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Stories, yoga, philosophy - Oh what a weekend!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Srama
    You are unbeatable when it comes to drawing your lessons from what you hear and observe around you. The present thread is no exception. You have given two great examples to testify some simple truths of life. I want to share my thoughts with you on what I think of your examples.

    We all know the medicinal and cosmetic value of sandal wood. It has a tremendous cooling effect on our system. More importantly sandal wood is used more extensively in Temples and rituals. Sandal paste is one of the most important ingredients in worship of the Almighty particularly in Hindu rituals. On a lighter note, people apply sandal paste on their head immediately after tonsuring it in Temples as an antiseptic and for its cooling effect. Let me digress a bit on tonsuring the head. When Lord Ganesa agreed to write down the entire Mahabharat as dictated by Sage Vyasa, He needed an effective writing material. Without hesitation, He broke His tusk and used it. You know why? An elephant is very proud of its tusk and its pedigree is judged by the length and strength of the tusk. When He was about to plunge into a sacred task of writing the Mahabharat, He used His tusk to show the world that surrender of one’s ego is absolutely essential in a Divine Task. Human beings have a similar pride when it comes to their hair. They spend a lot of time and money in nourishing it. When we place ourselves in total surrender before the Almighty, we offer to tonsure our head as a sign of total submission to Him.

    Let us take the hollow bamboo. It is one of the most sought after material in the manufacture of wind instruments and in the hands of such eminent flutists like Hariprasad Chaurasia, it creates absolutely Sublime Music. Bamboo has the greatest privilege of being the constant companion to Lord Krishna. Can we imagine a figure of Him without His Flute? It just goes to show that God creates nothing without a purpose and we can see the intrinsic value of each of His Creation only with His Grace.
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  2. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Ha Dear Kamala, what a delight to read your response! There is no question of offense, especially between friends and you will believe if I say I am only thrilled to read your response! It made me think, made me understand where I come from and also in a way allowed me to understand where I want to go! So thank you for that. You do certainly know that I never write from a know it all perspective but to know as much as I can perspective and that can be achieved only if I am willing to listen - to all perspectives :)

    I did start off by saying that I believe sometimes understanding attachment will in a way show us detachment! While you felt why would God give us the ability to create these materialistic things, I felt "I wish Sukh Dev had learnt to enjoy what was around him, practically - that would have truly showed him the value of the two items he was carrying. Having not had anything else, having not known anything else has made him more attached to the two objects he has had for ever!" I am yet to meet a person who has advised that I need to give up everything. If anything, I have been advised to stay put, especially more so by my grandmother!

    If we take our own examples, what we were attached to as children is not an object of attachment as adults and they change and vary as we grow and change. That in its own way is not only teaching us detachment (from that object) but also teaching us to be accepting of where we are at that point! It is a different story that we get attached to other different things at different times, but we also learn to get detached with change! When we are truly attached to something for its utility/the joy it brings at that point in time, it will be easier for us to let go when needed - for we know and understand that it has served its purpose!

    Incidentally, getting exposed and hearing different views on various philosophies especially the last few months, the thought that comes to mind when I think of Sandal wood is that of God - for the essence of who he/she is may not be fully understood, but an essence that is not repulsive to anyone (almost anyways) around it! Come to think of it, I do not know how sandal wood is useful other than for it's aroma (we know only the presence of God but really cannot point out and say this is his purpose alone, can we?) Yes, we can be proud and tall and even detached or content like a bamboo in the understanding that we are serving our purpose (even if we think, as intended by God by creation) or be like other beings around that tree, who are also serving their purpose yet, absorbing the essence. Neither of them is wrong - it simply is a choice! I think that by absorbing that essence we do tend to spread it further, (imagine substituting that essence as human values) - at least that is the way I see it!

    From that perspective, I am sure the intention was not to question the worthiness of the bamboo at all, at least that is the way I saw it when she spoke of the story, as I understood! And Kamala, the first thought that came to my mind when I read your response especially about the bamboo was "I never questioned the utility of either of them, neither approved or disapproved (and frankly, I am surprised that I did not look that way!)." I come from a place of acceptance and belief that everything has a purpose to serve. The only question to me personally and always is just that while doing that how do we progress? That's all was on my mind.

    I hope Cheeniya sir will not mind if I quote him here from the FP forum.

    That is all my intention truly is and selfishly, I am happy to see the possibilities, to get the views not to form a view myself but for better understanding, as a student, if you know what I mean! So your response is truly appreciated and taken in the right spirit it is meant to be!

    I have to say that I do feel like I have penned another snippet especially with all the thinking that went in! sorry about the very long response, hope you understand!
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  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    hope fully relaxing and enjoying. May I say?
    Absolutely I am with you on that. It was refreshing to hear another perspective and I am sure my fellow students had a similar view especially when they drew a blank trying to understand what a sandalwood tree, especially having known a bamboo!
    No body has ever doubted that Kelly! Easiest thing is to preach no doubt about that and your thought on the king did bring a smile to my face for I did read in some versions of the story that the king could walk away because he thought "God will take care of him" and when I read your response, I substituted God with servants but either ways I am amazed at the confidence of the king that it will (his needs) be taken care of! That certainly is a good place to be at, attached or not. Would you agree?

    Thank you Kelly for you response as always!
  4. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    And Dear Cheeniya sir, just as I finished acknowledging to Kamala that I did not know other values of sandal wood, you give me all the information! That was a nice write up about Ganesha, tusks and human hair and tonsure! Very interesting! You are right Cheeniya sir, how can we ever imagine Krishna without his bamboo flute? Like I said in response to Kamala, I was not at all looking at the purpose of either the bamboo or the sandal! In a sense I wish I had but then, on second thoughts I would not have understood what was going on in my mind!

    Thank you Cheeniya sir for your response, your presence is always always appreciated!
  5. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabitha!
    Likewise it was a delight to read your response to my feedback! I am glad you took it in the right spirit and was not offended!
    To tell the truth, I totally enjoyed the article and the message as told by your tutor!
    However, because it was you, I felt confident that you will understand me, and took the liberty to give a different kind of feedback instead of simply agreeing. :)
    And I also never understood why we should be detached! :) I am one very materialistic and "attached" girl Sabitha. So it's going to be a long long journey for me :)
    Congrats on being nominated by Vijiakka and seconded by Aruna!
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  6. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamala thank you and thank you for a different feed back and thank you for feeling confident that you could do that with me:) Let me hasten to add that i am in the same boat as you as far as attachment is concerned, the difference being you are wondering as to why we should be detached where as i am fascinated by the whole idea for i do believe it is so complex.

    Thank you kamala for your assurance and your feedback.
  7. kottravai

    kottravai Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sabitha,
    What a finely-worded, loaded-with-meaning writeup! I'm quite late here, having taken the time to read your original post and the replies offering different perspectives, mulling them over and over again. I have probably told this before, so at the risk of repeating myself, I say that you never cease to amaze me with your thought process. Your threads are not for light-reading. One should set some exclusive time aside for your thread, to read it and take in the content, much as a normal paneer ball has to lie in a bowl of sugar syrup to become the yummy rosagullah. :) I have always been one to enjoy a good discussion and I'm glad that I stepped in here. I must confess that I have become quite 'attached' to this thread.

    As for my perspective, ah, well, I am a mere simpleton and I believe that each of us have a role to play in this great drama of life. The Kanchi Maha Periya once expounded thus on Bhakthi - that there are 2 kinds - one of the monkey and the other of the kitten. The infant monkey clings on tightly to its mother, never letting her go whereas the kitten does nothing but trusts (surrenders totally to) its mother, even if she carries it between her teeth. Me being me, I hover between the two - when there is a problem, I become a monkey and when there is something that I cannot overcome, then I become a kitten. And as far as 'attachment' goes, I am of the latter case - when the good Lord decides that I shall be detached, then I shall be. Maybe God wants to steer me in that direction with your posts :).
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  8. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Kottravai for your lovely feedback! I am in a way happy to hear that you take some time out to read and then mull over as well befor eyou respond - that means a world to me! For I seem to the same thing. I cannot for the life me just sit down and pen down unless something has been on my mind for quite some time :-( Then when I put it down here, it helps shape my own opinion!

    Loved, loved your example of baby monkey and kitten and I also fluctuate between the two - in a way it is very comforting to know there are possibilities and everything is ok! Thank you for sharing that example, I have already used it many times since yesterday :)

    It is heartening to note that reading the snippet and responses allows you mull on them just as penning down and getting responses allows me to - that is the intent anyways. Thank you again for your feed back.

    And how can this
    not leave with a wide smile on my face? Thank you!

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