Sambhavani Yuge Yuge is a story about three youths who are living together in a poor and dirty colony. There are many misterious events taking place and who are responsible for these events? Sambhavani Yuge Yuge can be classified as a horror movie or as a suspense movie. Whichever was you portray it seems to be a memerising movie. It was scheduled to be released on 2nd week of march. Anyone knows or has seen the movie?
dear saraswati...r u sure it is sambavani....or sambavami which is there in bhagawad geetha....regards..sunkan
Sambhavami Yuge Yuge Hi Saraswati Seems there was a spelling mistake in the name. I have seen the preview of this movie and it seems to be a nice theme based movie. Let me know of any more news on this movie.