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Still Bleeding On 10th Day

Discussion in 'Gynaecology' started by EagerForInfo, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    I am not talking about spotting ... bleeding.. I'm using almost the largest size of pads.

    This is the 3rd gynaecologist I've seen. I am using my birth control pills religiously. Anyone have any advice?

    I have a really large belly which looks like I'm pregnant. Every gynaecologist says its diastasis rectii.

    I've never had this pregnant belly and heavy heavy bleeding till my delivery. It was an immediate visible change. They kept telling me it was going to get better. But it is not.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Someone must have gone through what I'm going through.

    Bleeding stopped at 8th day but now it is getting heavier. Reason I started birth control was for long periods going up till 12 days but at least it was not heavy and it was just spotting before I started birth control. I'm miserable. Please advise..

    Please give advice.

  2. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    Leave a message for the gynecologist office. Or call their office tomorrow. If you email them from within the Health app usually a nurse will call you back even on a Sunday.

    Have you had a recent pelvic exam? Like this year or within last few months? What did it show? Did any of the three gynecologists mention fibroids?
  3. drdiva

    drdiva Silver IL'ite

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    Consult Gynaecologist to rule out any bigger problem..if it is unexplained ..try yoga
  4. DDream

    DDream Platinum IL'ite

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    Please consult your oby doctor again. Call or leave message there, ask them if they can prescribe another one due to these reasons. They may change your pill. ln my case, first pill didnt work or reduced bleeding. But second one helped. I took it for nearly 8 months. Initially, there was not much improvement.

    For the belly, you need to do abdominal muscle strenthening excercises, there are many videos on youtube. Yoga can also help. You said these issues started after delivery. How old is your baby now.

    If your ultrasound is ok and if symptoms get worse, you may have to do further testing and scans like CT Or MRI. How is your bloodwork? Do you have any thyroid issue?
    I didn't have any thyroid issue during pregnacy or delivery. But issues started after 1.5 y when I stopped bf feeding. That time my doctors found thyroid issues, low vit D etc. So, medicines and suppliments also might have helped me.

    Take iron as you have lot of bleeding to prevent anemic conditions. I used 'slow- release iron' to prevent any constipation issues associated with iron suppliment.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
    drdiva likes this.

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