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queries at port of entry for h4 holders

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by vsandy, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. vsandy

    vsandy New IL'ite

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    hi all

    i wana know wat questions will be asked for an h4 holder at the port of entry .my frds r saying tat thy r asking too many questions in recent times due to bad economic conditions in USA.
    i wana know in specific about POE chicago.is it cool?


  2. Cutepavi

    Cutepavi Silver IL'ite

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    hi vsandy,
    am not sure of what questions they ask. But i would tell you one thing. Whatever they ask, be honest in your reply. Be sure of the place you are going to(I mean your address here in us) and be confident. they wouldn't do too much screening for H4.
  3. Ansuya

    Ansuya Platinum IL'ite

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    I agree wholeheartedly with Cutepavi about HONESTY. This is your best (and should be your only) option. I entered (in NY, not Chicago) on an H4 visa in June 2007, so I'm not sure how current conditions are. However, I wasn't asked too many questions back then and definitely didn't get the impression I was being "grilled".

    I'm not sure you even owe them any explanations about what your future plans are, if that is what you are worried about (for example, if you are considering one day changing to an H1-B visa). For now, you are entering on H4 and will remain on an H4 for some period of time. The economic situation here shouldn't have any bearing on you and what you intend to do, since you aren't eligible to work. I'll assume your husband will be able to support the both of you on his salary, which is what you should tell them if they ask.

    What I would suggest you consider, if these sorts of things bother you, are the implications of working illegally on an H4 visa. I'm not saying that this is something YOU would consider doing, but I've seen it recommended often enough by others (and quite casually, surprisingly) on H4 threads here. As long as you don't intend to do anything illegal, you don't lie to the immigration officials, and your conscience is clear, you should be able to handle the port-of-entry process calmly and confidently.

    There's nothing to worry about. Good luck!

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