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Raising Virtous Children

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Viji Aunty! Your appreciation is as good as a nomination!
    Viswamitra and iyerviji like this.
  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow glad to know that. For me your feedback is very precious
    Gauri03 and Viswamitra like this.
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I am not with you on this Viswa. Where can we find a person who can teach the growing up child all these virtues? If we pack up the children with all these virtues, they will become a sitting duck in this competitive world. Do you think anyone will have a chance to survive with all these virtues loaded into him? With the world becoming more and more materialistic, idealism has taken the back seat. Affluent parents pamper their children so much that they pick up all the vices of the world easily. The major clients of drug sellers are college and school students. Even the persons who are aspiring to be head of a time-honored University here stoops down to bribing authorities in order that he is not overlooked. A school teacher is in the prison for the last one year here because she used her students in brothels! A student enters the classroom and stabs his teacher to death in Chennai. I can go on and on but won't! I merely wish to say that it is enough to teach a child what is right and what is wrong. There is no guarantee however that he'll follow it.
  4. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    I entirely endorse what Shri Cheenia Sir has said.
    Some children are always amenable to discipline and nobody need advise them.In a family of five children we saw three entirely virtuous in the normally socially approved terms. Two were totally adamant.They two were brought up by the same parents in a similar fashion.Each child is different.The same set of norms may not hold correct to everyone.We have seen children who were very calm and amenable till 15 years, turn altogether different.The converse also is true.
    Some parents are fortunate that they have not much problem for children.Not only working mothers but also 'sit-at-homes'moms also face lot of problems. TV serials and advance in commnication links add to the woes.
    it would be better if we are able to narrate experiences of parents who were able to bring about transformation in their discipline hating kids.
    Cheeniya and Viswamitra like this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    Thank you for your response. I agree with you that every parent would like their children to be virtuous. We can't expect a desired outcome in all our actions but still need to perform the actions to the best of our ability, lovingly and selflessly. As I mentioned about my wife's quote, there is no operating manual for the children and each child is very unique. In my view, when both parents are working is when they need to pay a lot of attention to virtues and how to inculcate them. When they have time, they need to build a bond with the children and plant the seeds of values and explain the rationale behind all the virtues. Well informed children making decisions on their own become stronger in future to handle any situation.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Viswa,
    This post reminds me of an article I read long back. It is about how children perceive things around them while growing and how parents, particularly mothers, take to the growing years.
    1. Upto the age of 5, a son thinks his mother is the best and knows everything.
    2. Once in school, he thinks his teacher knows much more than his mother.
    3. As a teenager he thinks his friend's mother is the best.
    4. As a young man, the mother thinks her son knows everything and depends on his opinion on many issues.
    I firmly believe that first of all we have to be the role model for our children. There will be temptations in every they take and they should know how we would have reacted under similar circumstances.
    Upbringing and conditioning should not be a hindered efforts in their growth. Above all they are individuals first and our children latter. They will be experinceing many things which we never imagined. They should not be made captive to our thoughts. Allow them to think differently and decide what to choose.
    Our job is to imbibe good sanskars in them, give them good education and leave rest for them to handle. Good many children were forced to become doctors and engineers only to jump to death from a high rise.
    It is true that parenting and education plays a very important role in our life but that ends at the age of 25/30. Ret of the life we have to deal individually. There will be advisors but final decision will be ours.
    Try what we may, the world will remain as it was. We are raising children not saints and sages. We are raising individuals with five or more senses.
    Having said that as parents we want our children to be honest, truthful, virtuous, faithful but we looking back, we did fail many a times. Let them also fail and fall and then rise and succeed.
    Life is the best teacher.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I have heard that story about the saint before. You brought up a very good point that the parents need to set an example for the children to emulate. I couldn't agree more about the children emulating parents. It is also directly proportional to who spends more time with the children. Nowadays, when parents spend a lot of time in career development, it is imperative for the children to spend quality time learning about the virtues. When children were raised in the previous generations, someone are the other were always around the children like uncles, aunts, etc. telling them moral stories. Now the families are of small size and if the parents are out at work, the children spend majority of time with a baby sitter.

    The schools have walked away from moral teachings under a policy there is a need for separation from the Churches. When we studied, moral used to be regular class room teaching. The teachers used to quote multi-various religions in teaching morals.

    We can't be too focused on the outcome. As @1Sandhya and you mentioned above, we need a little bit of luck. We can only focus on the processes hoping the end product will take care of itself.

    Gauri03 likes this.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    There are whole bunch of people teaching virtues all over the world, if you look around, Cheeniya Sir. Bala Vihar classes conducted in Chinmaya Mission and Bala Vikas classes conducted by SSE teachers are intended for that. Besides, even Ramakrishna Mission conducts a lot of classes for young children. Christian Missions also teach morals as part of their curriculum. Virtues and survival are not mutually exclusive. In fact, virtues might help to make right decisions at the right time.

    Whatever examples you have given, happened among a few children around the world. Even in the US, teachers misbehave with the children resulting in the children's mental health permanently damaged violating their trust. But for everyone such example, there are thousands that they do well (behaviorally) in the school unaffected by such examples. Unfortunately, in my life, it is not black and while as you say, Sir, but they are grey and the children will have to discriminate further to do the right thing. That requires a little bit of education.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    I agree with you that children are cut out of different clothes. But does parents give up when they see a child not disciplined? It is like raising a physically challenged child. As I mentioned earlier, the focus can't be on the result but in the process of raising the children.

    I prefer not to call them sit-at-home mom as it is derogatory to them who spend plenty of time rearing the children. Let us call them full-time mom or homemaker. Yes. Television adds more problem to what we already have in hand. However, there has to be an effort to channel the children's energy to right things when they are young. Transformation doesn't happen by a single effort and it happens through a serious of actions by the parents and that is why I pay so much attention to the processes of raising children.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Hari Sir,

    Very well said Sir. Life is the best teacher and there is no question about it. Sometimes, the children learn from their own experience as well. I agree with you that teaching or imbibing values can't go along for a fairly long period of time even after they grow up. We can only plant the seed and remove the weeds around it. But what happens is dependent upon many other factors including the environment, company and many other factors. Like I said, we can only manage to implement processes early but the end result can't be predicted.

    The real question is whether the path of least resistance work? We raise children not because it is easy but knowing fully well it is hard. We need to do what we think is right at an early stage of upbringing.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019

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