Quick,Healthy And Tasty Urad Dal Dahi Vada Ingredients 1)urad dal 2) Mustered seeds 3)Green chillies 4)Curry leaves 5)Ginger 6)Coarinder leaves 7)Jeera(optional) 8)salt 9)oil for tempering and greasing 10)curds Method 1)Soak urad dal for 4hrs,Grind it. 2)Use appam pan,Grease the moulds of pan with oil,put batter into it.Cover with lid. 3)Turn Vada after 3minutes,cook them till they turn into golden brown 4) Meantime Vada turn it's color,on other side of stove put water in vessel and let water be warmer than lukewarm but not hot,add salt to the water. 5)Dip golden brown Vada into that water,take Vada immediately, squeeze the water,and put in tempering curd 6) For tempering curd: Take 2cups of curd. Add grated ginger and small pieces of green chillies. Add salt into curd(as per required because already batter and hot water we add salt). Take tadka pan,put 2 teaspoon oil into a tadka pan,add mustered seeds and curry leaves. Before serving add coriander leaves(optional) Now Dahi vada is ready,you can eat them immediately or keep them refrigerator serve cool Dahi vada.
Dear RM A SOLID GOOD RECIPE for lovers of cold Dahi Vada served on a platter with colourful toppings. Some add pinch of asafoetida to the tempering curd. Thanks for the tempting Vada recipe.
Hello sir, Thank you for your feedback,I love cooking,I just customize our tradition recipes without loosing it's original texture in a healthy way. Cooking is my stress buster.I experient a lot,I try all cusines and modify them accordingly ingredients available in our country. Regards Ratna
Given that you are interested your profound love for cooking and attempting traditional recipes, I wish to introduce my great find in indusladies a huge kitchen with video presentation of numerous varieties of south and North Indian food thanks to moderator @krishnaamma At your leisure you may find it interesting to browse this handy link to get numerous tips : My Recipe Videos !. My spouse & I learnt lot by exploring her kitchen ideas. Today for breakfast I had murungai adai - rice + coconut grated dough + chopped murungai leaves ....
Hello sir I have watched one link in indus ladies,where that madam provided index,I liked it very much,I did not remember her name,may be you are referring the same.Anyhow I will check that.Today I will post one more recipe please see it. Regards Ratna Regards
Guess what is on the plate and what ingredients it is made of ? This quiz posted a year before and turned out popular among followers of recipes/food sub forum. Repeatedhere just for fun.
Hello sir I guess it either palak or coriander and you Hello sir I guess it either palak with wheat flour or jonna flour I guess.its difficult to see and tell sir.I can eat and tell ,seems to be yummy,it's kind of tapala gujarati dish. Regards Ratna
Thanks for your response. 2. Though information available in the post in forum - media, I shall put it here for your convenience. 3. When there was only rice & coconut available during this lockdown due to covid19, my spouse prepared adadosa with dough coarse ground of soaked rice mixed with grated coconut. 4. Luckily for us, my daughter called on with murungakeerai which was cleaned and chopped added to dough of rice and mixed with coconut gratings. On hot thava one ladle dough mix transferred flattened to a small round for first with thought of Lord Ganesha. gingiley or coconut oil drops gently filled around periphery & into a tiny hole at the centre of the disc while it is wet. This would ensure oil spread evenly and render it crispy. Flip carefully and cook the other side for just 2 minutes. For one minute keep the flame high and then reduce it to sim. Nostrils too would sense the degree of readiness to flip and take it off thava. 5. Nice crisp on one side Ada dosa - is ready.