Recently they have this hoola po of Sachin Tendulkar being fit for ShriLanka tour. Every news channel, be it STar news, CNN or Zee TV are giving 30 minutes documentary on Sachin Tendulkar and saying he is fit to play for SriLanka tour. Why so much hush about Sachin? He is not in that great form. And rather he is seen more on TV than on cricket field. I would say he is more a TV star rather than Cricket star. You can see him in ads more than on cricket field. If by any chance he is fit for a series once in a year, he does not score. He hardly plays for a couple of overs. I feel Sachin Tendulkar is overrated out of proportion by media.
Media and Sachin Tendulkar With Sri Lanka series on way, media is all about Sachin Tendulkar. All TV channels are talking about his fitness. Now that Greg Chappel said Sachin Tendulkar is not fit upto mark, TV channels start voting on SMS "What do you think, Sachin Tendulkar should play or not play? Vote now!!!" At least TV channels and media like Aaj Tak, Zee News, STar News get good chance to ask for SMS voting and earn money for themselves!