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Premonition: GIFT OR CURSE

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by malspie, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi harini,

    Thanks for sharing. yes. i feel that we have been given a nice gift from god. just as u said i have seen my tenth marks b4 the result. the dress i was wearing, the way in which i received. the same happened for my college marks. the dress, who was giving the mark sheet to the minute details. (It would have been nice if i had know the marks even b4 writing the exam:tongue )

    Once my mil had brought a saree for kanchi kamakshi and i was not aware of it. due to some reason the saree was not given to her and was lying at home for 5 years. one night i just saw a light saying "enna podava kilijathukku appuram thaan kondu varuvaiya" , immediately asked mil. she told about the saree. within 2 days i took few mami's and went to kanchipuram. gave the saree. the surprising fact was i was given a very good welcome, immediately they put the saree on her along with the mala and everything. and the moment the thirai was removed there was such a blinding light. i really believe it was her acceptance. the mami's even today talk about that vision. they want me to take them to kanchipuram. they believe they got that type of darshan only because of me. (I am not sure.. but may be god blessed me then.....)

    Once one of our friends came home saying he was in urgent need of 10k. we did not have cash at home. my husband told him he will withdraw and give it tomorrow. i never remember telling this. but my husband says i told that friend go home, u will be getting 25k from somebody tonight. the friend called the next day stunned, surprised that infact he got 25k from somebody who was supposed to give him that money.

    Recently a relative of a relative was telling about her woes at home, over phone, she was narrating how my relative treats her and how because she was childless, she was taken to task by everybody. she said akka, i dont know what to do, i just thought will talk to you. i told her u go and ask your kuladeivam. she said this time i went to vaitheeswaran koil. the moment she said that, it came from my mouth, it is not your kuladeivam, she went on saying that it was. i said ok if u say so. then after a few minutes, she said, my in-laws kuladeivam is a amman inside a very remote village, and since it is out of the way they have decided to make vaitheeswaran koil as kuladeivam. i told her, this time visit the amman. Today the whole family does not talk to me because they are scared what else i am going to tell.

    But inspite of all this i always think it is god's way of leading me when i have no one else to guide me.
    It is like an invisible umbrella over my head to protect me from everythng.

    By the way have you talked about this to anybody during that phase. what was thier reactions.

    let us see how many others are out there.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2007
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  2. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    lots of
    `iyer the great' s here i see
    what do they have
    as predictions for il s future?

  3. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Harini,

    Kudos to you. You have touched a topic of "Taboo" in our Society. Now reading this thread you would have realised there are many more like you. This is what I am want, people should come forward and speak. Never bottle up your feelings always have the courage to speak out. It helps.
    Nice to know you. It was indeed mind blowing to know that you had visualised your marks and that LORRY incident is really touching.

  4. Blondie

    Blondie Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello All,

    I don't know whether it is premonition or just plain anxiety, I seem to know if anything unwanted is going to happen to me (I don't want to say bad here since it can be good in the long run but which I didn't want/like at present). Just like Harini said I don't know exactly what or how but have a feeling like something is squishing my heart when the feeling is very intense and at other times just a nagging feeling at the back of my mind. Time and again these feelings were followed by traumatic events (to me ) and I have come to associate this as a forewarning to compose myself to be emotionally steady. Confiding about this to my husband has lead to him saying this is all in my mind. Since this feeling does not seem to occur in relation to other members of my family, I have come to believe my guardian angel (ishta devata) is taking care of me by forwarning me.

    Shanthi, I would like to hear your thoughts on this. My highly sensitized state only for events that involve me. Is this possible?? Why I don't have any inkling if my dear ones are involved??
  5. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    I like the way you try to play with words. it is a gift you have. :2thumbsup:

    as i have mentioned earlier, this thread is acting as balm for all that i have suffered due to this gift/curse i have , from my classmates,my sibling,my parents. to the extent as 3-4yr child i had told something to my granny (maternal) without even knowing, it so happened in the very few days my granpa passed away, u know what would have been told (ayyo ennodo poovum pottaiyyum mulingita...)
    Till the day she passed away i was always taunted.

    Yes, mala has started this thread, i am happy to know that there are many like me.When i was writing my experiences, deep down i was thinking what if somebody makes fun or hurts me. Then thought let me see how far i can take the fun or criticism. I dont know why mala started this thread. I still feel, she wants to analyse something. it is more than dealing with a acquaintance, the feeling does not go, but at the same time, i do not want to hurt her by downright asking her.

    Here i never think that i am in the same league as iyer the great..i only think god has guided me/guides me in his own unique way he has for me.

    Personal experiences teach you to believe in these things/analyze these things than when u read/hear about these.

    . The future of il's is very much seen in the way the ladies have buzzed into. the success is also see in the number of males members who are increasing by the day.

    I hope i dont land into a situation where i cannot handle things

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  6. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi blondie,

    Studies say that every human has a little bit of intuition. I have a friend whose guru tells him that nature tells you lot of things. he says that you have to observe your surrounding, you can tell a lot or solve a lot.yes the increase heart beat is the squishing of your heart..the nagging feeling is also a indicator in most of the cases.

    My husband says he feels more depressed and very heavy in heart when there is something that is going to happen to the extent he has tears in his eyes.

    Maybe you develop more of these feeling towards others as you grow?? I am not sure.

    I have never gone for a counselling/treatment. so do not know more on these issues. whatever i have been talking are only from my own personal experiences.

    let us see if somebody has a better explanation for the same.

  7. maya08

    maya08 Senior IL'ite

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    hi mals...hope u don mind me calling u tha way...

    i must thank you firstly for bringing this topic to IL.:thumbsup
    i noe that i have this gift/curse....
    several incidents have happened after all....
    but the way i receive my "info" is through dreams...some of my dreams are hazy and i cant make head or tails of it...but only when it come true i can comprehend the whole issue...
    but there was one incident that freaked me out totally....:shock:

    i had this dream about a year ago...
    i will describe it the way i saw it,

    "i was walking in a corridor of a house.there were wooden doors on the either side of me. i walked on. i came to the hall. there was a tv,a sofa set and some chairs.i went and sat on one of the chairs facing the tv.then when i switched on the tv, a favourite movie of mine was being screened.
    then an uncle of mine came and changed the channel to watch news.i argued with him,but no avail.later after the news had ended,i changed the channels and saw that the movie was still goin on.so i continued watching the movie..."

    in the dream i did not know what movie was this or whose house i was at....but two months later, i visited an aunt of mine.and i stayed in her house for a few days.and the whole "dream" took place the following night.and the movie was rehna hain tere dil mein,which i had never watched b4.all i knew abt that movie was my fave actor,madhavan was acting.
    but the thing is, i had never been to that aunty's house prior to the dream,and that was my first visit there.

    every now and then i do get "dreams" and i am able to predict what happens next;-)

  8. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Maya,

    You have the gift of Premonition. Now how you handle this as a "gift" or "curse" depends on your perspective in life.

    Well, I always like to discuss and analyze. I told my friend there would be many like you. But, she was apprehensive about it. Even today she does not want to be in the limelight as she fears that she would be kidnapped by some goons or politicians and misuse her abilities.

    Now, I do no want to interefere in anyones privacy, but, the gift or curse that she has got has worked in her favour many times.

    Just try and lead a normal life.... Do not panic.....
  9. Lotus007

    Lotus007 Senior IL'ite

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    It must be very difficult for people who have these premonition syndrome. God bless them.
  10. maya08

    maya08 Senior IL'ite

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    hi lotus...
    i'm one of those...but i dont think of it as a syndrome or disease.thanks for your well meaning wishes...:wave


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