Postpartum Ppa And Family Help!

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by BlissfulLife, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. BlissfulLife

    BlissfulLife New IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies, I am expecting my second baby right now. I have great family mostly positive with some downsides but it impacted hugely on me during postpartum because of PPA. I am in US and maternity leave is just 6 weeks.
    My parents are awesome but they refuse to eat properly which makes me tense any advise around that ?
    My in-laws are not bad either. My MIL takes care of baby and care for hubby not for me but that seems okay to me. Problem is my FIL he doesn’t do anything which is fine but he won’t take his medicine on time he needs someone to give it in his hands and seats on sofa. I haven’t seen such human being before and it triggers me as it puts load on rest of the family. It’s more like taking care for him as a child which is difficult when there is small baby to care for in home. Me and my husband we both use to stress out because of it. I gave up on eating rice, sugar etc so that he doesn’t feel tempted to eat it which back fired on my health. It’s more on our behavior also we want them to be healthy and enjoy but my In laws are wired to take stress and give stress. I mean I can’t explain but if you stay around then you will feel stressed out it’s just not me everyone has this feelings around them. My stress increased tremendously and I developed Hashimoto later. We were thinking not call them but we bought a house recently and we don’t want them to miss moments with their grand child. Last time we had a small apartment and couldn’t disconnect from them as I do WFH but this time we have two stories so there will be some separation which would help but not sure. I guess I am seeking advise for healthy boundaries may be? Please, advise!

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Focus on your health and the baby for now. Anyway with Covid you might want to hold off on inviting anyone. Until your baby is a few months old you have to be very careful about exposure. Do you have a plan for childcare?

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