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So Long ! Farewell! Adieu,Adieu,Adieu !

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Manjureddy, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Hi All My Dear Friends in IL,

    Ever since I joined the Indus Ladies Community , my life seems to have undergone a paradigm shift !
    Never had I so many friends. Never had I a chance to shoot off my mouth as I pleased in public. And never, such prodigious female-bonding ! It was like a ride in a faulty giant wheel, zooming up now, lurching the next moment, clanking and whirring unsurely, but spinning away to glory !
    What a ride ! As I get off, I am shaken and stirred.
    To do justice to this many splendoured site, I decided ,earlier on, to invest "more" of myself in it. I started treading the path of those worthies, Jakyll and Mr.Hyde. It was thrilling ! But I soon realised it was a sordid thrill, especially when I read all those earnest responses to VS, my alter ego. It felt like deceit - unvarnished, coarse deceit-even though I was not defrauding anyone of their bank accounts or enticing innocents into sleazy traps.

    It had to end.

    Many of you, dear friends, would have decoded this double entry easily,for I kept trailing mud all over the carpet. But, to my amazement, I heard not the meekest hiss of accusation or suspicion ! Except for one small remark made by Sri Varalotti.
    ( Girls, here's one more validation of the Mars-Venus conundrum : Mars just cannot resist a chest thumping whoop upon conquest. But Venus, the more evolved planet, abides by the Omerta of Gender Mafia, fiercely protective of the clan in mixed company - Our catfights are for Zanana entertainment only ! Ye!:2thumbsup:)

    Dear friends, though Vidyasarada was an illusion, whatever she posted was sincere, heartfelt and true. I give my word of honour . Her resume may have been a medley of borrowed identities, but her heart was mine, and mine is true.

    As myself, I may have been loud, brash and gaudy, but I had no intention whatsoever to hurt anyone in any manner. The only person I consciously and wantonly tormented was Sri Varalotti . I owe him a public apology:

    Dear, reaspected Sridhar, I am sorry. Please forgive me.
    " Vihitam avihitam va, sarvam ethath kshamasva....."
    I'd like to reiterate, there was no malice. Promise.

    Avid participation in this virtual community was begining to eat into my
    realtime engagements. I discovered,to my dismay ,that I was a very poor multitasker. The only way out was, well, the way out! Hence this farewell.

    Thank you all for everything dear friends. I love each and every one of you. I shall always treasure my short stay here as the most enchanting vacation of my life.
    Good bye and hugs to all.

    Anbe Sivam.
    Yours sincerely
    Manjula Vinay Reddy (aka, but never again, Vidyasarada)


  2. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    I Salute You, Manju! And I salute the great VS too!

    Dear Manjula,

    I salute your good heart, your soft mind and above all your hard-nosed honesty. Let me assure you that I was not at all offended or hurt by your posts or the fights we had, more especially in the emotional affordability thread.

    Believe me, dear friend, the fights were well within the range of my emotional afforability.

    I for one thrive on pointed and well-meaning opposition. If my thinking and my writing had improved in the last few months, you and your alter ego had a major role to play.

    So no need for apologies. Anyhow, as you yourself very eloquently said, sorry as a word is only funerary in character.

    I am moved and touched by this post of yours. May you always remain blessed. While it is quite all right to pull out the gentle, soft and loving VS out of the site, it is a gross injustice to us ILites to pull out the vibrant and strident Manju.

    Restrict your time in IL but never ever deny us the pleasure of interacting with a live-wire character.

    Regards to Vinay
    sridhar aka varalotti
  3. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    How do I call thee?
    Manju Reddy,Manjula, Vidyasarada,VS
    You will be the same,just as loved with any name

    (ok, now u all know I cant do verse!!)


    What a post! Don't go. Many of us knew that you are the same. I knew when you wrote to me in the Mother thread started by VS. What difference does it make whether you are Manju or VS or Vidya or Sonia Gandhi or PadmaLAkshmi Rushdie? All it matters to us in IL is that you are one valuable poster/postee. You speak your mind. After you came, IL lost a lot of its cloying, chumchagiri. You speak with panache and you speak sense. I have learnt so much from your posts both in terms of information and flair.

    If u feel that you conned someone somewhere with your double Ids, pls know that many of us in IL have more than one log in ID. I have three. I post using only vidya24, but check using all 3 for privacy. Online sites are all about reaching out to our support groups while retaining our privacy. So, you have not done anything amiss or unusual here. I am all for monikers, false profiles. As long as no one is conned, hurt or swindled- all is well within the format of forum etiquette.

    Come back in another name. IL will be poorer without you.

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  4. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    Am back again. I have electric power probs, so am constrained to make short posts (though seeing the average length of my posts, u will not believe it).

    You heard what Cheeniya- the unenviable chronicler had to say. Heed his words spoken in wisdom and age. No harm in multiple names. Many ILItes acquire a new ID at the beginning of each month, when a new contest is announced. Some even win.Actually, even that is not immoral or wrong or illegal. So, what is wrong in your two log ins???

    Don't go. Stay, please. Make IL a fiestier place.

    Have no more thoughts to bare. Looking forward to your comeback. No reveals needed at that time. We are a clingy lot in IL. We hate to see anyone leaving us.

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  5. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Manjula, ManjuReddy, Vidyasarada, Manjula Vinay Reddy...hello Friend...

    Here's me too, joining the elite rest here. Stop. Don't go. You cannot do this to us!

    I am like you, bad at multi tasking too. There are times that I just drop in at IL, read and go. I am unable to even if I want to join certain threads, okay, room madam(!) due to lack of time. I am unable to fit in much into my schedule, call it slow or lethargic or whatever. Yet, I am here. It is not the reason to quit altogether. Allot half an hour every now and then. That should do.

    Do not bother about all these multi identities, what you did and did not. It must be proof enough for you , now, to see how much your posts were enjoyed and will be missed. Do you think I was troubling my little brain about who wrote what? I was just lapping it all up, reading all the goodness here that simply came my way. Who cares who is behind those posts. If you want to reveal, well and good. If not, so be it. Hence, I was surprised that those both identities are one and the same. Although the two went somehow hand in hand in my mind, I never paused to think as to whay!! That's me.

    So Manjula, please do not deny this very simple pleasure. Fit IL in for a couple of hours in the week into your plan. You should be able to manage that. After all, the tea party and movie going wont be the same without you!

    Love and hoping,
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  6. Vandhana

    Vandhana Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Manju,

    And i am joining the gang too. Please don't go. We really don't care how many pseudonyms you have, you Make wonderful posts and its great fun. Idon't think there is anything to feel guilty about having posted in different names. So please do try and fit IL in your daily scheme of things. We were having so much fun going to the movies with you and ofcourse the tea parties. So do come back.

  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Manju,

    Now that all our pleas and prayers have fallen into deaf ears let me have the privilege of chanting the mantra we normally reserve for our Gods at the end of a puja.

    When the puja is over we say "yatha sthanam prathistabayami." "To your usual place."
    And then what we say is very important. And I am chanting it here for your benefit.

    For the happiness and well-being of all may your second coming happen soon.

    Shobanaarthe kshemaaya punaraagaman aaya cha


    If it is a consolation to you let me tell you that I have many faces in life. sridhar at one place, Varalotti at another, auditor sir with a client and just a "hello" to my wife. Your taking two Avatars is no more vicious than my various avatars.
  8. meenaprakash

    meenaprakash Silver IL'ite

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    Dear VS,

    though it was a short stay you've captured all our attention vide your fantastic mails. You write so very well - whether it's serious subject or just a time pass, your mails have been very different and entertaining.

    I understand when you talk about IL constraining your real engagements - I'm under the same pressure. But soemhow manage to peep into IL now and then. friends here do remind me about certain important threads which really helps me a lot.

    You are free to make your decision but we are going to miss a wonderful ILite. I too agree cent percent with Vidya, Sridhar, Kamla, Cheeniya & Vandhana and request you to stay. I'm sure it's not just mulitiple log in but your other work getting disturbed with the virtual engagements that's bothering you or maybe your family. I've the same problem - I just can't log in IL during weekends and holidays.

    Pls do think again and see if you can stay on. Oh, My!!! I'm already missing you!!!!!!!!! :cry:

    Love & regards,
  9. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Manju

    I always loved reading your posts.I never ever guessed,like Kamla said,that you and VS are the same.Infact,whenever I read any post,I don't even have the time to think and try to remember whether so and so is the same as so and so.I spend only 30-45 minutes on this forum everyday and try to limit it to that.You could also try the same.

    I am sometimes very brutal and frank so please don't get me wrong on this.I am really not for double or triple identities.Even if it is a virtual world out here,I usually relate to a member thru' his/her ID and so if that member has got more than one ID and if he/she posts using all those ids,I find it difficult to believe that person especially if he/she uses each id for posting totalling contradictory views on any subject.I am okay with it if they do not post such contradictory views.Once,recently,someone posted quite a harsh message regarding in-laws in a forum and that person has only 1 post till date.The moment I read that,I felt that some existing member has logged in under a different Id just to post that mesg.Infact,I felt a little cheated.Maybe,many other members felt the same,I don't know.

    Atleast,hats off to you,you had the courage to come out clean.I still don't want you to go.Please continue your valuable inputs in IL.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  10. jothi

    jothi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Manjula, Manjulareddy, VS,

    I liked all your posts. You bring some pizzazz and glamour to IL with your writing. But I have to say this is like Deja Vu here, since I read Vidyasarada's post on Cyberia yesterday.
    Anyway, I join everybody else here in asking you not to leave IL. You have my respects for coming clean. But I have to agree with Sunitha too to some extent. Dont get me wrong. Please stay....

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007

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