Dear Friends I would like to buy or borrow an old book -- Advertisers vedonecum and who's who , written by V K Narasimhan and V K N chary. Where I can get this book. I've searched all the libraries and book shops in chennai but in vain. Regards Uma
Hi Uma Is this V.K. Narasimhan the same one who was associated with Indian express and Sree Satya Sai Baba? If so, I found a bibiliography of his books (Yr book was not there) and a contact email ID for copyright. Maybe u cld write to that email ID and ask for yr book? If u need the email, send me a mssg
thank u Hi Vidya Sorry for my delayed reply. I saw yr reply only yesterday night. Thank u for your response. Actually my Father in law needs that book. I’ll be grateful if u can send the mail id. Thank u once again. Regards uma