hello there is an article in the Hindu dated march 18th magazine section: i know this should belong to the news section then... but seeing zero answers (so that includes me too) im writing it here... this is an article by sumita thapar.. read this .... ``Dr Sabu George says foeticide is the most extreme form of violence against women.. today a girl is several times more likely to be eliminated before birth than die of various causes in the first year. nature intended the womb to be a safe place. today doctors have made it the most unsafe space for the female child.''.............. .. pains to read this about the `noble profession' sathya
Sathya, almost a similar article was published here in WashingtonTimes paper in February. This type of selective abortions have been going on in India since early eighties. The aftermath of which is being experienced now (there are not enough girls for boys who are looking to get married). As long as there are people who treat a profession as a means to make money(immorally), there will not be any noble professions. But why place the moral burden on doctors.......what about the father/mother/in-laws who made it unsafe. Pushpa.