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:13 wherever appears considered one such. But mission Apollo 13 exploded midway. In many European theatres seats are only even numbered. In Mumbai cinemas too One may not find seat number 13.
    A king was told by a visiting pandit that if one as soon as woken-up sighting a pair of crows sitting together, would be greatly benefited and windfall rewards would accrue.
    He appointed a guard to watch and wake him up in the morning , the moment he sights a pair of crow. He sights a pair and wakes up the king but by the time king with closed eyes approach the balcony, the pair flew off.
    Enraged king ordered that the guard be put behind the bars forthwith.
    The guard in beseeching tone tells the king how foolish the belief was; though he sighted them in the morning, he could only be rewarded to cool his heals in prison. The king understood the foolhardiness and released the guard rewarding him suitably for enlightening him. The guard ultimately enriched with sighting of a pair of crows.
    I was told by dad to go and meet a celebrity on a particular day for getting a suitable berth in one of his huge manufacturing plant. He suggested me to meet him only after the raghu Kalam ( inauspicious time). Accordingly I met his man Friday, and his response was - “boss waited all these time for Raghu Kalam to expire and just left to airport.
    A practising voodoo expert to enhance his powers needed a skull of unborn and so he scouts in nearby village for a woman in advanced stage of pregnancy.
    He met one such and gave her sacred ash to apply on forehead daily around night preferably mid night to deliver baby of her choice. When night approached, voodoo specialist was awaiting eagerly pregnant woman’s arrival at his secret secluded place in the nearby forest.
    To his utter disappointment, he found a galvanised empty bucket with semi circular handle was rolling toward his dwelling. Behind the bucket, at far distance a group of men with long sticks walking nonchalantly. By the time the rolling bucket stopped at voodoo expert’s dwelling, the men with sticks reached his dwelling and hammered him, whence he told what was his intention.
    Thank God, the pregnant woman threw the sacred ash into the bucket kept in the open which by rolling in night disturbed and alerted some village men.!!!!
    Thanks and Regards.
    God Bless!.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
    Sunburst, Nylaa and iamsrihere like this.
  4. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    One of the funniest superstition I have heard of is that it is bad omen to encounter a single beahmin on road. How do you know whether some guy whom you encounter on road is a Brahmin. Are we supposed to ask their caste? What happens when two Brahmins meet on the road? May be to avoid such ominous happenings all Brahmins should have a board around their neck declaring their caste.
  5. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    I don't know whether these will count as superstitions but I do believe there is sound reasons for the practice.

    1) worshipping tulsi plant and offering it some water everyday.
    Tusli is a medicinal plant . Worshipping it means people will have the medicinal plant in the house when required. Watering it everyday means the plant will be well cared for and hence in good condition.

    2) worshipping big trees like banyan and peepal. These trees take many years to reach maturity. Worshipping them means people will not chop them off for wood. If people did not worship these trees ,they probably would be much lesser in number. These massive trees not only provide oxygen and shade, they also provide a habitat for birds and small animals.
  6. Nylaa

    Nylaa Silver IL'ite

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    I've heard this one before and never really understood it. There are so many questions! For instance:
    - The superstition says encountering a single brahmin on the road is a bad omen. What if you encounter a group of brahmins?
    - What if two Brahmins are going somewhere and they meet on the road? Are they bad omens to each other?
    - What if your next door neighbor is a brahmin? Are you going to have perpetual bad luck? I mean, you're bound to encounter them on the road at some point when leave your house and come home every day.

    I wonder what the "basis" is for this superstition, if there is one.
  7. Vale

    Vale New IL'ite

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    Nice thread :)
    These are the most famous Italian superstitions:
    1) To see a black cat, especially crossing the path. Here these animals have always been associated to some kind of evil supernatural power like witches or devils but I can't figure out any logical basis. Even nowadays it's very uncommon to have a black cat as a pet, people prefer other colours.
    2) To walk under a ladder. Probably because of safety.
    3) Number 17, especially friday 17th, while number 13 is considered to be a very lucky one. The reason for that comes from ancient Latin number 17 which was written in letters of the alphabet forming the expression "I died". It doesn't make sense anymore but even today there is no row 17 on Italian airplanes or 17 room in hotels.
    Nylaa likes this.
  8. Nylaa

    Nylaa Silver IL'ite

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    That's very interesting. I didn't know the meaning behind the belief that 17 is bad luck.

    An Italian superstition that I've heard is that one should never seat 13 people at a dinner table because it will bring bad luck to those seated at the table. The reasoning is that there were 13 people present at the Last Supper (according to Christian tradition).
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
    Naari and Vale like this.
  9. Vale

    Vale New IL'ite

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    That's right, 13 at a table is another superstition. If it happens and you cannot add or remove any guests from the list, the table is set for 14 people and the food prepared for the invisible tablemate is shared among the others.
    On the other hand, the lucky meaning of 13 comes from an old gambling game.
    There are also unlucky days of the week. It is believed that people shouldn't travel or get married on Tuesday or Friday.
    Nylaa likes this.
  10. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    Regarding house plants , some are forbidden indoors because of scientific reasons like they are toxic to pets and kids . Many house plants like the Lilly’s or the Ivy’s could be fatal to the pets or kids if they ingest the leaves or flowers . Poinsettia is quite popular during Christmas time but it’s considered to be toxic for pets .

    As per feng shui, spiky plants like Snake plant (also called as mother in laws tongue plant ) ;) or the cactus varieties should be avoided indoor as they create bad energy . Science says that it can cause injuries to kids and pets if they come in contact with it :)

    As per vastu, trees like peepal or mangos shouldn’t be grown too close to our house . Scientific reason would be these trees have far spreading roots which can interfere with the foundation of your house .

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