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Sizzling Razzmatazz!!!!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by SARASVADIVU, Dec 27, 2011.


    SARASVADIVU Silver IL'ite

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    Hey! Dears-I know it’s been a really long time since we’ve met...was bogged down with health issues-Now with things seeming to be picking up...jus' going down the memory-lane along with you’ll:):cheers
    So, come get ready for the cruise!!!

    *‘Twas jus’ like yesterday..it seemed as if I’d joined this Residential School I’m working in!!

    But my God how many weird experiences..how many cherishable ones at that?!!? These 8 years here have fascinating every minute, thanks to the lil’ angels and cherubs who coloured my life, with a million strokes of a Master-Artist!!

    Here I’m to narrate my very first day here:----
    Lovely ambience, Sky-scraping domes, Sprawling acres and acres of greenery, Air-conditioned Class-rooms, you name it they’d have it!

    *After a stint at the neighbourhood Matriculation School that was similar to a huge ocean-one cannot even wade through the congested and highly populated campus-and well here, the scenario was entirely different:
    ‘Twas like literally being on a stage and watched over by a thousand spectators!!!!!

    Previously I used to be conscientious only about what I had to teach..what must my children learn..what could be the probable teaching-aids et al; But now added to that I had to be ‘extra-conscientious’ about my wardrobe-stiffly starched cotton sarees were simply a ‘no-no’; I had to switch over to soft silks like Tussar, for the suave, elegant look and a little care had to go towards some neat pieces of accessories as well!

    In fact at our very first staff-meeting our Principal went to emphasize on the decorum and dress-etiquette as we had to be our best before the NRI Parent-Clan.

    *The ‘best part’ of the day..and an almost unforgettable ‘Memoir’ was from the children’s’ side!!!!
    Having been accustomed to students who would be reverential and passive at the previous school-here I was in for a terrible shock: Most of them, it seemed as if they were away from home, on a ‘Picnic’..there wasn’t the slightest trace of interest to either listen to the teacher, nor to study!!To top it the Korean Cutie-Pies made it mandatory that they never would get up and wish a ‘Good Morning’ when the teacher enters her class-room!

    Fine..I always convinced myself that they never believed in showing respect in this traditional manner..but probably would display their affection to me in some way or the other;

    *And Lo! They ‘did show their affection’ in a never-to-be-heard-way:_
    There was this Korean boy, called Hongue-one look at him will not be enough to fathom his real interior..you would simply be fooled by his innocent look and that squinty eyes shining as if two black ships in the harbor..or at least that’s what made me run into his ‘trap’!!!

    Mind you! Please see to it when you teach a Korean…check your vicinity and scan the entire class-room…to see if there are any Lizards—

    *I was a feverishly excited lady at the ‘mind-boggling’ prospects of having to teach in a beautiful and aesthetic International School..

    Stepped inside the class-room with the same feverish excitement…….only to come out the very next second, with another kind of ‘feverish excitement’;
    I’m sure by now you would have guessed what was gleefully ‘thrown’ on me by that happy-go-lucky’ boy in Master Hongue!

    *{The same Hongue when he left School..how he had parted with me in tears in his eyes..is a different story all together, which perhaps I would tell you in a subsequent blog.}

    *Anyways you know I always would want to start the class with a game to make them eager to pursue the class as well as be an active listener. So I decided to make them at ease with a game of going around the class and naming all the nouns {my first venture was teaching Grammar to the Koreans}..then they would one by one come up to the board and classify them as to what kind of noun each one is…}

    I never knew when the class-room which was just a while ago visited by the Principal..then as silent as a grave..suddenly could turn out to be so Violent and AAAAAAACTIVE:
    I literally was standing there dumb-founded while the children were happily almost on a ‘Merry-Go-Round’.
    The ‘loveliest part’ of it all---was the sudden entry of our Director Sir –normally they told me he never has any connections with the Academic Block..and lo! Should his ‘connection to the Academic Block’ start only on this so very ‘Hot & Happening Eventful Day for me’????

    *His entry – the children scattered in all eight different directions-I for my part blinking and standing near the white board-‘my Hongue’ was always unique you see:
    He was standing on the window-sill-which I promise I never knew when he’d climbed?!

    Imagine my first day me being handed over a memo by the Director.
    -Will Sizzle!


    SARASVADIVU Silver IL'ite

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    Hey! Dears,

    The past few days were sort of too turbulent with certain health issues …to bother me-there was one person who apart from the members of my family...from this IL Family who had stood me in good stead during these times:-
    It’s none other than, our Legendary Writer Par Excellence in Varalotti Sir!!!
    I can’t even begin thanking him for the kindness he displayed!!
    Jus’ to throw some cheer on to me he even had opened a thread in my honour on my birthday.

    Again Satchi :-she was constantly chatting with me through mails and am really touched by all her kind enquiries!
    I owe my thanks to dearest M.S.Sunitha who was very much concerned about my absence here..
    sorry that I couldn’t pick up your private message m.s.s. as I had had not posted anything over the past month.
    Thank You Sojourner Sir and P.G.Raman for your enquiries as well.

    This great rapport within this IL FAMILY is indeed always CHERISHABLE…three cheers to IL…hip hip hurray!!!!!!
  3. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Interesting start Saras. I can clearly understand and empathize with you, when such a thing happens. Waiting for the next. Thanks. -rgs
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Saras,
    I am now bogged down by way too much work. Profession, writing, domestic responsibilities, social responsibilities.. The list looks endless. This week end I slept most of the time as the burden was way too much for me. Honestly that's the reason I could not even properly respond to your mails.
    But you know Saras I can count today as the happiest day in the recent past, for I have found you again, sizzling, refreshing, enthusiastic and energetic. It's for this day I have been waiting. I am really happy, gal.
    If your blog had appeared a day before I would have included this as my fourth melting moment. I am very much moved by your kindness in speaking about me.
    Can I tell you something? You are so full of love that no problem will come near you. So whosoever amongst us gives you some kind words will take the credit. It's the love in your mind that will solve all the problems.
    You are a born teacher. You are ordained to make a difference in many lives. And you are going to do that in style. In great style.
    Take care of your health. You will always be in my prayers, Saras.
    Wish you best of luck.
    Please forgive this errant accountant who has been tardy in replying to your mails.
  5. mssunitha2001

    mssunitha2001 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello Saras

    Welcome Back dear...Nice to see you again with a very interesting blog about your experience with a naughty but adorable boy, change in dress code/attire, difference in teaching method, conspicious difference in the way students behave etc., !!!!!!!!!!! Should have been and would still be one of the most memorable/unforgettable moments in your entire life !!!!!!!!!!

    i loved your title...very catchy just like the naughty korean boy !!!!!!!!!!


    Take care Saras !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. AkilaMani

    AkilaMani Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dearest Saras!!

    So happy to see you back here that too with such a sizzling post!! A lovely begining.... can't wait to read more of your experience!!

    Do take care of your health. My prayers and best wishes.


    p.s. can't stop:biglaugh:biglaughimagining you staring at your director with all the mayhem about... not to mention a kid on the windowsill :)
  7. vidchakra

    vidchakra Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Saras,
    Nice to see you back!
    Hope you are doing fine now.. Take care!

    Ha ha ha.. A very sweet post.. Brought back few memories of my school days :)
    Thanks for sharing.. Keep them coming!
  8. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai my sweet cake,

    Helath is always wealth. Take care of your health first. My hearties parayers for you to become hale and healthy. Overwhelmed with joy when i saw your blog in the New
    Blog entry column dear. Your experience would have poured more practical knowledge
    how to handle the situation. Hope the Director would have enjoyed all the actions
    done by everybody including you and would have exclaimed how all are acted so well
    without attending the action class???? Am I right my dear. Again Take care of your Health my dear IL
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Hi Saras,

    So nice to see you back here. Glad to know that you are doing better.

    What a re-entry!!! Could not help laughing, but my sympathies over the hot waters you landed in. Wow, if I had a lizard thrown at me, I don't think I would have been alive to even walk out of the classroom, let alone to tell this tale. :hide:

    Anyway, it must certainly have been a lot more exciting than a staid, disciplined school where whatever happened was only the expected. The "surprises" or should I say "shocks" in the new settings must have kept you on your toes for a while, I guess.

    Hats off to you for your patience, courage and endurance for having survived this phase. :) Sounds like a scene out of "Sound of Music" :rotfl

    Thanks for the really kind words about our chats. I just love chatting and enjoyed ours. Looking forward to many more.

    SARASVADIVU Silver IL'ite

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    Guess that's 'coz you've been a Teacher yourself rgs:)
    And thanks for the first fb:)

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