I want to share a good piece of information I heard today on SunTV(!) In the program "Mangaiyar Choice " I heard a well-known speaker talking about her topic of the day-Role Models for Children". I found it quite interesting and want to pass on to you ladies! Here is the summary of what she talked. The speaker is Mrs. Bharathy Baskar. "Nowadays we don't have people to call as role models. We think of cricket players, actors and so on. But they do change after period of time. Who are role models? People who live according to what they stand for or preach ,in a righteous way. For children, parents and teachers are role models when the children are young. But when they enter their teen age years they consider parents and teachers as villians. ( Many realise their mistakes, later on in their life ,which will obviously be , too late). we intentionally or unintentionally talk about not so good things about the people we meet daily in our lives and also about the relatives in our family. This makes it impossible for the chidren to pick a role model for them to follow. What we can do to find a role model? First we must teach the children to see the good things in other people and talk about it, even if the children says they are like this and that. YOu must practice it before teaching them. Say you don't like a person. Take some time to see their good qualities and note it down. You can praise their good qualities in front of the children and ask them to be like that and so on. "We are made by millions of people." This was a qoute from a famous person. It is true. We are molded by the things we hear, see and feel. So why not we see the good talents or things in the persons we meet. they may be not rich or famous. They are the people with talents like a good singer, a good writer, a good fighter(i.e fighter for a good cause) etc. Why can't we take the qualities which will suit ourselves. For e.g. if a physically challenged person achieves something we must see his perseverance in attaining his goal. We can teach the children to be perseverant in attaining their goals in life and so on. Qualities for the role models may not be found in a single person but scattered everywhere among humans. Each and every person we meet have role model qualities in them. We must practice to see not only the black dot in a white paper but the white paper also." I think this is an eye opener for those who could not find role models to follow. Every persons life is a lesson for us. We may see the good people to follow and if we have happened to meet any person who have more unwanted qualities, we may take it as a lesson NOT to be like that person.This reminds me of a story I heard long time ago. A teacher was asking the students to talk about their parents and what qualities they liked about their parents and what they will follow when they grow up.. all the students talked about how their parents are and so on. One student did not talk about anything. When questioned she answered that her dad is an alcoholic and he beats her mother everyday and she hates her father because of that. Then the teacher told her that her father is a role model in the sense that he is showing the way which we must NOT follow. Let us filter the bad qualities and see what it teaches and talk about only good qualities on other people to follow. Whats wrong if we copy other persons qualities which are good. Who knows because of this we may become a role model to others? Sriniketan
Hi, you hav posted a very wonderful article. Thanks for the work you did to write down all you watched.I really enjoyed it and took a lot from it.... Hope to read more such things from mangayar choice. :tongue Thanks again. Karthika.
Dear Karuth, Thank you for the FB. As the result of that program, we see the change in our attitude to look what is good in SunTv! Not only children, we also need role models for ourselves, too. Sriniketan
hi Sri, its wonderful guidance for the parents to bring up their children so as they get good from society. U said true now we don't see role models to be followed by children who have unavoidable negative points. Now a days no teaching on mythology too so that children comes to know who wsa Ram, who were Pandavas and such things, we are in technical world before learning how to pray God child learns how to play computer game. So, parents have to provide their children such morality in life. It's true upto certain age parents must avoid talking bad about any relative or friend it give bad impression on child brain. As we say "education of child begins at home " it's true and "mother is the first teacher of the child" . So all the mom's be careful. bye padma