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Preparing For High School Education In Usa

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by WINMEENA, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    Along with 'home schooling' there is an 'unschooling' movement running in parallel, based on the notion that traditional educational models have become ossified, especially at the undergraduate level. You can google for endless variations, including Peter Thiel's fellowship program to drop out of college for a couple of years.
    Laks09, sabarimathi and Shanvy like this.
  2. butterflyice

    butterflyice Local Champion Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks for the ton of information, @justanothergirl , @kkrish , @Rihana and @Laks09. OP, thanks for this post.

    To add to what's been already said here. High school stress is very often a product of Parents' education levels, income levels and expectation levels. So in you live in an area where the first parents' education and income levels are high, it translates into more competition and stress at school. Very often the best ranked schools tend to exist in these areas. If you are willing to compromise and have your child graduate out of 5th or 6th best ranked school or even 10th, you will find that the stress levels go down several notches.

    Regarding AP courses, one needs to make sure that all the best teachers do not teach AP and Honors courses alone. Some schools assign pretty mediocre teachers to the regular stream. One shouldn't have to switch to Honors/AP only to get a good teacher. As far as College credit for AP courses go, some colleges do not give any credit at all. Some limit the number of credits. And there is no saying what the colleges will decide to do after a few years. In some cases, I have been told that AP courses are not a substitute for college level courses, so much so the student has to re-take the courses at college to fill in gaps in understanding. This holds good for kids who skip grades in math as well. So the idea to do AP courses only as a means of reducing course load in college might backfire if the college does not give credit.

    It's very tough to make it to HS sports teams in competitive sports especially if one has not been playing the sport since very young. However HS do have teams without cut, which means that you do not have to earn your spot on the team. My HS has swim teams where everyone participates. It would be nice to bear in mind that if the child is not particularly athletic, doing sports is still good for the body and mind.

    Although it's said one has to be great in academics, play a sport and/or instrument, volunteer to get into a top university, I have seen atleast 2 kids in the last year who got in by virtue of their academic merit alone and didn't do any other thing.
    sindmani, skalluri, Laks09 and 3 others like this.
  3. silento

    silento Silver IL'ite

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    Moderators, just a suggestion. Can this thread be moved to the category 'General Discussions - USA & Canada'? There is a thread on Middle School and having this one there, will create a good transition.
    Rihana likes this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I moved it. Does make sense to have the U.S. elementary, middle and high school related threads in one place.

    @IL_Admin, please consider making this thread also a sticky. Thanks.
    IL_Admin and Laks09 like this.
  5. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    In mind of HS sports, I know students who participated in sports like golf, track and wrestling, that helped them get into prestigious colleges. Not that these are easier sports, but it's not the typical teams sports that size would be a disadvantage for some Indian kids.

    My brother was involved in soccer since he was 5 and he's still playing (as an adult). While he wasn't selected for the school team (which was extremely exclusive at my school), he played Select Soccer (the lower level one, where they didn't have to travel to different cities each weekend). Since he was athletic enough to continue sports, he did track for his school. While his sports career never shot up, he was able to maintain his early habits, and is very good at time management and keeps his body is great shape.

    Balancing sports in the schedule is tough, but if your child enjoys it, it's worth it. It is better than having only one focus and ending up in college, with waaay too much free time and too many temptations.
  6. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    I realized that this thread has taken a life of it's own since the OP has started it. The original question was about how to prepare their 7th grader for HS and what to expect. My experience is a bit regional, since I grew up in Dallas, but I want to share some factors that students can complete during HS that will prepare them for the next chapter in their life.

    1. Part-time Job - I posted about this in the MS thread, but it is even more important in HS. I think ALL children need experience in the workforce. They need to understand how to deal with an employer, how money works, and more importantly, they need to understand how to deal with people (not just people in AP classes). I worked in 2 places, Kumon and a retail store in the mall. Kumon was a great starter job, I got a salary, and had to man the front desk (I was excessively shy and this was so difficult then), and teach preschoolers (fun, but not for me career-wise). After that, I worked in retail, and it was a bit more challenging, because I had to be responsible and request my own vacations and deal with my customers (some weird and difficult). As an adult, all of these tasks seem easy, but as a HS, I never learned this in class, and it was so daunting. PT jobs, help students on their resume, for college. It really shows that a student knows more than just studying. My friend learned Bharatnatyam, and after her Arangetram started teaching - so she basically started her own business before she even got into College.

    2. Leadership positions - College resumes require some type of leadership roles listed. This means, President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, etc, in your favorite clubs (STUCO, HOSA, etc). While my grades were pretty superb, I was pulling straws to fill up this portion of my college application.

    3. Volunteering - This is also very important for the HS resume. US students are expected to volunteer. If they put together a volunteer campaign- it's a two in one, they got leadership skills too. When I mean volunteering I mean: Temple, old age homes, homeless shelter, disability centers, red cross, hospitals, neighborhood initiatives.

    4. Extracurricular - Colleges are less concerned about having so many DIFFERENT extracurricular, but rather they want to see that a student is passionate about something and stuck to it. Participating in Band, choir, drama, or debate (even art) is looked as a really big achievement, if they show commitment and they have competed in competitions. I played clarinet and then started performing Indian carnatic music with a group. Despite not continuing in Band, I utilized my skills in a cultural setting.

    5. Career searching - The US is flexible about changing careers, but there are some careers that have to be started quite early in life. HS student shouldn't focus on studying for certain major, but rather what types of jobs seem interesting to them. For example, if someone wants to work for the airport in the control tower, you have to major in Math or something similar. Someone who was in engineering might be learning too many concepts that might not apply. I've seen many Pre-Meds, choose NOT to take biology or life sciences as their major, and instead majored in business. This prepares them to have their own clinic, if they want to. Or they just chose to follow a more lucrative position... My dancer friend is studying life sciences, but is planning to build her bharatnatyam business. Her brother learned Tabla and performed for weddings and kacharis (and taught), so he could have chosen to continue that way. Instead, he is an ER doctor.

    That's all I remember right now, but I'll add more as I think about it
    sindmani, poovai, skalluri and 3 others like this.
  7. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Very good @BhumiBabe
    Coming first hand, your posts are very valuable.
    Rihana likes this.
  8. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    kkrish, was thinking of you all the past week in all the threads. Also, searched and found these two posts in Adda hangout thread!

    Adda Da Hangout!
    Adda Da Hangout!

    For the uninitiated : ) Adda Hangout thread is where everything in /under the universe get discussed. We were talking about science project display boards : ) : ) (LOL that seems to be a perennial topic!). So, we were talking about those, and .. well, I'll stop with giving the context. Am quoting part of a post below, read it in the Adda thread and 10-20 posts before and after it. They are very relevant to this thread. Clicking on the upward arrow next to "kkrish said" will take you to the original post.

    Laks09 and kkrish like this.
  9. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you so much @Rihana. You really are a true champion here.
    It is nice that all school-related threads are together and will be helpful to many parents.
    Rihana likes this.
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    A question relevant to children of Indian origin.

    If a high school aged child likes to participate, is very involved, and does very well in an Indian extra curricular activity such as dance, instrument, vocal music, learning an Indian language, Balvihar kind of classes, active in Indian community group, etc. how can this be channelized to become an activity child can talk about in college essays? Many Indian kids do such activities; how to stand out in them?

    Many years ago I was intrigued to read a mention of arangetram in this MIT admissions blog.: MIT Admissions | Blog Entry: "Application question: scholastic and non-scholastic distinctions?" I mean mention as a term, as an accomplishment, without providing an English translation. : )
    butterflyice, poovai and Laks09 like this.

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