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Provide me some diet for acidity and gas

Discussion in 'Indian Diet & Nutrition' started by naveenchennai, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Kavss

    Kavss Senior IL'ite

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    I too am getting acidity attacks for past 2 months... I have been newly married .. At my mom's place we used to ve breakfast at 8.30 and lunch at 1... but at my inlaw's they have a brunch around 11.30... tat st... after that straight jump to dinner... initiall days i felt shy to change their ways and hence followed t.. this led me to acidity...
    Here's what i tried :
    1. For 1 week i took omeprez bfr my meals (It helps in reducing the production of acid)
    After my meals i had a peaspoon of digene syrup (This forms a protective layer ans soothens the stomach lining)
    2. Also for two weeks i completely stopped spicy foods (This helped the ruputured stomach lining to soothe down a little)
    3. Increased frequency of food intake... i.e small meals at short intervals
    4.As some of The IL's mentioned cucumber in buttermilk is a good soothening agent
    also yu can try white pumpkin(pooshanikai) in buttermilk and have them. Since tehse both are alkaline in nature they help reduce acidity

    now my acidity is almost under control. I stopped the tabs in 5 days... then continued with my diet... Make sure you drink a lot of water.
    Avoid acidic foods like sweet lime, lemon,spices etc.... Hope this helps you :-D
  2. tina786

    tina786 New IL'ite

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    hi frnz,
    when cooking put sufficient amount of asofatedia powder also knownn as hing powder in hindi in the tarka ie wen u put oil n other spices before putting vegetables put this powder quantity should be as per ur requirement n taste to suggest i take equivalent to turmeric powder excess may spoil the taste of the food...
    this helps in controlling the ascidity as in the initial days a lot of gases will poass out till the system is clear regards

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