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Severe body pain with itchiness and dizziness often for 5 yr old

Discussion in 'Toddlers' started by rkny, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. rkny

    rkny New IL'ite

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    My daughter has suddenly developed itchiness all over her body 3 times in past week which usually started at night times initially , but now she's having it day and night from 2 days.I never tried any new food to her.She had side effects with childrens benadryl, and severe burning due to baking soda( i probably used concentrated baking soda and rubbed her body as per misguidence through one of nurslelines suggestion). Then her prediatrist prescribed her claritin to try for 3 days. Despite that my child had sudden sever itchiness and burning at certain parts of her body( like below her feet, behind knee), heated feeling on her face.Today alternate doctor put her on oral steriods to try for 3 days , they also drew her blood. But i had already planned for travelling in next 3 days ( on feb 14th) to India on vacation with my 5 yr old and 2 yr old), and this has happened suddenly, and i am so much worried if i cud even travel with my child suffering from acute pain at different parts of her body, dizziness at times, and itching and the doctor not been able to diagnoize anything right since last 1 week.Any body who have had same problem in past please let me know on what could be done.I am strongly feeling that i need to take her to India to see better skin doctors there, who can atleast give me some hopeful advice or atleast tell whats happening with her, but at the same time, worried if i wud even be able to travel with her such condition where she cries out of pain and all the wierd sensations she is going through

  2. Bhagawathy

    Bhagawathy Bronze IL'ite

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    Have you used any new soaps or detergents recently. You can try oatmeal baths for reducing itching. Soak oats in a sock in lukewarm water for half hour and then squeeze the sock. this will give you a milky solution, you can rinse her with this milk at the end of the bath(this is what is present in aveeno oatmeal bath soap). My son has eczema since last feb and have tried many remedies. You can also use cetaphil soap for dry, sensitive skin. Does her skin have any rough patches? Yes you can show her to a dermatologist in India might help to understand what is wrong with her. You can also use cetaphil or cerave cream and avoid any soaps or creams with fragrance. Hope you have a good trip to India

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  3. Mehana

    Mehana Platinum IL'ite

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    Did you changed her soap or body wash recently? or any laundry detergent. My kid had some allergy after I changed hos body wash, from that day I stopped using that. He was better after a week,. Try looking if she had bite any any bug?
  4. smilysmile

    smilysmile Gold IL'ite

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    Please consult with a nurse practitioner first or any good pediatrician who spends a lot of time with you and understand your concerns.Find a nurse practioner in your local pharmacy ,like cvs or HEB

    Plan to take appointment with pediatrician,dermatologist and a rheumatologist to have a better diagnosis and better treatment

    It appears to be autoimmune as per the symptoms you mentioned

    Meanwhile for itching ,use cotton clothes,mild laundry detergent with extra rinse cycle,apply hydrocortisone ,a steroid cream available over the counter in any local pharmacy,check cvs,moisturize her skin with cerave lotion and use cerave body wash,it is lil expensive but good

    Mean while educate your self more about her condition so that you can prepare better to talk to the doctor,because they try to fix the symptom not the cause

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