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Spouse & I - An Outlook For Money & Password

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    My demeanour & the way I began speaking to him have made him believe that I could be a senior student. He was moving in queue to submit application seeking admission into MIT for a professional course.

    And nervously he sought guidance; and so I escorted him to the hostel where my friend cum senior student was already awaiting hawkishly with his class-mates for arrival of fledgelings -new aspirants- to be ragged.
    I too joined them in ragging him.

    Later he was bewildered to discover that I too seeking admission to pursue the branch of Engg that he was applying.
    He, after passing with distinction, till retirement was connected to heavy duty truck chassis manufacturing.

    He landed with executive job and quickly rose on the rungs of the ladder to senior management.
    Whereas though automobile was close to my heart, destiny pulled my career in different direction(s) wherein every time, I had to invariably begin from a clean slate.

    Whereas, I began my career in camel decker body design to teaching to quality assurance of army vehicles & battle tanks to manufacturing to management of sourcing materials and eventually to atomic reactor & shipping related matters on high seas.
    Our career took us to all over North & South of India and we lost contact with each other for several years.
    But one sunny morning in then Bombay now Mumbai after breakfast at Matunga - opposite railway station - I was leaving the hotel. An Ivory van from a distance was approaching chaotically came close to me to a screeching halt.

    What a surprise! It was he, Mr SKR behind the wheel. After exchange of niceties, we decided to have family get together at my residence. I understood that he was well off doing his own consultation business for ISO certification of manufacturing plants involving foreign jaunts.

    Before shifting his base with family to Coimbatore, we with our common friends had get-together cum dinner.
    Thereafter, we were on constant touch, became family friends, moved through thick and thin; we exchanged numerous messages almost daily via e mail detailing inter alia our dabble in stock markets.

    His contacts far & wide including his BIL’s family and their elder son at New Delhi were of enormous help to my family and I.
    In peak winter close to Republic Day, when I landed at 6 degree Celsius at Palm for first time at the capital to assume charges in another wing of Bharat Matha -thanks to UPSC - I survived almost a fortnight because of his BIL ‘s generosity, guidance and hospitality.
    At that moment, I felt am eternally indebted to SRK in many ways but he never gave a single opportunity to me to exhibit in a befitting manner my gratitude. WHILE I was keenly looking forward to demonstrate my gratitude to him, there came a day - a message landed in my inbox at around 7.30 am from SKR.

    It stated THAT HE IS OUT OF SORTS as he had lost in the hotel his wallet containing his international debit cards and some foreign currencies along with pass port-visa-travel-papers and he can’t leave the hotel right then at Nairobi - the capital of Kenya - otherwise he might be liable to be arrested for non payment of hotel dues.

    And therefore he urgently needed that I remit through banking channel at least US $500: and to confirm that I would - upon receipt of which he would furnish particulars for remitting money through banking channel. I replied that I would and await particulars from him when it was around 10 A. M. (IST)
    No sooner i sent the message, SKR had acknowledged thanking profusely for my prompt answer and furnished particulars for remittance.

    I, then, immediately spoke to my banker and he after checking up my account assured quick remittance but told my visit to the bank would be necessary. As I just saw from the ergonomically designed chair a receding shadow, I turned around- it was my she. So, I casually broached to her about SKR ‘s predicament in Nairobi. She felt something out of character & it occurred to her that I should just phone up SKR HOME land-line-number

    His eldest daughter on first ring picked up and greeted me “hello uncle - good morning. How are you and aunty? Dad is in wash. Anything urgent. He would return the call....".
    I asked her where she was speaking from?

    She said “ uncle same as usual from Coimbatore”.
    My head began swinging clock wise or anti clockwise!
    I re-looked with spouse sneaking at the first message of SKR received at 7.30 a.m. & it was not repeat not from his regular G- mail but from “Outlook Express”!

    In a jiffy, Spouse told that G - Mail Password of SKR stolen by a hacker who was busy at five in the morning at Nairobi. I was taken aback.
    I rang up again and contacted SKR home. After my briefing, he said am third person being in touch with him that early morning for remittance of $500.
    I told him what spouse told me about his G-mail password that had been highjacked and the need to revise it.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    GeetaKashyap and kkrish like this.

  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh my! That was a close call!
    Glad that your wife was aware and alert.

    One day I received a call that we did not pay my taxes and that IRS and police are going to show up at my home.
    We called the local sheriff's office and were told that this scam was going on.
    We have received emails, and snail mails also.

    A good post and a timely reminder raising awareness.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sri Thyagarajan:

    1) We have $25 million parked outside Kenya that I can't repatriate due to various reasons. If you can provide your bank information, I am ready to transfer the funds to your account. I am willing to share 30% of that money for you doing this favor for me. Please let me know the account to which these funds needs to be transferred - Fraud email #1

    2) An email from an acquaintance or friend - I was visiting Paris on holidays and my wallet has been stolen by a stranger with all my credit cards. I have no means to pay my hotel bill and other expenses even if I attempt to board the next available flight. Please help me by sending $500 to me. Once you confirm receipt of this email, I will let you know the account to which the funds need to be transferred - Fraud email #2

    3) Only for those who live in the US - IRS issued a prosecution order for non-payment of taxes against you. You might be arrested anytime soon unless you make arrangement to pay your taxes to a designated individual within the next 2 days - Fraud phone call

    Note: This call came for my wife that she is likely to be prosecuted a few years back. We are filing the tax return jointly and I immediately told my wife that there is no way you will be prosecuted alone. I also told her not to take such calls. She decided to take the call and when the guy threatened her with prosecution, she replied, "I look forward to it" and immediately he disconnected the line.

    4) We are calling you from Windows and we notice that your computer is hacked by a virus that need to be eliminated immediately. All your passwords and bank accounts are exposed due to this virus. If you provide access to your computer, we can resolve it for $49.99 immediately. - Fraud phone call

    Note: This call was handled by me and I told him, "We neither have computers nor windows".

    Please be aware of all of the above.

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    Thyagarajan, kkrish and GeetaKashyap like this.
  4. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    @Thyagarajan Sir,

    Mrs T always comes across as an alert and smart lady. Looks like she is your gaurdian angel!

    Nice snippet alerting readers of a thousand possible ways crooks adopt to con innocent/ignorant citizens.
    Thyagarajan, kkrish and Viswamitra like this.
  5. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    We recd a maill from my husband's brother that he is in extreme distress.Password hacking has become so common.Post card of those days was far better.The more development there is in comminication,the more confusion it causes.
    We have many such mails and recently my sister's son lost Rs 2 lakhs within 5 mts as he shared the i- pin through phone when asked for.
    Jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan and kkrish like this.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Normally Gmail sends such mails to the spam folder. Still some crop up in the inbox. One has to be careful. I am getting phone calls fro all over USA. As a practice I never answer to a number I do not know. There are voice calls offering me thousands of dollars as business loan. This is something strange that some do get cheated.
    kkrish and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:@Viswamitra thank you sir for more inputs to the thread about people are being conned.
    @jayasala42 thanks for the parallel and comment. Yes post card communication - no chance of spam
    @kkrish thanks for the first one liking the post & for appreciation.
    @GeetaKashyap thanks for the comments and for appreciation. Yes , I tend to believe housewives/betterhalves as a tribe has been bestowed with power of intuition by Almighty in great measure in right time and at the right moment and with the right people.
    @HariLakhera thank you sir for additional input about voice call conning.
    Regards to all of you.
    Hackers too get Godspeed for their ingenious ways and are more Blessed for ethical purpose.
    kkrish and GeetaKashyap like this.

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