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Renting in Milpitas - opinions

Discussion in 'Housing in Bay Area' started by peartree, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. peartree

    peartree Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello Ladies

    We recently moved from Texas to the Bay Area and are currently living in a temporary accommodation. We've been looking for apartments/townhomes around the North San Jose/Milpitas area or the Sunnyvale area, the former as it is close to husband's work and Sunnyvale is close for me.

    After being used to the space in Texas, we are finding it hard to reconcile the cost and space in the Bay Area and we found that Milpitas seems to fit in our budget in relation to the space we require. We did finally find a townhouse and we really like it, but I am very concerned about the smell from dumpster that everyone keeps saying is very bad. SO far, the couple of times we were in the area, we did not smell anything and one time, at about a 5 minute distance from the house, I seemed to catch a waft of the landfill. But reading up online, it seems like the smell gets really bad at certain times. I don't know that we can really do anything about it now, as we have already signed the lease. But can anyone provide my any inputs around this? How bad does it get when it does smell? Is it too pervasive? The landlord was pretty honest with us. He said that the current tenants have mentioned to him that they can sometimes smell it outside the house but never inside the house.


  2. Dream4u

    Dream4u New IL'ite

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    Well I too stay at milpitas near Dixon landing road....honestly at my place, I did experience the strange smell but it was when i was outside the building...though i am not sure but i guess this doesn't happen everyday ..I never had any smell issues inside my house....but it all depends where exactly are u located...if u go near to dumping ground area then maybe u might get that smell.

    hv a nice stay :)

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