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Shopping And The Great Escape

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by maalti, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    It was 1985, the year in which I got married. My husband's family was a big one and we were living jointly. My SIL who got married in 1984, came to our house one day. She wanted to go for shopping and requested me to accompany her. She wanted to buy a sari for her forthcoming birthday As it was a Saturday and holiday for me, I agreed to go with her, without knowing the consequences:rolleyes:. We started at 10 am after breakfast and went to Pondy Bazaar, a big shopping area in Chennai. We went to a shop and went to the sari section. After browsing for almost an hour, she selected one sari. I let out a great breath of relief and started moving towards the bill section. She pulled me back and said "Manni, though I have selected this sari, I am not fully satisfied, Let's ask them to keep this sari separately and if you don't mind, shall we go to the next shop?'" to which I agreed. We went out and the time was almost 11.30 am. we went to a nearby juice shop and had some fruit juice. Then we went to the next shop. The same thing happened here also. We had lunch also at a nearby hotel. There were more than 20 shops in Pondy Bazaar and we visited almost all the shops. I wanted to go home very badly. I always finish my shopping in half hour and this shopping trend made me tired. I was newly married and at that time I was afraid to voice out my views. Atlast, she zeroed in on a sari and with half mind, she bought that sari. I felt so much relieved and we went home by 7 pm. I decided then and there that I should never go for shopping with my SIL.
    Two days later, I received a call from my SIL. I asked her if she had given the matching blouse for the sari she had bought for stitching. And I got the shock of my life when she said "No Manni, I showed the sari which we bought to my neighbor who said that the design is good but the colour is a bit dull. Can you come with me this weekend to the shop where we can return the sari in exchange for a new one?" OMG! my mind worked very fast. I replied "No Padma, my uncle has invited us for lunch and we re going there this weekend. Why don't you take the neighbor who can help you in selecting a good sari?" She replied "Oh Yes that's a good idea. I'll do it. Thanks for your suggestion".
    I really felt happy for my great escape and pitied the neighbor who would also decide not to go for shopping with my SIL for ever:D

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    that was nice narration from L2L . Lady to Lady. Spouse & I had gone to Dadar TT . This is first time we jointly left from home to buy a saree for her forthcoming birth anniversary. It was a weekend holiday and there as considerable rush in and near Ranade Marg. We fished lunch and then entered a very popular shop with fiberglass made mannequins standing at vantage points. I too along with her rummaged the sarees section where varities were already lying in several heaps on the long table. After almost turning the shop upside down and looking into all shades zaree and colour combinations phallu etc in the price range we already decided, eventually she selected three and went out side the shop to visually inspect the natural colour in bright sunshine. It was somewhat ok for her!
    I had a great sigh of relief as I had other plans for the day.
    But Then, she exactly did like your SIL. She with a dubious smile, told the shop supervisor to keep those three selected aside and we would be back in after few hours!
    I felt weak knee. In the next shop “ Mangal Deep” I sat in a corner cushioned sofa looking all around and other customers quickly picking up a saree decide reach the counter pay and exit the shop with a nice polythene bag in less than half an hour. But then my lady is special. An hour gone by. She drew my attention from a distant two sarees with phallu border lying on either side of her shoulder for my ok. I just showed thumbs up sign. She came close to me said to select one. I chose parrot green body maroon border with beautiful floral design phallu. But here too we left the shop as previously did. One more shop. Same exercise. I told am tired and let us make it in the following day. But to my delight, she and I went back to first shop and settled with one of three, paid cash reached home with saree bag intact.
    After reaching home her younger sister came and after doing some snap test, she declared the zaree is duplicate/fake. It sank my spouse heart and me as well.
    I looked at the bill backside. It was written in italics that exchange will be undertaken only between 10 to 11am. We decided to keep and use the saree though her sister proclaimed it's zaree is fake.
    I had a great relief with heavy heart.
    I couldn't do that. For me there was no escape. I continue to accompany her till the other day.

    A super bold punch indeed but you did it in a subtle manner without offending SIL! Good presence of mind .
    Narration is lucid and attention grabbing.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    maalti likes this.
  3. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you @Thyagarajan Anna for your response. I can completely understand your position.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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