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Reservations and all that Nonsense

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Reservations and all that Nonsense

    Yesterday i had a ball,as Jaipur was closed.I came to know the reason today morning.It seems the Brahmins and Rajputs want Reservation for themselves.These used to be two rich categories.The Brahmins used to make money, whether someone died in yr house, or someone is born.And even after death, the y make money by coming to eat for the deaD souls and ancestors,and taking cash also.

    the Rajputs were warriers,the brave, who would die than beg for mercy.And today they want Reservations?What has happened to India.What will happen to the young boys and girls who slog so hard, to get into IIT's and IIM;s, there too we have reservations.And even in private jobs Govt is thinking of introducing Reservations.Shame.

    Look at the Sindhis, of whom I am one.They dont have a state, like others,and have never craved for one.Fit them anywhere and they thrive like cockroaches.First they were thrown out of Pakistan, came penniless to India, lived in Refugee Camps, and by the dint of hard work and enterprise,have settled in all parts of India and the World and thriving.London has Hindujas,Hong Kong has Harileelas,Aftrica has Dhalamals,T.Choitram,Jaslok Hospital,mumbai belongs to a Sindhi,so do KC college,JaiHind and som many others.

    Everyday new categories want Reservations.But have you ever heard of Sindhis asking for Reservations ?And you never Will.Have you seen a Sindhi Beggar ? And you will never find one,as also a Sardar for that matter.

    My friend went to Alaska on a Cruise as also my brother recently.They were saying most of the traders there, are Sindhis,who live in those inhuman conditions, of cold and lonliness,and sell all sorts of merchandise, to the tourists who flock there by ships.Dubai,Africa, Singapore,Hong Kong,all have some of the richest Sindhis u can find.

    After partition, when Sindhis came to Jaipur, the business was with the Marwaris.Since they were not so educatated, the easiest thing was to sell Sugar.These guys bought say 10 sacks of Sugar,and started to sell the sugar at cost price, to the public.the Marwari shopkeepers just could 'nt compete, and did not understand the Sindhi way.Well these guys sold off the sugar in a jiffy,and sold the empty jute sacks for 2 bucks a peice,taking home 20 bucks at the end of the day, which was a lot of money those days, when a gold guinea was for 15 bucks or thereabouts,which is today 6000 bucks.So they looked for opportunity where none existed.And very soon they bought out the shops outside which they were selling their wares.

    The poor Sindhi widows, instead of begging,they make Papads and other things at home, and sell in the neighbourhood,or Kirana shops.Their sons study uptill 6th or 10th, and they start working as salesmen in Garment shops,and very soon pick up the tricks of the trade, and in a few years go to the place from where their boss buys,and sell it cheap just outside the bosses showroom.Or borrow a few thousand, and start a Cart selling boiled eggs and omlettes, or run Sugar Cane juice shops.

    But beg , never,Reservations never never never.They have a dream of doing their own business.They will leave a 10,000 job, to do their own business for half that amount.My father, till the age of 40, was working with an export house for 800/-till one day the boss told him he was not worth half his salary,and mind u Dad was the export manager of the company,and travel all over India to purchase Handicrafts for them.

    Dad immediately resigned,and set up his own export office,my grandmother sold off her gold chain,and gave him a few hundred to start.and from there there was no looking back,though it took a while to set things right.And all of our 4 brothers are doing our own businesses,however small that may be, but we love doing our own thing.

    I just wish, these guys would learn from us Sindhis,there is so much opportunities around,why work for others, when you can be your own boss.We can even ,if need arises, remove our shirts and work in Banians,and stand on the road and sell any damn thing on this earth,and never be ashamed of what people say.

    I am proud to be a Sindhi, who has no State,and no Reservations.Jai Sind.

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  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi kamalji,

    Hats of to you people. and you should be proud at that....as you already are...

    The ones who want to be something in life dont look out for handouts...or reservation ( ofcourse both are the same) ...

    The concept of reservation was made in those days for a different purpose...it has lost the actual essence..and has now come to a point of ..........
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  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    See we had L K Advani and Ram Jethmalani, as ministers at the Centre.and they never got elected bcs of promise of reservations.

    and if they ever talk of reservations, the Sindhi community will kill them.

    As u rightly say, reservations and handouts re one and the same thing.

    If one works hard and has faith in himself and God, he can move mountains.Regards.kamal
  4. mithili

    mithili New IL'ite

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    Yesterday i had a ball,as Jaipur was closed.I came to know the reason today morning.It seems the Brahmins and Rajputs want Reservation for themselves.These used to be two rich categories.The Brahmins used to make money, whether someone died in yr house, or someone is born.And even after death, the y make money by coming to eat for the deaD souls and ancestors,and taking cash also.

    yes when u lose emotions of a soul it is bad for u and the brahmin and the brahmin has to compensate the balance of emotion either by taking money or food as people have fewer values to emotins when it has go tlots to do..
    next people are different in their own ways....and comin g to reservations ther eis going to be a day when sindhis will wake up and ask fo rreservations...i mean u people are still asleep....jaihind...
  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Well Sindhis are better asleep.Whatever we have done is on our own merits.

    the sky is the limit for everyone, why go for handouts.Let others do what they want.

  6. mithili

    mithili New IL'ite

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    well u have the answer for your question then.....
  7. chitrajan

    chitrajan Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalji,

    As you have pointed out, yes self help is the best help and self respect is the most important thing in life.

    Very good article.
  8. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    thanks for yr kind comments.Regards.kamal
  9. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    I agree that the Sindhis are very enterprising people. Ulhasnagar is an example. From pins to planes, anything and everything is made here and sold. My mom is from Mumbai and during the late 40's there was in influx of Sindhis in the area where she lived. Many of them came with very little belongings and it was their fine sense of business acumen that led them to prosperity.

    I do not see an end to reservation in India. It will continue to exist for generations to come, because our netas and babus will never let it die. As long as people are proud of their caste tags, reservations will thrive.
  10. Meeta

    Meeta Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello Kamalji,

    Read few of your blogs and all were equally good but I feel to write sth for this post.........
    Abt me, I am a bramhin and my Hubby is a Rajput (both are non-reserved categories till date). Abt this reservation, yes we never support these stupid things as always in every field we felt that sting.......from academic point of view, we have to study hard all through our life till we get a good job or something we were passionate abt (sorry, we don't have any intersest or mind for setting up business..so, can't go for that).
    But you know what, there is no jobs left for these castes in India........forcing people for BRAIN DRAIN to various western countries..........
    Think, who like to stay away from home........nobody but when it comes to work satisfaction, there is no option left...........
    Now, I feel after some years there will be only these reserved categories all over India.........
    These politicians are doing all such thing for their own benefits and poor illiterate indians fall into their traps...........
    Really feel sorry for the poor fellows, what kind of reservation they will get in jobs when 'THERE IS NO JOBS WITH GOVT'.
    And Kamalji, when you do a business then you have to have assistance, so don't give others lower look for what they are doing...............
    No offense intended.................

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