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Simple things

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by simran4u, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. simran4u

    simran4u Silver IL'ite

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    dear friends, today i just thought of sharing very simple things with you. If you try to analyze a particular day of yours , then how would you grade it on a scale of 1to 10? What were the things in a day that made you happy or energetic and what were the things that really pulled you down. Have you ever thought that what really makes or break our day.
    Well the answer lies in deep rooted but simple thing and that simple thing is simply with what thoughts you got up in the morning and with which thoughts you slept last night.
    Most of our job for the day is done if we give our morning thoughts very positive energy. soon after getting up from bed , just give yourself 2 minutes. May be open the window and thank almighty for the day and ask him to give you a beautiful day. This prayer would just take a few seconds. After that tell your self that today you are going to be more kind and patient and tolerant and positive towards everybody.And repeat this five times. give it a pause . Visualise the person who irritates you the most, or think of a person who you think is very different from you and with whom you don't get along. Now see that you are very comfortable with the person and you are friendly towards him. Believe me that day that person will not disturb you any more.

    This was just a simple exercise. If you don't have time for viualising ; then you can just tell your mind to relax and be positive for the day.Repeat it five times and then get back to your daily routine.Thus with these thoughts you are feeding positive energy in yourself . You will find significant changes in you. That is like whatever you have instructed your mind early in the morning then it will work accordingly.with true conviction and faith just try it for yourself .

    Apart from giving yourself 2 to 5 minutes in the morning ; it is very important to note with what thoughts are you sleeping at night. the last thoughts go to our subconscious mind and we dream on those lines. Moreover we get up also with similar thoughts. So you see, it is a continuous cycle. Read any good book at night. Or watch any light programmes on television. Don't watch any negative serial or tragic incidents.

    Moreover another very important thing to share is that people really don't forget their past hurts or insults or criticisms . have you ever thought that why we keep remembering it and get affected by it? Our memory is a wonderful database. Much of our attitude towards people and towards situations and towards ourself depends on this database.Another important aspect of our memory is that apart from storing information and past experiences., it has the capacity to erase the past .

    It is very important to erase the past that is negative. Our past hurts really consume lot of our time and energy. the time and energy which we could have given in something constructive or doing something creative we lose it in thinking or discussing about past. Remember past is gone . Focus on your present so that your future is better.
    The best technique to erase past is like each day before sleeping do the activity of passing through your day backwards. "Action replay" Don't get stuck in emotions that you felt during the day , but simply watch what all happened throughout the day. Do this activity for 2 days and see the difference in yourself.

    Again i would suggest that a good night sleep is very useful for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Think about it and try to incorporate it in your life. Simple things do make a lot of difference in our life.

  2. Ramavyasarajan

    Ramavyasarajan Silver IL'ite

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    Very Nice. But more efforts are needed for this. Because all these days we have lead a way of life.That we have to change, Your idea is too good and if everyone follows then we find harmony everywhere. Thank you and keep on posting.

  3. bhavani06

    bhavani06 Senior IL'ite

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    Very thought provoking!
  4. iswaryadevi

    iswaryadevi Platinum IL'ite

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    Very good one indeed...Though it would be hard to follow in the beginning, we would get used to it as time goes. Thanks for sharing :)

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