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Spiritual Awakening Intuition

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, May 20, 2018.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:anything obtained by strenuous exercise or following a regimen seems to stay strong forever and therefore one may like to strive for.... sir We are in sailing in same boat perhaps!
    Thanks and god bless us all.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sri Thyagarajan:

    Every belief is creating a very strong encryption in the formless divine entity in us. That is why Mahatma Gandhi said, "Your belief becomes your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits and your habits become your value and your value becomes your destiny".

    Among the values, having equanimity, reducing the desires, remaining detached, holding everything with the mental attitude of being a trustee, feeling of oneness with all, developing unconditional love and serving the humanity, etc. appears to create a very strong impression in our divine spirit.

    I visualize the oscillating mind like a swing that keeps moving between pain and pleasure. If we imagine the backward movement of the swing as pain, the forward movement of the swing as pleasure, the lowest position of the swing is the resting place. But the swing can't move directly from pain to pleasure or pleasure to pain. It had to go through a neutral position of the swing (the resting place of the swing). This place is where most values are. If there is no action, here is where the swing remains. Therefore, the oscillating mind comes to rest at a place where there are no desires, attachments, trusteeship, oneness, unconditional love, etc.

    If the mind comes to the conclusion there is nothing to think about, the body comes to the conclusion there is nothing to act, the intellect comes to the conclusion there is nothing to discriminate, that stage is Samadhi. The objective is to stop the oscillating mind carried away by the senses that attract the mind to seek pleasures that are not permanent. Nirguna can be achieved only when we transcend Rajasic, Tamosic and Satwic and move away from delusion of dualism. For that we have to continue to discriminate what is unreal until it leads us to the real.

    "Asathoma Sathgamaya
    Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya
    Mrtyorma Amritamgamaya".

    "From the unreal lead me into real
    From darkness lead me into light
    From death lead me into immortality".

    Self-confidence that we are divine (faith), the discrimination to understand what is real and what is unreal (inquiry) and concerted actions to journey to our own Self (effort) are essential for achieving eternal bliss. This is inevitable and unavoidable if we are created as part from the whole.

    Last edited: May 29, 2018
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:thanks from the bottom of my heart for the lucid explanation for the mind body intellect connect.
    God grant us Godspeed in our earnest endeavour.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:I am reproducing below the text received from My MUMBAI RBI friend - an octogenarian. It might be relevant to some extent to the thread and might be useful in the final analysis.
    The text :

    _Souls and karmic connections_.

    We have travelled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends or those who don't really get along with us.
    Some may have even tried to harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually.

    All said and done, we all are the same and belong to only one group that is 'souls'. We all have traveled together in different lifetimes and have shared various relationships with each other such as:-

    Drivers and
    even so-called Enemies.
    Each person is a 'soul' that tries to help the other move forward spiritually and reduce the Karmic baggage.

    Sometimes the soul that loves us the most, might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormentor in a lifetime, just to help us work out our karma.
    Thus, a person, who we think hates us and we in return hate, might be our greatest well-wisher spiritually.
    He or she may be responsible for our becoming spiritual or compassionate. That very person who is creating hell in our lives may bring us closer to spirituality. In the present lifetime, he/she may be doing so because that could be the only way to teach us a lesson.
    Sometimes, a soul is reborn just to comfort us and be there in times of need.

    So, who is our friend and who is our enemy? They all are part of the Soul-Family who wants to help us and want help in return. Sometimes an opportunity comes in the form of a disaster. Sometimes, the only way to grow spiritually and in life is through pain, sorrow and turmoil.

    That is when life seems strange. Hence never form judgments, abuse or hate and never say nasty things about anyone. Who knows we may be harming the Soul who loves us the most spiritually but are not able to recognize it as the soul is wearing a different body in this particular lifetime.

    You're so hard on yourself. Take a moment... sit back.
    Marvel at your life:
    - at the grief that softened you,
    - at the heartache that wisened you,
    - at the suffering that strengthened you.
    Despite everything, you still grow,
    _be proud of this_.

    Start a new trend. Stop saying 'Sorry' instead say 'Thanks'. Like in place of 'Sorry I am late' say 'Thank you for waiting for me'. This will shift the way you think of yourself and improve your relationships with others who get to receive your 'gratitude' instead of 'negativity'.
    _Souls and karmic connections_.

    Thanks and Regards.
    God grant us Godspeed in our earnest endeavour.
    Viswamitra likes this.

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