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Suggestions On Therapy For 9yr Old

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by BeautifulSmile, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    As a parent whats your call? will you exposure your 9yr old to therapies? That being tender age, I am not sure what I should be doing?

    My 9year old daughter, any parent who sees they wish for. She has hundreds of friends, everyone loves to play with her, be with her. Because, she is super nice. she always does what other wants, even if she hates do that. She never tells them, STOP even they take her for grant. she says, dont want to hurt other feelings. Never stands for herself. Works hours and hours on school projects, but loses grade because (if its a group project) other kid was telling to or capture details wrong and what group agrees they have to do it, end result low grade, after coming home cries, gets cranky all tantrums. Never breaks any rules at school, she started daycare when she is 2 months. From baby time till now, everyone says she goes by the rules. But now a days she is getting in trouble in school, because her partner is keep talking, she dont want to say stop to her to not hurt friend's feelings but gets in trouble with teacher, as teacher thinks she is talking. But she is not her friend it. Like this end less stories.

    Why I mainly want to see therapist is: she cries a lot for everything. Like hey hurry up getting late is mean thing to say per her. Stand up for yourself is mean thing to say per her. Wear thick pants its cold outside is mean thing to say per her, countless. For all these cry cry cry.

    Other than crying part, she is the best kid. Hugs, kisses me all the time. Keep talking to me non stop all the time. Very lovable child. Tried talking to her, said stop crying or cry first and then calm down but nope she wont talk at all goes on crying saying you are rude mean etc. Now days my husband , I and my teenage daughter are going crazy with her behaviour. Did it startes now, now always since she was baby.

    What should I do?

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    From what I have read, for a child that young to receive the appropriate therapy, there has to be an evaluation first by the child's pediatrician.

    For the behavioral challenges you have described, I think the child seeing a therapist will mean even more work for mom. The appointments, homework if any, and some prep for the appointments, will become another job the child and mom have to complete. Unless the pediatrician is strongly suggesting therapy now itself, I would wait till child is at least 12 and old enough to see therapist by herself.

    For now, I would suggest you start seeing a coach or therapist who guides parents with challenging phases of parenting. They will give you some strategies to try or at least some things to stop doing from your current approaches.
  3. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    You say you want to see a therapist because she is crying for everything. Is this something you observed recently or has this been her nature?

    If it is new, it may be due to hormonal changes close to puberty. Keep a close eye on her. If she is undergoing changes, she just needs your love and support and she will be fine.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Exposing to counseling/ psychiatrist, the young child will get into hard feelings that there could be something (totally) wrong in her body and mind which might turn into an obsession and that itself might generate later an aversion toward parents and her-friends-school atmosphere. If this thinking allowed to continue, as she grows - it may upset her even more. Cry over your shoulder is far better cure to dissolve her negatives.
    Take care.
    God Bless
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  5. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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