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Priorities Of A Relationship

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by sunkan, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Sharada was into her 5 month of pregnancy and enjoyed all related to it, longing for nice avakkai and searching all over. The amber restaurant man was always ready to pack a small box for her, she loved the pineapple sundae so wonderful the drink was, damn cool..

    It was gopal mama’s only daughter’s birthday and her husband was very close to the family so took over the conducting of the wedding and as usual there were a lot of tussle for a diamond earring which gopal mama could not afford, so vishu her husband had a talk with the sis in law and made it plain that the wedding should be more of the humans and not to be weighed with all these trivialities, and so santha her sister in law agreed with great difficulty and the marriage went off well.

    Now vishu made a lot of trips to santha’s place and they both developed a rapport which was something not to be separated for life, both belonged to a keralite family and they understood each other more. Though sharada saw all this did not heed much, but slowly realized what was happening, but helpless, she approached her father in law who had a mistress so he could not help her, and sis in law she was also not a serious one with her husband, as it run in the family, sharada was down emotionally, but could not help it.

    After the seemantham she left with her father to bilaspur, a small town and a very big house with only her father, her mother was away in south looking after their farm that has to be developed before dad could retire, so sharada was all alone, her dad wanted her to have all facility from the government hospital where the latest were available and he wanted to hold the baby the first time had great dreams but sharada was very depressed and thinking about vishu and santha and worrying a lot, there were servants to cook a variety of stuff for her to eat, but the loneliness and the fear of loosing her husband brought down her blood pressure a lot, and the doctor’s advised she be sent to the family in south.

    Her brother came to pick her up, but she could not confide in him, as the time passed and she wanted to return fast knowing it is futile but may be a child could save the marriage.

    So after her daughter was born they named her sruthi and she went back to her husband’s place and he was there to pick her up along with santha and family, santha had two sons and her husband rajamani, all was fine and when she reached home she saw santha run in and get the arathi for her and sruthi, she missed her sis in law there, so went inside settle down a little, and as the evening came she finished all the things for the child and self and ofcourse the cooking, but santha would not go with her husband said she would like to spend time with sharada, now why would sharada want santhi on the first night with her husband and child.

    Rajamani left with their sons, and santha stayed back, while getting ready to sleep, both santha and vishu hugging each other giving shock waves to sharada, who had the baby on her lap, and santha crying away now u will not need me vishu as your wife is here, and I was a bird without wings trying to fly high and so on, sharada just watched all this with dismay, now what did she get into in her life, why do woman who have a wonderful family want another man, that too with the consent of her husband, what kind of a husband is he, or the children don’t they have any impact on a mother like santha, and we say men are running behind woman and here she is a great example of something the opposite.

    With great difficulty sharada stayed with him for 5yrs then walked her way to a life without him…..sunkan

  2. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    That was a nice story Sunkan.
    Many a time, it is always the man who is to be blamed, but your story says just the opposite, even females are wrong sometimes. The ending was sad. But atleast Sharad gave 5 years of her marrige when nothing worked out only then she had to leave him and go away.

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