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Preserving Silk Sarees

Discussion in 'Clothing & Apparels' started by madhat, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. madhat

    madhat Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello my lady friends,

    I live in North America and hardly every get to use my silk sarees. How do you guys store and preserve the silk sarees so that they don't go bad. I have had my grandma's silk sarees tear at the jari areas. I don't want my sarees to become like that.
    Can we have a thread here discussing any tips on how to store silk sarees.

    Thanks in advance.
    KashmirFlower likes this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Upon reading the above request, two things cross my mind.

    (1) I have been with spouse to numerous popular shops in T Nagar in Chennai & in BB Dadar ( south west of Tilak Bridge). My spouse would always insist that we are the first set of customers into the shop which she considers ways lucky good and price fixed but reasonable. She would avoid rush hour and rush through the purchase. She prefers Monday to select and pay on wed afternoon! Hazard a Guess why.

    (2) at every shop she would make it a point to discuss with sales supervisor about how to and dos & don'ts and of preserving silk items for long.

    3. In the famous Nalli silks, It is observed the area where they stored stacked and displayed the silks for retail and bulk for export to other states and countries are kept airy with huge exhaust fans.

    4. No chemicals sprayed. No napthalene balls yet the place insects free.

    5. The silk sarees rolled in cotton and or muslin cloth and the தலப்பு - Phallu - the area in the saree at one end with lot of Jaree is folded in such a way that Jaree is not folded.

    6. Silk sarees to be preserved in airy place. Dresses made of silk kept in wardrobes behind which there are breathing holes.

    7. It should never be hung on steel hangers. Even plastic hangers can react with silk. Wood is the natural choice.

    8. If Napthalene balls unavoidable, it must be rolled in small cotton pouches and placed in between folds.

    9. Saree bags made of pure cotton is handy for preserving silk sarees.

    10. To know whether one buys genuine or duplicate snap test available. One thred from corner taken to closed toilet and stick a match or candle to it . If silk it will it should burn quickly with a
    smell of burning paper leaving no residue. "Many offers of buy one free one or two" are synthetic the fibre of which will burn slowly giving odour.

    11. Wash in cold water with very mild detergents wrap in towel fluffy and never wring but gentle press to squeeze water out and dry in shade without fold.

    12. When not in use, it would be necessary to refold it once in two or three months to avoid tearing along folds.

    13. Silica gel sachets you get when you buy shoes or electronics. Put them in your cupboard instead to absorb any unwanted moisture.

    14. All these are big avoidable headache, if one can’t find occasion to use sill as often as possible.

    15. When it is felt no longer usable and decided to sell the jaree, the collector says it is not real 22kt gold but silver or or 14 carrot - it something else or not real jaree etc, one’s heart sinks.

    16. Even sellers of plastic bucket and allied items for exchange of clothes easily finds whether saree and hare are for real or not very easily only glancing.

    17. The truth comes out after several decades of preserving it with so much care and love! Every silk saree that one possess is a dream buy or and has a dream in it. ( பார்த்திபன் கனவு ).

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
    madhat and kiran82 like this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    @kiran82 thanks for granting a "Like". But then I trust you had seen the just edited version.( I assume you r in HYDERABAD India )
    kiran82 likes this.
  4. madhat

    madhat Platinum IL'ite

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    @Thyagarajan , thanks for the tips. Been to Nalli several times with my aunt shopping for sarees and other things but have never noticed how the sarees were kept.
    My m-i-l keeps saying that when we sweat while wearing the saree, it is better to wash the saree in arita soaked water or in mild shampoo like baby shampoo. I did that to my 9 yards saree which I had to wear for my son's poonal which was not washed from the time of my wedding.

    Although I love the colorful silk sarees I have bought only one since my wedding which my husband forced me to buy at Nalli in N.Delhi for our 10th wedding anniversary. I got the opportunity to wear it exactly 2 times and it is folded and kept away.

    I try to air the sarees once in a while incase I don't get to wear it. Since we live in a cold climate here and also thanks to covid, even the kutcheris have stopped. So even that opportunity is gone.

    Inherited my mom's sarees now after she passed away and then found a few of my grandma's sarees which wewre kept in the cupboard at her place and not noticed untill I went last time. The jaree portion seems to tear. Such beautiful sarees of those days all gone.

    I am planning to rip the jaree out and stitch a skirt for myself with the reminder part. Any ideas anyone?

    @Thyagarajan , TIP # 15 - where do you go or who to sell the jaree parts to? Do you take it to the store like NAlli or any small store? Any pointers in Bangalore would be great but MAdras is also okay as I can try and make a trip for this whenever possible. Thanks
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    The silk sarees of our grandmother’s and mother’s time had real zari and the borders were also more richly woven and heavier. Many of them fall apart like you said at exactly this point.
    I have converted some of the sari portions into silk scarves and dupattas. I had them hemmed and matching tassels added. My cousins had some stitched into outfits but I don’t like to deal with dry cleaning.
    I have saved the borders and pallus separately. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing with them.
    candidheart and madhat like this.
  6. madhat

    madhat Platinum IL'ite

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    @MalStrom i tried stretching the body portions of the saree to check if they tear, but they seem okay. I thought of scarf too. Good idea. But I love love skirts. My daughter seems the opposite, only likes pants and shorts [face palm].

    Dry cleaning in India is a joke. I had my mysore silk saree dry cleaned and they ruined it and still the dirt and stains were not gone.
    candidheart and MalStrom like this.
  7. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Those days Jaris were considered to be most purest which had silver.
    I remember my granny’s saree was exchanged for silver when she was alive.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:In Chennai the collector comes on his bike that is equipped with player and loudspeaker. It announces spot payment for old or discarded silk sarees and jaree. I am not aware of any shop. Perhaps search in yellow pages or google might help.

    Arica or soapnut wash for silk is also a method used my mother especially after attending summer muhurthams in city and out stations.

    In the link below I read more about method of arica used for cleaning jewels. My spouse did use this for cleaning ear studs.

    Aritha: Our Earth’s Natural Cleanser | Henna Blog Spot
    Thanks and Regards.

    God stores diamond in earth’s belly & equipped mulberry worm to produce silk fibre.(seri culture)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
    madhat likes this.
  9. madhat

    madhat Platinum IL'ite

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    @Thyagarajan , I may not be able to be in MAdras that long to watch for the jari collector who comes in a bike though. If anyone knows of something in Bangalore, it would be nice.
    yes, I have heard of the arica nut used to wash hair like shampoo and it's wide variety of uses. So far I have washed the sarees with baby shampoo, which is supposedly mild.

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