Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ashtotra Sada Namavali (Flowers 6-10)

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by suryakala, May 31, 2012.

  1. suryakala

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    Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ashtotra Sada Namavali (Flowers6-10).

    Ashtotram is (praise) offering our prayers to the Divine, through "OM", and the attributes of the Divine.

    There are 108 attributes of Sai Baba in Ashtotra Sada Namavali. Each one is an everlasting flower of divine fragrance.

    Flower -6. “Om Shri Sai Bhakta Hridhalayaya Namaha”.


    My humble salutation to Him who dwells in the hearts of His Devotees.(Shirdi Sai Trust).


    “Heart” in this context represents the centre of emotions of noble feelings of devotee.

    Brahman lives in heart. Heart is the seat of conscience and awareness.

    Baba lives the hearts of his devotees. For a devotee who has completely surrendered to Baba, He is always present within his heart as God residing in the temple.

    When Hemadpant (The dedicated devotee-author of Shri Sai Satcharita) asked Baba’s permission to write the Satcharita Baba said:

    “If My Leelas are written the Avidya (nascence) will vanish and if they attentively and devoutly listened to, the consciousness of the worldly existence will abate and strong waves of devotion and love will rise up and if one dives deep in to My Leelas, he would get precious jewels of knowledge”.

    He further said, “If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfil all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall be set in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that, if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who worships Me faithfully, and who remembers Me and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life, and who thus, always remember Me! I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of death. If My stories are listened to, all diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My stories with respect, and think and meditate on them, assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if he has whole hearted and complete faith, he will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My name as “Sai, Sai” will do away with sins of speech and hearing”.

    Millions of temples were built, are built and will be built in the hearts of millions of devotees of Sai for Him. He resides there.

    Shama, Hemadpant, Megha, Baijabai, Dasganu, TatyaPatil, Mhalsapati, Appa Shinde, Kashiram, Nana Saheb Chandorkar, Nanavali,Beemaji Patil, Kaka Mahajani, Damu Anna, Bapu Saheb Jog, Bapu saheb Buti, KakaSaheb Dixit, Anna Chinchanikar, Maushibai, Mrs Radhabai Deshmukh, Mr. Sathe, Madhavrao Deshpande and all those millions of devotees including you and me who follow their traditions are the temples where He resides.

    Humble Salutation to Sainath, who is the form of Om.

    Flower-7. “Om Shri Sai Sarva Hrudh Vasine Namaha”.

    Meaning: My humble salutation to Him who resides in the hearts of all living beings and wants each one to merge unto Him. (Shirdi Sai Trust).


    The cosmic power that differentiates the living one from the dead manifests in all living beings. Recognising the cause of these difference humans identifies this cause as God and Vedas call this cause as Brahman.

    The Brahman manifests Himself as Avatars and in all living beings.

    Baba said, “Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that, all what you do is known to Me. I am the inner ruler of all and seated in your hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the controller-the wirepuller of the show of this universe. I am the mother-origin of all beings-the harmony of three Gunas, the Propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible,movable and immovable world, is My body or form.”(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 3).

    Baba also said, “You need not go far in search of Me. Barring your name and form, there exists in you as well as in all beings, a sense of being or consciousness of Existence. That is Myself. Knowing this, yousee Me inside yourself as well as in all beings. If you practice this, you will realise all-pervasiveness, and thus attain oneness with Me. (Shri SaiSatcharita Ch: 43-44).

    He was Brahman – a living saint in Shirdi. He saw Himself in every living being and wanted us to see the Unity in all creations and enjoy the universal love.

    Humble Salutation to Sainath, who is the form of Om.

    Flower-8:“Om Shri Sai Bhoota Vasaya Namaha”.

    Meaning: My Humble salutation to Him, the Dweller in all the Pancha Bhutas (FiveElements) - Air, water, fire, Akash (sky) and Earth. (Shirdi Sai Trust).


    Once, at an evening time there was a terrible storm at Shirdi. Winds began to flow with great force. In a short time the whole place was flooded with water. All creatures, birds, beasts and men got terribly frightened,and they all flocked to the Masjid for shelter. So they all prayed to Baba.”Baba – their God, who was fond of their devotion, to intercede and quell the storm. Baba was much moved. He came out and standing at the edge of the Masjid addressed the storm in a loud and thunderous voice, “Stop, stop your fury and be calm!” In a few minutes, the rains subsided, the winds ceased to blow, and the storm came to a stop. (Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 11) That was His command over” Air”.

    One Chand Patil lost his horse and was searching for it for two months.
    He saw a fakir (Baba) on his way. The Fakir told him that he should search by the bank of the nearby stream. The horse was found there.

    Chand Patil thought the fakir was a Holy man with super human powers. (Avalia).

    He was asked to have a smoke by the Fakir on his way. The chillim(pipe) was ready for being smoke, but two things wanted :( 1) fire to light the pipe, and (2) water to wet the chhapi (piece of cloth, through which smoke is drawn up). The Fakir took His prong and thrust it forcibly in to the ground and out came a live ember, which He put on the pipe. Then He dashed the satka on the ground, from where the water began to ooze. The chhapi was wetted with that water, then wrung out and wrapped round the pipe. Thus, everything being complete, the Fakir smoked the chillim and then, gave it also to Chand Patil.( Shri SaiSatcharita Ch: 5).

    Fire and water came to him on Hiscall!

    When the traders refused to donate oil for the lamps in the Masjid, Baba poured water into the empty oil can, drank it, and spit it again into the container and poured it into the lamps which burnt through out the night.( ShriSai Satcharita Ch: 5).

    Megha had a vision of Baba at his room who asked him to draw a Trishul and worship. Megha came to Baba and asked Baba whether Hegave him a vision while he was in bed, in his room. Baba said, “I require no door to enter. I have no form; I always live everywhere”. He travelled across the space and sky unbound.(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch:28).

    To the villagers of the Shirdi who was wondering at the brilliant youth sitting under the neem tree, God Khandoba (who came on a medium) showed the earth nearby and asked them to dig. They found a puja room, and four lighted lamps still burning! Khandoba said He was there practicing penance for 12 years(Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 4).

    Buried under the Earth, he did penance for 12 years!

    Surely, He is Brahman who manifests Himself in five elements, not controlled by them but one who controls them.

    Humble Salutation to Sainath, who is the form of Om.

    Flower-9:“OmShri Sai Bhoota Bhavishyad Bhava Varjitaya Namaha”.

    Meaning: My humble salutation to the one who is bereft of past, present and future in other words, always living, omniscient. (Shirdi Sai Trust).


    What is Time? If Time flows, where and when it started? What is that before the start of Time? If we do not have memories of future, how future exits in Time? Why Time cannot flow in the reverse direction?

    Only those who can cross the line of the present in both directions with awareness can answer all these questions. We call them Trikal Gnani. They travel in time with ease. There is no restriction for them by the flow. They see the events fixed at points in the Great Time Flow,whether it is past present or future.

    Baba’s Satcharita is full of such revelations of His travels in time.

    He bought two goats from a flock at an exorbitant price. Brought them to Masjid, fed them and returned back to the shepherd who sold them to him. When asked as to why He did this, by Shama and Tatya, He said“ In their former birth, they were human beings, and had the good fortune to bewith Me and sit by My side. They were uterine brothers, loving each otherinitially. But later on, they became enemies. .....On one occasion the elder gave a deadly blow with a big stick on the latter’s head, while the latter struck the former with an axe, with the result that, both fell dead on thespot. As the result of their actions, they were both born as goats. As they passed by me, I at once recognised them. I remembered their past history. By taking a pity on them, I wanted to feed them and give them rest and comfort. For this reason I spent all the money...”(Shri Sai Sat Charita Ch: 46).A travel in to the past, for the Love of two devotees!

    Baba said to Kaka Saheb (One of the closest devotees serving Baba), comforting him, “I will take you in Pushpak Viman”.Kaka Saheb was travelling in a train with Hemad Pant. (5th July,1926). He was thinking and talking of Baba. All of a sudden he threw his neck on Hemad Pant’s shoulder. He was no more! He was taken by Baba without any distress or suffering or pain, like a flower gently! (Sai Sat Charita Ch:50) An assurance to a devotee on future death fulfilled.

    Kaka Mahajani came to Shirdi to stay and have Baba’s darshan for a week. On seeing him Baba asked him, “When are you returning home?”

    He was rather surprised at this question, but he had to give an answer. He said that he would go home, when He ordered him to do so. Then Baba said, “Go tomorrow!” Kaka Mahajani left Shirdi as ordered. When he went to his office in Mumbai, he found his employer anxiously waiting for him after already sending him a letter to return! (Sai Sat Charita Ch: 12). A protecting order in present to a devotee, looking in to the future.

    He crossed the boundaries of time. He saw the past and the future as if they were the present. In exceptional way he revealed His power to some of His devotees. He is Omniscient.

    Humble Salutation to Sainath, who is the form of Om.

    Flower-10:“Om Shri Sai Kaala Thithaaya Namaha”.

    Meaning: My humble salutation to the one who transcends limitation of Time. (ShirdiSai Trust).


    Shama asked Baba why he was partial to Mrs.Khaparde in accepting the food brought by her while rejecting food brought by others. Baba explained “The food is really extra-ordinary. In former birth this lady was a merchant’s fat cow yielding much milk. Then, she disappeared and took birth in a gardener’s family, then, in a Kshatriya family and married a merchant. Then she was born in a Brahmin family. I saw her after a very long time; let Me take some sweet morsels of love from her dish”. (Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 27).

    How naturally he looks through birth cycles of any one in the past and relates!

    Baba one day declared,“Today many of my Darbar people are coming”. A big group of one Balaram Dhurandhar from Mumbai (The eminent lawyer of Mumbai High Court and the former Principal of Government Law School, Mumbai) came later. Baba said to the devotees, “These are my Darbar people, whom I referred to before” and said to the Dhurandhar brothers,“We have been with each other for the last 60 generations”. ” (Shri SaiSatcharita, Ch: 50).

    The story of the Snake and the Frog is another instance in which we see Baba’s power to transcend the limits of time. Veerabadrappa and Chenna Basappa were enemies in previous birth and Veerabhadrappa threatened to kill Chenna Basappa. Who prayed Baba to protect him Baba pledged to protect him. After their death, they were born as snake and frog in their next birth. When the snake got the frog in its mouth, Baba addressed the snake thus, “Oh Veera Bhadrappa, has not your enemy Bassappa yet repented, though he has been born as a frog, and you too, though born as a serpent, still hold bitter enmity against him? Be ashamed of yourself, give up your hatred now and rest in peace”. On hearing these words, the snake left the frog quickly and dived into the river and disappeared. The frog also jumped away, and hid itself in the bushes. Later Baba said, “On hearing the croaking of Chenna Bassappa and remembering my pledge (to save him),I came here, saved him and I kept my word. (Shri Sai Satcharita Ch: 47).

    He could see the past present and future at any time. Sometimes he shared such insights with his devotees.

    He is continuous in all times. He is not bound by the limitations of time.

    He is the manifestation of Kaal.

    Humble Salutation to Sainath, who is the form of Om.

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