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Postpartum Depression

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by sanjanaP, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. sanjanaP

    sanjanaP New IL'ite

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    Hi ladies , am posting regarding my cousin , am just giving some details regarding her , so it will be helpful to advice for her current situation, My cousin was a divorcee , she had loved someone in college and had got married and later end up in divorce,later she came back home and started focusing on carrer and was working in an MNC , she don't have mom and dad is suffering through dimensia, she is my dad's brother daughter , my parents take care of her responsibility, she got married second time , he was also divorcee and both didn't had any kids from previous marriage .They were good for a year and she had some complications conceiving , later through treatment she had twins boys premature , they were in nicu for 3 weeks .Later her mil took her to her place , they stay different city , telling she is fine to take care of her as she don't have mom , As she was also comfortable going we thought ok , as my mom was taking care my brother kid at home . Once they have gone to there home slowly torcher has started for her , her mil has treated her very badly by keeping stale food , making her do housework , inspite of watching twins all night , and always cursing our family for small things , she never showed all this initially and we didn't had idea till now ,my father has taken care of all there requirements like good marriage , jewels and as hospital bill was more due to kids being in nicu , he gave 5L , her mil has started picking up in every small thing , like no one visit them frequently , put kids gold , due to pandamic, people from our family have visited less , as there are small kids , gold they usually put in naming ceremony, so they were waiting for that , it was to happen this month .
    She has always taunted her telling u don't have anyone , from which family we got u , poor all that , made her weak , upon that 2 kids no sleep , she was not comfortable talking if we call also , as they use to be with her always ,she was going through postpartum depression , there was a fight at home and she has jumped from terrace to commit suicide .
    She is in hospital and they admitted telling she got dizzy and fell , she was getting treated and she is going through postpartum depression and when counselor asked she has accidentally admitted she tried to commit suicide ,a police case happened ,now her husband got so angry he is taking revenge on her , we got her to our state and admitted here , but she is cribbing, crying to see kids once in video , he is not showing and telling all mean things like he is feeling disgusting to think he lived with her , she don't deserve anything, u have to learn lesson to do this , if she messages no respond , if she calls he yells how dare she call after all this , they are making her feel , it's her big fault and he has made her even tell police due to her mental instability she fell , no mistake of him or his mom , how much ever we tell she is not coming out of it and crying and start hurting herself thinking all this , please ladies give me advice, how can we get her out of this , we are not communicating much to them as ot may endup in fights and it may spoil her marriage , she desperately want to be with him , after all this , don't know why:(

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Get a good lawyer ASAP.
  3. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    Your cousin is in very vulnerable condition. Please give her emotional physical support right now. Her husband and in laws are very cruel to deprive her from babies. You can file police complaint and bring babies to your parents house or wait for some time. Tell your cousin to recover fast so she can take care of her babies. Suicide is never answer to problems. She should have come back to your parents house. I really appreciate you and your parents for taking care of her.
    KashmirFlower likes this.
  4. sanjanaP

    sanjanaP New IL'ite

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    Thanks for your reply ,She don't want to break her marriage , she is scared of her kids growing without father , so only we are not even complaining to police
  5. sanjanaP

    sanjanaP New IL'ite

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    Thanks for your reply, We are also telling her , it's just 1 complain and we can get kids back and make them suffer for all there deeds , as she was divorced early , she don't want to break this marriage , she is still blaming herself that she made a mistake of attempting suicide and she should have tolerated them still , she don't want to break marriage and make kids away from there father, we are trying to support her to heal before taking any decision , am planning to gather all my cousins and make them call her and speak positively so she don't get in depression , I am also thinking to contact a healing center , where a counselor can talk to her and make her come out of it.
  6. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    What kind of a father will keep babies away from their mother? How old are the children? Was she still breastfeeding? Document everything as it happens and get good legal advice so she can get custody and proper child support.
  7. silentlistener

    silentlistener Silver IL'ite

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    She is getting treated for the injuries she suffered due to the fall or for the postpartum depression ?

    Has a diagnosis of postpartum depression been made by a qualified medical professional ?

    If so , she has to get regular treatment from a qualified psychiatrist at least for 2 years.

    Postpartum depression is horrible but completely treatable disease if she happens to come under the care of a qualified Psychiatrist.

    If untreated, the disease itself carries highest suicide risk
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
  8. Patientone

    Patientone Silver IL'ite

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    I’d get a good lawyer. But also explain that she needs to get better for her child to show that she is capable of looking after him. Baby blues appear after giving birth and it can get bad which it did but now she needs to pull herself together or get medication for depression to heal. Otherwise They’ll say she is unfit to be a mother because she attempted suicide. Help her get back on her feet.

    it seems like she got married into a really backwards family. Tell her not to contact her husband too much. If she wants pics of her baby then ask him but if he doesn’t reply or abuses then ignore and keep a record.

    It doesn’t matter if this marriage breaks. It’s not her fault. The husband doesn’t seem undertanding. Let him face hardship looking after the child right now. It won’t last long and will be desperate to have your cousin back. Let’s see how long the mother in law can do housework if she was dependent on ur cousin. I’d mention in court she abused her and treated her like a slave.

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