Rithik born - 33weeks old

Discussion in 'Baby Names & Birth Announcements' started by AnithaPartha, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Anitha keep pumping dear. I maitained an excel spreadsheet of my production and just checked it to see that during the first couple days of pumping I was getting around 60 mls per day which then gradually increased to about 250 per day and then further up. The colustrum is a very very valuable resource for rithik so make sure he gets it. as the colustrum finishes up and the regular milk comes in you will note the change in color to white.
  2. AnithaPartha

    AnithaPartha IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pmahensa,

    You are right. Even I was given a note book where I can enter pump time in & out and on left & right how much ml I secreted etc etc.. Am maintaining it.. I also see a gradual raise in milk amount also.. Tomo, am planning to check if they started feeding him or not.. today rithik sucked rubber nipple very well.. but he stopped soon because he went tired i guess.. very sad to see him with no fat on body.. he is very skinny.. deeply worried.. soon need to feed him and make him look good and not skinny though
  3. AnithaPartha

    AnithaPartha IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Swapna,

    You are right.. I was having some tough time in later phase of my pregnancy.. I got job in my 4th month and work load was more day by day.. Only thing i didnt have during my preg is vomiting but i had all other aches & pains.. coccy bone pain killed me a lot.. later stage low abs pain was horrible.. i never knew i will break my water that early..

    me & dh watched 2012 movie and came home and was in good mood.. and all of sudden i saw a water flow from my vagina and we both were surprised... soon we might have gone to hosp but dh told morning i will be okay liek so i kept calm.. we actually got bored going to labour section(min 5times he went there).. so next day there was no option for me so we went and delivered that day..
  4. swapna15

    swapna15 Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Anitha, I know it is stressful for you and your hubby to see your little one in this situation, but he'll be fine Anitha..so many ladies have shared their experiences regarding preterm babies..they all are doing well isn't it..so please don't worry..really glad to know that Rhitik is doing well..take care of yourself..

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  5. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    No idea why water breaks but it can happen for a variety of reasons including infections. In my case I didn''t have enough of fluids to sustain the baby and I had to be induced(even though I was not leaking fluids).
    Since you got the first steroid shot, he should be alright soon. Lungs are the last organ to develop. I think lungs completely mature around 35weeks. So in a couple of weeks(when he is around 35 wks gestational age) he should be able to breathe on his own without assistance. This is even if you were not given the shot. Since you got the shot, it should be sooner. So in a few more days he should be off the respiratory assistance.
    Looks like he is sucking some. Mine also got tired and dozed off after suckling a little. Initially every nursing session was tough, tickling her to wake her up to complete nursing. After about a month, she was nursing like a champ, so he will get there, don't worry!
    Good you are getting a good supply of milk. Keep pumping. They will store the colostrum and start feeding the baby as soon as he is ready.
    Don't worry, they generally gain weight soon. Mine was not in the percentile charts for quite a while but gained weight consistently. I was just talking to DH about her preemie days. We think she caught up weight wise at around 18-22 months. Around her second birthday, she was at par with the other two year olds.

    Take care of yourself.

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  6. AnithaPartha

    AnithaPartha IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks so much for useful info. Coming Sat he will be 34w. As per today status when we called nurse she told that he is breathing by his own.. But still c-pad(oxygen) is going.. Feeding they are increasing today from 5point to 10 seems becoz they saw a pound decrease..

    Otherwise he is normal they say.. We are yet to go and see him and give my milk.. Is wt loss common after birth? He was 4.4 then 4.5 then it came down to 3pound 15ounzes

    Actually they told me that my white cells are high and I was under aintibiotics for 48hrs.. Then they took blood and my white cells were normal after antibiotics.. May be I had some infections which caused break.. But I had yeast infection already(doctor says thats not the main reason like).. so no idea still.. but am waiting for my lab results.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  7. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    He is doing good. Breathing well is a great sign!!!
    Weight loss is common. My LO was 4.12 minutes after birth but a day later she was 4.8 and then she lost some more weight. She was down to 4.1 at one time, probably 3-4 days later - please apologize for not giving you the right time lines, I was dazed and everything seemed hazy later on.
    She came home at 4.4 lbs.
    Your LO has only half a pound weight reduction from 4.5 to 3.15(not a pound), so don't worry.
    When I was in the NICU they showed me the picture of a baby who was born at 28 weeks weighing less than 2 lbs. He could fit in a big mug, they had photographed him like that. And then they showed me pics of him sent by the parents that past month, a bubbling two year old. When I saw the photos I prayed to God thanking him for letting my LO stay in for the 33 wks. I was also relieved. He stayed in the NICU for a month and a half and was doing so great! I was assured my LO will be fine and sooner since she was bigger. I thanked those nurses for showing me those photos(me and the other mom had the same last name and they were wondering if we were related). I just wanted to share it with you.

    Don't worry, I was also alarmed when she lost weight but then was assured by the Neonatologist that it was common. Since they have increased his feed, he will slowly pick up.

  8. AnithaPartha

    AnithaPartha IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks a lot deAr Laks.. Me & DH used to read IL posts.. and DH is less worried for some time.. Thanks

    Do you have any idea about brain scan?? Tomo or day after they are planning for brain scan to see if there is any bleeding like..
  9. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I remember being told about one. But then the doc later on decided not to do it. I think she started breathing and feeding well and the doctor felt there was no need for it. I think it is standard to get it done for preemies upto 32-33wks. Let them do it, that way you are at ease.Maybe you can google and look for more information regarding the scan(I was constantly checking baby center those days, there were lots of moms sailing in the same boat and their updates made me feel better).

  10. AnithaPartha

    AnithaPartha IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Laks,

    I will keep you posted with more info about our Ritik..
    May I know what is that baby center? Am eager to join in that to get more info dear...

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