Post Pregnancy Food Intake

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by gayathri123, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. gayathri123

    gayathri123 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi All,

    My due is on this month end. currently in USA.Mine was love marriage so i don't have support from my inlaws /parents. No one is willing to come for my delivery. Could you please anyone tell me what and all the foods i can have after my delivery and what precautions need to take for healthy baby. i know i should not take spicy food, ground nuts, daal etc., but am not aware of what food need to take in intial months. Please some one help me on this.

  2. Jamelia02

    Jamelia02 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Gayathri123,
    Congratulations!!! Welcoming you soon to motherhood.
    The pregnancy part is such a beautiful period where you got to enjoy every moment of it to welcome your dear child. Don't get worried of no one being there with you. Take your husband's help and near by friend who could offer some help. Coming to the food that you can eat, the hospitals @ USA never puts a restriction on food. But these are the few things my mom advised me to eat when i just delivered(9 months back). Drink lots of milk if you are planning to breast feed(even otherwise), have oats (add nuts to it), eat mutton(if you are a non-vegetarian) and have many small meals as possible. Most off all have more water or fluids like soups since one can easily drain out while breast feeding. I had low milk supply problem, so I used to have garlic in every form like mix garlic in milk, boil and then drink. Sesame seeds, fenugreek seeds and fennel seeds are some of them which increases milk supply.
    Do try them and have a safe delivery. Wish you all the best!
    gayathri123, bhagya85 and sindmani like this.
  3. Ammu2886

    Ammu2886 Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Gayathri,
    Congrats :)
    Regarding food intake you can have
    1. Oats and 1 Apple as soon as you wake up
    2. Instead of Chilli powder use pepper powder in your diet. Do not have more spicy food
    3. Almonds
    4. Breakfast you can have idli, dosa, upmarket etc
    5. Boil milk, take 2 spoon of ragi powder mix with water. Once milk boils add the mixed ragi to the milk, stir and make it like a malt. This is very good for milk production.
    6.For lunch/ dinner avoid gassy foods made of capsicum, broccoli, cabbage etc. You can take green leaf veggies, non veg mutton, soups.
    7.You can have bread with milk.
    8. Include Garlic, jeera, methi in diet.
    gayathri123 and sindmani like this.
  4. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Gayathri,

    Congratulations on the pregnancy !! It’s sad that you won’t much have help around with delivery and post partum recovery but with proper planning and your DH’s help , it is manageable .

    In addition to the wonderful suggestions above , I would recommended few things for breastmilk production . Veggies like lauki (bottle gourd), methi leaves and dill leaves will help . Oats is recommended by doctors here . You can find mothers milk tea either in Whole Foods or amazon and similar lactation tea which will help in BM production .

    Keep yourself hydrated always so increase the intake of water . Milk and buttermilk with cumin , mint and pepper is good and also yogurt which shouldn’t be too cold . We generally don’t eat food which is cold or straight from the refrigerator if we are nursing. Caffeine is restricted but a cup of tea or coffee should be ok .

    Eat plenty of greens like spinach , kale and other leafy veggies . Days when I was too tired to cook , I used to steam carrot ,beetroot, palak , kale and just blend it with apples ,tomatoes and some pink salt and pepper . There will be days when you will be too overwhelmed or tired to cook so get creative with juices and smoothies and try to incorporate as many fruits and veggies you can . You can sprinkle flax seeds powder on top of this . Remember that whatever you eat , you will pass on the goodness to your baby if you plan to nurse .

    Consume Garlic either in the form of garlic rasam or in curries as garlic helps in BM.

    Jeera pani or water boiled with cumin seeds helps in digestion so consume that after every meal . Sprouts like methi and moong sprouts seasoned with cumin is good .

    Avoid gassy food like potatoes , cauliflower , beans , cabbage , broccoli etc . Once a while it’s ok but not on a daily basis . This will cause tummy ache to the little one as their digestive system is too immature to handle all this . For dal, moong dal is recommended over regular toor dal . With dal, you can make a one pot meal like khichdi with variety of veggies and tadka of little ghee , cumin, hing and some pepper . It packs a punch with all the nutrition loaded and requires very little work . You can replace rice with broken wheat for a change .Please dont jump on a weight loss program right after delivery as it may backfire in the long run . Consume a spoonful of ghee as it has immense benefits and much needed for post partum recovery .

    Please try and train your H with lil bit of cooking . It’s hard to manage everything once the baby comes home and you need to rest too for your own recovery so if your H can make juices or one pot meals which just needs assembling and minimum work, you are good to go !
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    ashima10, gayathri123 and sindmani like this.
  5. brahan

    brahan Platinum IL'ite

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    PLease try to eat nutritious at the same time not very heavy/oily food.

    This si the routine i followed:

    a. Coffee in the morning (cannot avoid)
    b. Idlis with Sugar and Ghee for breakfast (Dint add coconut to my diet for three months post delivery as advised by elders)
    c. 11:00 AM Hot milk
    d. Lunch would be Rice, Dal or Pepper /Garlic Rasam or Pepper/Garlic Kulambu with Steamed veggies...Veggies would be carrot/ Beans/Bottle Guard types. Avoided potatoes for three months
    e. Evening again some warm Milk
    f. Night Roti with Dal or Kanji
    gayathri123 and sindmani like this.
  6. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    Tagging @DrVandhana . She has all the information that you maybe looking for .
    gayathri123 likes this.
  7. gayathri123

    gayathri123 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions. i will try to follow the routine which everyone has mentioned. My husband supports me a lot and he knows little bit of cooking as well.
  8. gayathri123

    gayathri123 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi all,

    I am blessed with baby girl on nov 25th. We tried normal but ended with c husband did everything for 2 weeks and now am able to manage the things but my little one was not sleeping in the nights so me and my husband ended up with staying over night. Could you please suggest how to make her sleep in the nights.
    Ammu2886 and Sunburst like this.
  9. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    Congrats and welcome to this beautiful journey of motherhood ! Of all the things that we experience in this journey , this sleep deprivation to me was the hardest of all !!

    Your baby is just few weeks old so it’s hard to put her in any routine . Right now their days and nights are all mixed up and it’s gonna be a while before their rhythm sets in . Many parents in the US start sleep training around 4 months . There are various technique like Ferber cry it out ( personally I thought it was very cruel ) , or there are other techniques like no cry sleep solution by Elizabeth pantley. You can get several sleep training books on amazon. Each has its own pros and cons and may or may not always lead to success . Before you go down this route , please speak to your pediatrician and make sure there is no underlying medical issues .

    You should wait until the baby is 6 months because they start solids and sleep much better with their tummy full . They will start sleeping for 5-6 hours at a stretch . You can slowly get her on a set schedule and things get slightly easier from there. If you are nursing , babies will continue to wake up either due to hunger or habit of comfort nursing so that will take a while to go .

    For now , just sleep when the baby sleeps and nap during the day . Make sure you are well rested during the day otherwise with sleep deprivation , you will be more crankier than the baby and it’s hard to get a grip of yourself

    All babies are different . I was very rigid about my kids schedule but my older one didn’t sleep through the night until he was 2 . It felt like eternity to me and by the time he started sleeping all night , my younger one was born but luckily she was a a no fuss baby from day 1 .

    I know how exhausting it is with lack of sleep along with the multitude of work and domestic commitments. Just remember that this night waking won’t last forever , so hang in there as this too shall pass !
    Gouri9 and sindmani like this.
  10. gayathri123

    gayathri123 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Sunburst,

    Thanks for your valuable suggestions.
    Sunburst likes this.

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