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Reconcile with inlaws?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by asuitablegirl, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. asuitablegirl

    asuitablegirl Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks Asha for your reply. Actually I did not speak to any of my inlaws when hubby called. I was not interested to do so after the way I was treated before. shakehead

    Even my dh has said EXACTLY what you ladies have said... that I should maintain my distance, and if by any chance I speak to them again, it should be "hi/bye" type of thing.

    Asha, you don't have to apologize for being cynical, that's how I was feeling too about my hubby getting back in touch with them. But to be fair, he really has stood firm with them. Hubby told fil he would call again next weekend from home. That might sound simple, but means a lot. Before they used to call him when he was at work because it was easier to cause trouble when I wasn't around. So hubby has indirectly let them know that all future conversations will be on his terms. Also, I heard fil ask how we are doing together, and my hubby said, "We are doing great. REALLY great." He said it sooo confidently and sooo sincerely... when he said it the way he did, I thought to myself... :wow, I really love this guy! :kiss

    Maybe in my heart I was secretly afraid my hubby would let me down... sound sad to be with me just to make them feel pleased, apologize for the long gap in communication, suggest that I had simply "misunderstood" mil.... but he didn't do any of that stuff. He really stood by me. And at the same time, my fil felt super happy about the call. :thumbsup

    Thanks again ladies for your support. I was very frazzled leading up to Father's Day and it really helped to have some friends to lean on! :thankyou2:

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