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Setting up a new home ideas Vs PIL's free advice and flaunting

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by makeuplover, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. makeuplover

    makeuplover Silver IL'ite

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    Hi friends,
    I am so excited that we have bought a new house and going to do Pooja for it. My pil are coming tomorrow with my mil's mother. I am really worried about setting up my new home since my MIL has a habit of showing belongingness towards everything bought by us. Like when we bought car(3-4th money gifted by my father) and when she came for staying after the car was bought, she was making statement "Now two cars have come to our house. My both sons have got vehicles now" I don't know why she says such statements always as if she's confirming that the car belongs to her son and her family! If some relatives want to gift me or my DD something they give it to my mil, i will not even see what they have given. My mil is a hiding freak. whether it's information regarding the family or gifts she hides from DILs. Apart from few problems she's a good woman but likes to flaunt a lot. It irritates me to the core. Since we are staying in a metro city may be I am used to seeing all sort of luxury things aroud but she being from a small town considers even a Maruti 800 in her family as BMW. Her relatives are all very high-fi and I wonder how she ended up with a middle class family. May be it's her complex which speaks but I find it very irritating. Also my BIL is also a free advice freak he unnecessarily keeps on advising my husband about everything related to day to day life, how when what where which. My husband makes it a point to seek his brother's advice in everything before even taking a decision. I just hate it. My bil only advised him to buy what car, which model, what color, but money given by my father.
    This time it's a bigger thing, a house in a metro city so I am sure that I will have a higher dose of flaunting. But the truth is that my PIL have not contributed anything apart from free advice. My father has paid the downpayment and my husband is paying the EMI. I am running the house by paying for other expenses. But since I know my mil, I am sure that this time she will try to get control about setting up my house. I have some ideas to set up my house in the way I want. I want it to be set in the modern way. My husband also seeks my advice for everything, but when his mother is there he is bound to ask her first! I don't know how will I handle this situation. We are yet to buy new furniture and shift to the new house. Now modular kitchen and wardrobe works are going on. Do you have any experience in this matter? How did you handle your PIL's free advices and control in setting up your hosue?

  2. mercyagin

    mercyagin Gold IL'ite

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    If some relatives want to gift me or my DD something they give it to my mil, i will not even see what they have given. My mil is a hiding freak. whether it's information regarding the family or gifts she hides from DILs.

    Why dont you call the relatives and say that you havent seen the gift but anyway thank you. By doing this atleast they will know your MILs character.
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  3. Stressfull

    Stressfull Silver IL'ite

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    yes even my mil also wants everything according to their wish, even its our house or her house but we must use some tactics if ur dh is willing to do, you also ask her what she likes just as if u r asking for suggestion, she feels good later your decision can be implied by cooking some stories.:)
  4. navyar

    navyar Gold IL'ite

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    1. Free advices only no??? So listen. Don't interrupt them when they are advising.
    2. See if their advice or any part thereof, adds any value in the new set up. Accept it.
    3. If you find their advices nonsense and are only given for the sake of exhibiting their control .... then let the advices go in one ear and out the other!! and do things as you wish as your H is anyhow keen on your ideas.
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  5. makeuplover

    makeuplover Silver IL'ite

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    I can't tell any relative. it will cause a big issue in the family. Yes it's gifts given to me and my daughter only. If it's some toys/dresses etc, my mil will give it later to me. But if cash/gold/silver is there she just hides it without even telling me. I have seen this infront of my eyes. I am inside my room, one aunt giving my mil saying this is for ur dil and my mil didn't even look at me, just keeps it inside her cupboard and locks it. I thought she will show/give me later, but she didn't
  6. makeuplover

    makeuplover Silver IL'ite

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    But my husband wants to tag along them also in shopping :-(
  7. seekingpeace

    seekingpeace Silver IL'ite

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    Most ILs/parents like to brag...like I have bought a house on my name and my dad made the downpayment and MIL said now we have two houses...i just didnt react.

    Pls dont take everything they say and react..just ignore and you will do fine..even my FIL is waiting for me to buy a car so that he can take it to his city and use it ( even though money will be mine)..i just dont react..keep nodding my head..bcoz at the end of the day..these are just words..most likely they will not act on it..like ur ILs will not stay in the house u built..just dont take these things to heart..

    reg ur new house..ask advice but implement wat u want..tats what i do...i feel all elders advise..be it my parents /ILs..u cant change them..u can choose to accept or ignore the advice.
  8. seekingpeace

    seekingpeace Silver IL'ite

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    ok when shopping..show ur idea casually and tell that everyone said this is popular and u want this..i hope its not like if u r dead against something..ur H will still buy it if ur MIL likes it??
  9. tulipzz

    tulipzz Platinum IL'ite

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    Micro plan and choose everything NOW. Make sure your husband know you really loved the things you chose - so less likely the free advice to have any impact....
  10. makeuplover

    makeuplover Silver IL'ite

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