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Rear Window

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Anandchitra, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    This is an old Hitchcock movie title. One of the very few books of Hitchcock which I thought was done justice bringing to the theatre. I am sure the leading actor/ actress their love chemistry had something to do with influencing my mind.
    I always have the tendency to avoid movies made from books. A deep seated hesitance to see books made into movies.
    Maybe this is due to the fact that growing up we had only one movie theatre showing English movies and we had to wait for them to screen the English movie which for them had a small and insignificant viewing population.
    There never really was a need to see the book made into the movie though for me the book held everything within it between start and finish.
    Hitchcock was a master at that. Creating everything within his pages. He transported me as a child into a different world which did not exist in front of me.
    At that age I remember having to reread to really get it!
    So many English books came our way from masterminds and many movies born from these books. The thrill of going to see a movie of a book the added sweetness of being taken by my father for he got the need to have to read ALL those books..
    I digress.
    I was going to write about WINDOWS and somehow farfetched it seems I managed to digress.
    I love windows. All shapes and sizes.
    To me its like a frame boxing me on the one side and whole new different world on the other.
    Depending on the size the view it offers also is different however so unique.
    A small street side window will offer within its scope view of passersby if the window is at street level , Of traffic and buses if the size and shape is slightly higher.
    Rear window of clothes drying with sun’s rays touching them or is it kissing them?!
    My fathers kitchen window captures the beautiful doves coming always in time to taste morsels of food my father studiously places on the sill. The day the doves are late the crows sneak in.
    My kitchen windows delights me with tender vegetables growing under my husband’s loving care. Of The squirrels always playing, hopping, the birds landing everywhere, the branches dancing to the tune of the breeze, butterflies alighting here and there.
    The windows in the bus offered me fleeting glimpses of so many different landscapes.
    The train was faster still the view was enticing.
    Very large windows capture a piece of the sky and so much more to see. The snow touching small pebbles, snow topping some parts untouched remnants to remind us of a storm.
    Travelling alone is pure luxury to pace it to your feet to stop and see or fleetingly glimpse.
    Windows I could behold all of life some standing still, some moving fast some hectic.
    Each a window to a reality to different tune from distant drums.
    A window to capture my inner wilderness and depths shaped in an outer reality.
    Each created just for me to see pause reflect and just be.
    Each just there to reflect a moment in space and time as is for me.
    Each held me within its confines a frame to depict my inner reality in sync within and without.

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  2. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Nicely written about Windows, AC..
    After reading Knbg's mouse trap, I thought you are going to write about WINDOWS..:biggrin2:

    It is a new world outside of us and each day it shows different sights..

    I remember a joke related to windows..

    Wife always complained about the neighbours clothes being not clean even after they wash and have it dried on the clothesline.
    One fine morning, to her surprise, she found those clothes clean and sparkling.
    She told her husband what she saw.

    Husband replied to her saying that 'he washed the windows through which, she viewed those clothes daily" and also added that it is not the clothes that were dirty all these days, but the windows were.

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  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    AC dear I am late here to welcome you, you come up with rear subjects like Srini. True its nice to watch through window, while going in the bus and train and also dreaam, I always do that. Also early morning when we open the window what a nice sight to see, the morning sun, the birds making sweet voices, the scenery outside etc. etc.

    “A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.”
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  4. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Srini dear good example you have given, which teaches us that first we should never compare with others

    Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.

    Your following lines made me thinking.

    Wife always complained about the neighbours clothes being not clean even after they wash and have it dried on the clothesline.
    One fine morning, to her surprise, she found those clothes clean and sparkling.
    She told her husband what she saw.

    Husband replied to her saying that 'he washed the windows through which, she viewed those clothes daily" and also added that it is not the clothes that were dirty all these days, but the windows were.
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  5. vidyacvn

    vidyacvn Silver IL'ite

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    this is a very refreshing and nice post. It is also very different from the usual posts about problems at home. You seem to be a person who really knows how to enjoy life. Osho says that enjoying life is actually about enjoying every small thing in life. It is about celebrating beautiful things around you and about living in the moment. I am sure this attitude of yours will help you live a full life and keep away stress and anxiety too.
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  6. seethavarma

    seethavarma Gold IL'ite

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    An open mind is like an open window.
    That was a nice snippet ,AC.

    Talking about windows,I remember a scene from a good old film in which Goutami was the heroine and her husband a No:1 flirt,at the turning point of the film ,somebody is telling her husband-if you want to see how beautiful your wife is, look at her through the neighbours window!:)
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  7. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Anandchitra,

    Your attachment to windows opens yet another one for your readers. A window into your soul! Windows attract me too, the one I love most looks across an open balcony into a vast moonlit sea. The one I like worst is a pigeon hole located near the ceiling of a room reserved for a prisoner in the death row. Well there are windows and windows. Only yesterday, (or was it the day before?,) we were speaking of windows through which a woman opens her heart. I hope I breathe my last looking at the endless sky sitting on the window sill of a room full of happiness.


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  8. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi AC,

    Good one ! About books into movies I share your thought. Almost always, I come back home with the opinion that the movie did not do justice to the book :)

    I just LOVE windows.( Yes, I open them in my laptop too ,always :) )The bigger the better. In fact I would just love to have huge french windows in all my rooms.Just yesterday i happened to take this pic from my window. It rains almost everyday here and I love that cloudy misty view.It is the PERFECT companion for my afternoon cuppa :))

    Attached Files:

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  9. seethavarma

    seethavarma Gold IL'ite

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    Thats an awesome view from your window!
    Howmany hours will u spend with that window?:)
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  10. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    I like the movie Rear Window a lot. Of course, I did not read the book.

    Generally it is a disappointment to see a movie after we read the book.Only exception is To kill a Mocking bird.
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