school days

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Huma, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    do u remember ur first day at college? what good memories do u have?


  2. Padmash

    Padmash Platinum IL'ite

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    hi Huma,

    this is really interesting thread. we all have so many memories of school and college days. Tell me ur france experience i will join behind u.

  3. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    hi Padma

    at that time i was living in fontenay-sous-bois near to Paris. i was 16 years old and i have three close friends all female. my friends will pick me up from my house and walked to the college chatting about singer( michael jackson was our favourite) boys and gossip about girls who were naughty.

    once we went to paris to see the museum louvres. we had lunch at macdonald and i was eating fries with chocolate sauce. my friends were amused.

    one of my friends becomes my sister in law, the second one is the wife of my brother's friend. and the third one is married to somebody else. until now we kept contact via computer or when i go to france, i visited them.

    ur turn now

    take care
  4. Padmash

    Padmash Platinum IL'ite

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    hi Huma,

    still u have ur teenage friends in ur circle so good.
    I had good friends but not in touch now some changed their place when iwas not in india and some don't have my add. I got best friends they were maharashtrians twins sisters we were born at the difference of exactly one day and at the same hospital, we met for first time during graduation. two years back i was in touch but i went to malaysia in the mean time their parents sold the house shifted somewhere, trying to get them. In college i was in NCC and good in firing but i was avoiding to go for camps as i scored very less marks in first year, but my firing was good very few friends were knowing including our instructor. there was selction for national camp which is held in new delhi every year for that there is long selection process it takes total 4months. my these two beautiful friends suggested my name to our lady commander and they searched where i am in college, from college they picked me and directly send to that camp, where i got selected each round which i was really hating that time and my friends they went to my house informed my mom and packed my suitcase and gave in camp. i went for national camp due to lottery system i didn't get chance to participate only6 candidates were required from each state but we got certificates which have a great value and helped me to get teaching job in up state govt which i never joined. but all bcoz of my these two friends some advantage is added to my life.

  5. puni88

    puni88 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Very first day of my school : I came back home crying during lunch break.
    I was in pre-school that time.

    Very first day of my collage : looking around to make new friends.
  6. manjumnair

    manjumnair Silver IL'ite

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    First day to School - I got my best friend. she is my best friend even now after 22 years. We studied together till my 10th standard. She went on to become a lawyer and is practicing now. I did my PG in Computer Science and now working on my home-based business.

    We two got another 3 into our group when we reached 5th standard.. All of us keep contacts alive eventhough everyone got married and settled down.

    First day in College - I started my College life on Aug 6, 1997. My room mate in the hostel was my best friend in College. We stayed and studied together in the College hostel for 3 years. She is now in Arizona with her husband.
  7. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    nice thread...
    first day at college was ragged to read the bus tamil...i did not know how to read..was given 10 with determination learnt to read.....
  8. RamyaVaradharajan

    RamyaVaradharajan Bronze IL'ite

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    hello Huma.. very pleasant evening.

    Memories always linger and they remind us that they are valued and treasured deep inside our hearts than in diaries or in words:).

    Truly speaking i do not remember my first few days of schooling. Of course none of us will since we did not even know why we had to go to school den :) For many of us; the first identity of either a school or a college will revolve around friends. True. The same for me. Almighty gave me my closest friends of all during my school days,"Nithya". Tears roll down my cheeks as i write her name. Though lost touch, still deep in my heart she remains to be my best friend. I had to shift over school when i was in 9th. Still i had contact with her till 12th (through phone and letters). Hope she is somewhere there remembering me as her close friend. She has changed her name to ArunaRajeshwari (numerology). A great and passionate dancer she was. I always pray for her well being and best of her healths. I have the confidence that i will soon meet her in my life:).

    And moving on to my college life.. Its extra-ordinary. Being in my final year now, i feel i will miss out on all these bountiful moments when i step out into the rat-race competitive world outside. I have my own circle of well wishers and friends. I realized my own potentials and started working smart:). I have got really brilliant professors whom i think are my assets and to be preserved throughout for a meaningful life. I have knitted a very close network even among my staffs.

    I feel really great and proud that am gifted with all these wonderful memories. As a youngster, I feel i have a lot to contribute from my side to this society at large that has groomed me into a personnel as how i am now!!!

  9. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    I dont remember my first day at school. But remember the school days where i had good friends. During school days we were not well off.
    When i was in Sixth Std. my teacher and all the students contributed to buy school dress for me. I did my schooling in Hyderabad. I had a Gujrathi friend who is my best friend till now. She was very rich. We studied together in school from VII Std. to X Std. I can never forget those days. From 5 p.m to 7 p.m. i used to be her house. From 5 to 6 we used to study together and from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. play.

    Becos of her i learnt typing and that helped me to get a job. When we were leaving the school all the girls took autograph from teaches. I could not buy an autograph book so i made a book and gave to my class teache to give her autograph. She gave me the autograph books to be distributed to the students concerned and in that i saw that she had gifted me also an autograph book. I can never forget that day. Today i am 65 yrs old but still remember those memorable school days.

    Count your garden by the flowers
    Never by the leaves that fall
    Count your days by golden hours
    Dont remember clouds at all

    Count your nights by stars not shadows
    Count your life by smiles, not tears
    And with joy on every birthday
    Count your age by friends not years

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