Signs Of Aging…

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by anika987, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    You prefer..

    1) Summers
    2) A stroll
    3) Quietness
    4) Peace
    5) Good sleep over parties
    6) Alone time or less people (Quantity over quality)
    7) PJ’s are your best friend
    8) Just living life for what it is
    9)Health over being fit
    10) Homebody rather than going out

    Just a fun thread..
    Just add on what you feel..

    By the way..Signs of Aging or maturity?:)

  2. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    1. Don't care what others think
    2. Don't like to go out to movies and prefer watching them from the comfort of my home (if at all)
    3. Prefer home cooked food to outside food
    4. Find peace listening to classical music to filmi music
    5. Find meaning and can relate to contents of spiritual texts
    6. Lost travel-lust and feel like staying home is the best (though I do regret having missed traveling when I had the interest to travel)
    7. Lost patience to beat around the bush and be diplomatic. Prefer shooting straight from my mouth. I stopped respecting people for their age and tolerating their bulls@!t but instead have learned to respect actions of people and learn even if they are younger than me!!
    8. By 730 pm I have to be home and in my PJs. Thankfully my outside chores get over by 7 during weekdays and earlier on weekends.
    8. I like my grey hair :)

    Finally, I feel like a completely different person - especially in the past few months because I changed the way I looked at my life after deep introspection and it's made a 360 degree change in my life for good.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    Thyagarajan, shreepriya and anika987 like this.
  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I am yet to learn point no 7:)

    The other pointers are spot on!
    Thyagarajan and gamma50g like this.
  4. anayasree

    anayasree Silver IL'ite

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    For me the major sign of aging is "Planning gals night out with friends, telling hubby not to expect me home until 2 am but come home by 11 pm cos we all just cant stop yawning" :sleep:
    Thyagarajan and anika987 like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: How do you know or conclude “our preferences”? Or
    is it a generalisation that members in IL would generally prefer those ten items you had listed.

    Finally your jotting concludes with words - signs of ageing .
    So i assume your intent is that member considers which of the items of leisure/activity that promotes ageing gracefully or retards the process of ageing.

    Summer is not a welcome in tropical climates. It promotes ageing i believe. But that is only among the class of people exposed to summer in day out.

    A stroll after dinner in cool and calm weather is good indeed. One may prefer spending time under starry sky on a terrace or nearby beach or shore. Stroll after dinner recommended for better digestion.

    Writing or texting a letter to darling or billet-doux needs quite quietness but this is nothing to do with ageing process. But an old man writing for or directing romantic part of a movie may get to think of himself being young and youthful! Such acts do contribute for retarding

    Peace is to be felt inside in our body & mind though Outside home, it may be peaceful. Peace after a battle or quarrel especially with in-laws or spouse is eerie. Persons never given to negative emotions reported ageing slowly anf gracefully.
    Tight fit no good at indoors. PJs most comfirtable. But still better choices are there. But if there are mosquitoes around even in day time one has to take precautions. Chicken Guinea attributed to day time mosquitoes.

    Point 7. Plain speaking all times not necessary. Discussion better than dialogue.
    Point 8,9 & 10 a volume can be written . We can take a leaf out of every biographer celebrity.
    Thank God you did get that mood to introspect and reshaped replanted and start reliving radiating charm & cheer around you. In the day to day busy life working lady and men may not have a moment to look at the morning & evening sky
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    anika987 and radv like this.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Aging or maturity I don't know : ) but these are few things I've noticed:
    - I have started to "think" aloud. :facepalm: As I am backing out the car, I will say out loud: "stoves off, back door closed, window blinds closed" or "phone - yes, glasses - yes, power bank - yes, house key - yes."
    - I will ask or say things without expecting a reply, such as "I am going to sleep early today", "I really have to sort the shoe rack." : ) : ) It reminds me of my mom, grandmother who used to do such general announcements to no one in particular.

    The more useful ones are:
    - Conquering sunk cost fallacy. I am now more able to leave ventures that doesn't serve me any more and do not continue just for the effort already put in. These include yoga, outdoor gardening, and a few acquaintances, friends too.
    - Zero patience with time draining conversations: Be it email, whatsapp or in person, I cut it short. Typing OK has been such a time saver.
    - Comfortable in my own skin. Literally. I saw $10 or $20 off some regenerative or restorative skin cream in Costco, just walked by.
    - Alone time - very happy with my own company.
    - OK with one way traffic in relationships: one friend sends over cooked food often, I stopped trying to reciprocate. Another friend will never initiate a whatsapp or phone call, that's fine, I always initiate.
    Anisu, anika987 and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Awesome all of these! Especially effort in relationships..that’s a major one for me..
    Either we vibe or people can be happy on their true
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Peace is to be found inside the mind..true!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    The most common one is "I have had enough... I don't care any more!" Most of us, 40+ ladies, are in that mode already. :)

    My personal fav is breaking any generational cycle of unquestioned, taken for granted things. eg My mother and her mother were always there for the family. I can easily list the times when she dismissed any request from me or my sibling only to attend to something pertaining to an elder in the family or some member of the extended family. I don't do that. And for that I am nicknamed a wierdo or even a moron! :D

    I have been bad at responding to suggestions of social visits, get togethers, etc. always (an introvert homebody) but more since after my child was born. She is my priority and I refuse to let anyone or anything come in my way of being there for her. There are misunderstandings. There are allegations and confrontations- How can a preteen's athletics practice be more important than a visit by an NRI relative (who has somehow managed to take time out of her busy schedule to meet up)? Why can they not miss her Chess tournament to attend a distant relative's son's thread ceremony? Can she not answer that exam some other time instead of missing that second cousin's wedding ceremony? God! I start fuming within but then I cool down reminding myself that I am going against the tide, trying to break the cycle. There will be unpleasant ramifications.

    And well wishers sending over cooked food or sweetmeats are more of a nuisance than a help or whatever. I mean no disrespect to the food (anna parabrahm and all that) or the efforts but why send over dishes cooked using recipes nobody in my household appreciates or relishes. Anyway. I digress. :D
    Thyagarajan and anika987 like this.
  10. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I have a neighbor who actually kept dropping food everyday in front of home for few days because I was new.It was quite. Nice gesture but honestly I didnt want it and couldn’t reciprocate like she did and she was so furious that she would suddenly knock my door in some evenings and act like she won’t even enter my home due to hate! She was always rude to me for years after that and two years back I realized I was people pleasing by going to her home for years and trying to be in her good books.

    the day I realized I stopped abruptly..firstly I was disrespecting myself and putting her in a pedestal..

    In my mind I told her “get lost”

    and life is much more peaceful:.

    lesser the people..
    Lesser the interference..
    Lesser the nonsense..
    More peace..

    I have tried enough to maintain and be nice to people only to be taken for a ride and am soft spoken and can’t be blunt or give back..

    It’s better now..

    actually I digressed:)
    Thanks for the reply
    Thyagarajan and nayidulhan like this.

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