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Proteinuria - Chronic Kidney Disease

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by mpreethi271, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. mpreethi271

    mpreethi271 Senior IL'ite

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    Dear IL friends,

    Few days before, i learnt from my relative that their 2 year old daughter is having swelling in the abdomen, legs, feet, palm, face.
    When they took her for a check- up, they have been told that protein is being excreted in the urine which causes the symptoms. After giving some medicines and diet prescriptions, they were sent home back. I searched through the internet to know more about this and wished to share it here in IL forum to create awareness.

    Many of you would be already aware of it. But i am writing this article with an intention to lime light for those who are not aware.

    Proteinuria -Protein in urine.

    It is a chronic kidney disease which occurs in the persons who have abnormal amount of urine in the kidney. We all know that proteins are 'the building block of human body', it plays a very vital role in the human body building and functions.
    The protein named ' Albumin ' is being excreted in urine, since the kidney cannot restore the body protein. Hence proteinuria needs to be treated once it is identified.

    People who are at high risk: Persons with diabetes or hypertension (High BP), and those who have a family history of both

    Symptoms: No symptoms in the initial stages. Loss of proteins makes swelling in the legs, feet, abdomen and face. (In eyelids too)

    Tests to be taken: Lab testing is the only way to prove the presence of urine.
    Urine test which includes 24-hour test is the best way doctors use to identify.

    Once identified, scanning of the kidney also needs to be done. If the kidney is found swelling, a biopsy test of the kidney is also done. (This is done only at the high risk categories)

    Tests taken at home: When you find foamy urine, then it is the first symptom. If it is followed by swelling of abdomen, legs, face then don't panic. You need to rush to the hospital immediately to make the lab test.

    Treatment: Once the lab test confirms proteinuria, Doctor's give a medicine prescription with a diet plan for being healthy.
    Stay calm and follow the medicines, we can surely overcome the disease if we follow the healthy diet plan.

    * This is common in all ages from elderly to the kids. So, if you have a family history of diabetes or hypertension, or you do have, then have an alerting view on proteinuria.
    In case you have a family history, monitor your children regularly.

    Since this leads to kidney chronic disease, proteinuria should be treated with extra care without giving a chance of negligence.

    IL friends, thank you for reading this article. Kindly create an awareness in your circle and help creating a healthy nation.

    (If you find any mistakes or wrong information in the passage, kindly voice out to discuss.)
    1 person likes this.

  2. mimur9

    mimur9 IL Hall of Fame

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    mpreethi271, thanks for sharing the info. How is the girl doing?
  3. mpreethi271

    mpreethi271 Senior IL'ite

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    Dear mimur,

    Thank you for the reply. Yes, the baby underwent the lab tests. Now she is under medical supervision. Parents are helping in her fight towards proteinuria.

    Right medicines, healthy diet, moral support from family and friends make you feel healthy.

    After seeing the little girls situation, feeling pitied I wanted to share and create an awareness here in IL. May be the content was too elaborate, since I wanted to share what-ever information i know about proteinuria here.

    IL friends need to spend some time reading this type of awareness articles.
  4. meenasomu

    meenasomu New IL'ite

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    nice article to nice of you to spread the awareness,Preethi.What is generally the diet for Proteinuria patients.Do they need to control their protein intake?

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