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preschooler won't play alone

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by manjur, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. manjur

    manjur Senior IL'ite

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    i am new to the forum. i went through most of the posting and got lot of new information
    i am married and now in US, i have a 3and a half year old daughter. my daughter is going to a preschool but at home she won't sit and play alone even for a minute. if i play with her she is active other wise she will switch on the TV.i told her a lot of time but she won't leave me any time other than somtime in the kitchen
    do every one have the same thing going on?
    how can i encourage her to self-entertain rather than always me playing with her.
    i will be very happy to hear from all

  2. Tulasi

    Tulasi Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Manju,
    Welcome to IL!
    I think each kid is different you have to figure out what she likes to do most, like puzzles, or drawing, or even introduce her to computers..
    Even I have a kid who just turned 3 two weeks back. He is very much fascinated with electronics like cameras, vedio,cell phones..He is very curious to know how things work than playing with toys. So we gave him our old camera and video he takes the screw driver he will sit down try to figure out how to open something or the other charging batteries for his trains…. Also he likes Thomas trains we have lot of varieties he also builds them. Some times he also plays some building blocks and train games in computer..
    My suggestion is find out what she likes..Hope this helps..

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi manjur,

    Some children like to play alone..they dont mind doing things alone.. some cannot stay alone...

    Try different things and activities...and also find what she is interested...maybe with time she will learn to play on her own..

    Initially make her play and you can sit in the same room..
  4. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Manjur
    I have been thru that so let me put my 2 cents here. my son who is now 13 was a toddler when we lived in atlanta. and he never played alone too. i never hesitated to play with him and so did my dh. i would finsih cooking etc either early morn or late eve when dh took over. i feel that has made a great impact bec. he is very mature also very close to us. evne today we all play together. you can start taking child to park , zoo etc. at home together you can do building blocks trains or whatever the child fancies. this is jus a passing phase and once kg starts they will bec. more independent. if you have mommy and me classes or kindergym those help a lot!!!!!!!!
  5. balamotwani

    balamotwani Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Manjur,

    I have a 3 yr old daughter and she is same like yours. But from the age of 2.7 years onwards, she started to play in computer, and now when she is 3.2 yrs, she is able to play independatly in laptop. She can win and go to many levels in the games she likes. She likes to watch cartoon and we bought many preschool vcd and dvd. She knows ABCD fully, many rhymes atleast 15 fully. She can talk well in english. As the others said you have to create interest in them. Iam not saying you have to make them addicted to TV, computer and other things. But when you are alone in a foreign country with none to look after them other than you, you always feel better even if you get 10 mins free time for you to do things that you want to do.

    You can download some of the games like Hammer Head, Luxor, Chameleon Gems,....

    My daughter will make me sit and watch the same cartoons and kids movie. I might have watched Garfield 2 and Happy feet many many many...........times.

    But off late, we realised that we shouldnt see any other movie that she can catch any thing from that, talk any extra words that we dont want her to use. Like when we are in car and my hubby always shouts stupid, idiot at other guys who dont drive properly. She says daddy is bad bcos he uses bad words. She remembers movie even after a week or so, she remembers action, do boxing like this, dish dush.... songs...dupatta tera.....

    So you should be very careful.
  6. manjur

    manjur Senior IL'ite

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    thank your all for giving your valuable informations. knowing that some kids were also like my daughter helped me that atleast her behaviour is ordinary.
    i will keep all your advises and try to lead her


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