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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by anukarsha, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. anukarsha

    anukarsha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi All!
    I take this liberty to ask you a very personal question- what are all your possessions? I am sure, you are a bit confused? Ya, what to tell, what not to. Right frm a small spoon to a big house, a big car, jewellery, a fat bank balance, membership of a few prestigious clubs and don’t know what all! Right?
    What all did you do to possess all these things. You must be thinking that I go bonkers some times. Sure, even I agree with you. As you would read through this post today, you’ll be 100% right. You worked very hard, sometimes you had to cut off many ties with your luved ones. Now actually you don’t even remember such petty things. You only had one thing in mind that you just wanna possess that thing. And one day when you now possess it, you are very happy. Congrats for possessing the finest things in this world.
    Now, a few more bullets of questions from me:
    Are you as happy with that possession as you were when you got it for the first time?
    Do you really remember the date and time when you got your priced possession?
    Are you emotionally attached to it?
    Has such a possession become a usual kinda stuff that you no more pay any attention to it?
    Friends, I won’t bother you anymore. Let me come to the point now. When we possess things, the joy lasts for some time, i.e. only till we get it. Once it’s yours, the charm is over.
    You spend so much of time, energy n money to get it but nowadays we hardly find any emotional attachment with that thing. We bring a brand new small car, then we upgrade to a bigger/ better one without having any sad feelings of having sold the old car. Right?
    Husband/ wife have fights for being over-possessive.
    What exactly is this “Possession”? It’s the act of possessing or owning something.
    My dear friends, I wanna tell you only one thing! Have the finest things in life but please don’t possess them. Please don’t lose the charm of having a thing. Let the joy of having it be there without any expectations. Possessing is like sand in your fist. The more youu try to get hold of it, the more it slides through your hand. The Joy of having something is eternal while the joy of possession is ephemeral. So why to invest your precious time, energy and money in a thing which is not going to last forever.
    So, henceforth, enjoy your things rather than showing your ownership.
    Cheers J :idea

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  2. Arunadhri

    Arunadhri Bronze IL'ite

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    I do not think we own anything. The only object that I had felt that I owned was a twin lens reflex camera I bought in 1960 when I took my first job. I never used to lend it. On one occasion I did loan it to a friend and it came back damaged. I was quite dejected for a few days. Realized that a silly mechanical thing was controlling me.

    I realized that we do not really own anything. We only have a lease of use on things for the duration of our earthly life. At peace.
  3. yams

    yams Platinum IL'ite

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    yes i do agree with you dear!
    even i don't possess things! even at all its just a thing right?
    its all about humanity that matters! the more of love,affection and care that do matters for me!
    well said keep posting!:thumbsup
  4. anukarsha

    anukarsha Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks dear yamini for your loving reply.regs-anu:)

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