Some Like Them Big Hey this is not about what u may be thinking.This is about some parents having lots of children even today.A nice article in Times of India, Dated 5th August , 07, page 18.A very interesting Article. There are a few couples who do not want a Single Child, but more children.Some examples given are 1) Sean Brekenridge - She has 4 sons aged between 1 and 11 years.She owns a maternity store in Delhi.She was an only child,and she wanted to give birth to more than 1 child.She feels either dont have children, or have many. 2) Jinendra Jain and wife Gooptu, had a first son, and then twins.Gooptu says she would not have had a second delviery if she was not staying with her inlaws.Shes loving it. A very interesting article,as these days couples dont want either kids, or not more than one,in most cases.the reasons cited are lack of space,very expensive to maintain a child,his or her school fees,and other expenses,working parents,and the later on Educational expenses,which are quite heavy.So these kind of couples are a welcome minority. In the olden days,couples used to have children in Quantity.Like some would have a quater dozen,some half a dozen,and well some three quater.In those days in most families 3 or 4 kids were normal.But today what we see, is just one maybe lucky if u see two kids in a family.We were reared up in a bunch, we all wearing the elder brothers altered uniforms.But those days Schools never changed the colour of the uniforms frequently ,nor insisted on specific School Bags or shoes.Fees being 5 per month,it was not expensive to feed and educate kids.There was just Roti and 1 vegetable served,and no maggies,and fast foods around. Many of today's parents spend a lot of money on expensive and posh schools,video games for their kids,and take them to exotic holdiays abroad.Everything about a child is a talking point with friends and neighbours.Most of us pamper children silly,and buy him expensive games ,and give lots of pocket money,in compensation of the lack of time we have for them.Spending time with children, is these days called " Quality Time ".What quality are u talking about ? Time is Time.Simple .Period. Most convent Schools are not expensive,discipline good,and even today u will find some of the toppers coming from Kendra Vidyalayas,from towns u have not heard names of.If yr child has it in him,he will succeed and come out with flying colours,without tutions.And even the best of the Schools have dull children.But how can we tell our friends, that our child is studying in that silly low named School,what will they say ?Look at Sachin Tendulkar,he came from a school called Sharada something in Dadar.And look where he is today. There was a couple on rent in my neighbourhood,both working parents.His name was Chutku,and he learned walking in my house.I was his second papa,he used to call me Kamal Uncle.And whole day he was with me inmy office,where we used to sit and talk,and hours flew away.He would eat with me, sleep with me,and his parents when they came back would call him back to spend "Qualtiy Time" with him, but he just wouldnt go,and would cry when i sent him home.They shifted 4 yrs back to Banglore,and he must have forgotton about me by now. Basically kids are kids.But the parents want to turn their only ward into a superman.Singing classes,tutions,swimming,u name it they want their kid to have it,and they will proudly talk about it in their groups.My kid does this, my kid does that,my kid went to Singapore with the school and spent a lakh etc. But u can educate and bring 2 or 3 children even today in half the amount u spend on one Super Kid,if u want normal kids.Its just a fallacy,in my humble opinion, that kids cost a lot of money.If they are intelligent,and bright, they would not need donations to get into the best of the institutions,they will get in by merit.You just have to impart the right values in them,treat them like normal children,and dont make them the talking point among peers.And you will see them flower,making the best from whatever little they have been given by their parents. I am for more children. KAMAL MAHTANI
Kamalji - One family to watch out for when it comes to size is the Duggar family in the US. Here's their website - The Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family
Nivediji, Yes i checked the site,and they hae given birth to 17 did u get the site from ? Thanks for yr comments.Regards.kamal
Hi Kamalji, Many in India these days dread big families because kids are very demanding and they want the best of everything. Financial needs therfore drive them to work for themselves and the family, that is why "quality time" had become the order of the day. Then with nuclear families who will raise the kids, if a maid is the answer, you must first satisfy her needs, like being able to watch her fav. serial, chat endlessly at your expense on the phone, make the kid eat her fav. food , the list is endless. And last of all she gets paid a bomb for accepting to grace your house with her presence.:2thumbsup: That is why many stick to one or two kids, more than that will be asking for trouble (read maid). Exceptions will be in the case when you have older family members living with you or 'stay at home mom'.
Jananiji, Yes i agree with u.The maids are the bosses these days.You could ahve made a wonderful blog with yr comments.But i feel it is the parents who are the role models for their children.But most parents, want to show off their kids, and hence want their kids to have the best cars, laptops and mobiles.And we are seeing the recupersions. Thanks and regards.kamal
Kamalji - This family has been featured on many TV shows in the US. That's how I got to know about them.
Nivedtiji, Thanks for giving me the link, a very interesting article. Yesterday i was reading an article,about a man, who has 68 children,married 15 times,and wants to sire 100 children overall to be in the record books. Shameful that people go to these lengths for the records.Regards.kamal