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Suggestion regarding carrer changing

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by sravanthisravs, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. sravanthisravs

    sravanthisravs New IL'ite

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    I am sravanthi very new to this community .I need ur suggestion regarding my carrer field.I am working as software professional in a mnc company,at first when i joined my company i am the most happiest person in this world,as time goes on i cant able tolerate the heavy stress but i continued bcoz of my financial position but now i cant able to work in this field.One my friend suggested to join as a database administrator in a non -it company. salary is less when compared to software field but as now if i changed my carrer does effects me?
    Please give me ur valuable suggestions as i am eagerly waiting

  2. reshsabu

    reshsabu Gold IL'ite

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    How long has it been since you joined the company? If it is less than 12 months in the company or the project, then I suggest that you wait for some more time. The reason is, the initial 1 yr in a new project is stressful because you are unfamiliar with the work environment, colleagues, the system, business etc.But once you get settled , you will form a good rapport with colleagues, feel comfortable with the system and rest of things, it will be much less stressful.

    I have a question to clearly understand your problem and suggest a solution -

    What exactly about the IT job is stressful for you? -
    a) Is it the work timings?
    b) Nature of work? I mean are you working on something uninteresting
    c) Difficult colleagues or boss?

    If it is a), then there is nothing much that can be done about it. The IT industry often requires long working hours. But I dont see if shifting to DBA would help. The DBA in my project had to stay late very often to finish things.

    If it is b) ,before deciding that you want to move out of IT, I suggest that you ask for a change in project. See how that goes.

    If it is c), request a one -to-one meeting and confront to your immediate supervisor about the things that you are finding difficult at the work environment. He may be able to help in addressing those.

    I worked in IT for several years and personally I like the work. There are some disadvantages in IT, but I feel advantages out-weigh the disadvantages. Among the best parts of being in IT are the good pay and ease of finding jobs.

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