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POI ( Tamil) -Built up to let down !

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Manjureddy, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    My review of POI
    Balachander after a long gap. So much expectation built up by media. Prakash Raj, the producer couldnt stop singing praises for his Guru. Then the film is released.
    Oh, what a great big thundering fall ! Ouch !:cry:

    Whats wrong with Balachander ? Hasn't he been keeping his eyes open to how the film industry has moved on since his theatre days ? Cant he realise, Cinema is a visual medium ,not like a stage drama ? I agree it was he who brought in realism to the Tamil Film industry when it was crowded with James-bond adventures with meaningless fights and that mandatory thing called "Club Dance". But realism turned hyper, with him inventing unbelievable female characters like Kalki , Nandini etc. Now, from hyper, he has gone surreal .

    Balachander always had an affinity for the literal. He likes showing figures of speech literally ( like catching crows - kakkai pidikkiran, getting whipped- saataiyadi pol sorkkal ; taking a dip - thalai muzhuginaal etc.) In Poi he has personified Imagination and Fate to show them playing dice ( Vidhi Vilayadiyathu, it seems !) There is no point in the story. The boy tries hard to win over a reluctant girl, achieves this and then both die !
    The new face hero and heroine are really good looking and talented. But Balachander has spoilt their career by giving them this lousy debut.
    The film is full of highly theatrical, artificial, irritating characters - the sister-in-law with her repeated exclamations of Uyyo ! in and out of context, the overacting Bengali friend and Beggar and last but not least, Balachander himself as the Imaginary father, acting too smart as if to say " see, what a genius I am !" And poor Prakash Raj, a fine actor, is made to repeat Parthiban's lunatic alter ego in Kudaikkul Mazhai.
    What a waste of money,(the producer's and mine ) time and resources !


  2. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Manjula,
    I really liked the review...i also got to watch this movie....and was disappointed. When my daughter just said crap.....i could not take it and was trying to defend Balachander and Prakash. But your review was just perfect...i too felt let down! I guess KB is getting old , and cant give anything new....and what waste of these young talents....and he made them also act in stereotyped way, just making their eyes big etc.....dont you think the movie was also slow.? Actually i thought there was so much scope with this personification factors ....but what a let down! And the end also.....my daughter just said, what a cúte hero, why did he have to die!?
  3. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Manjureddy...

    Once again, I seem to be responding to your posting within a short period. I think you are a new and a very welcome addition to our forum. I love the way you write, you express yourself, your frankness. Bravo girl..keep it up and dish out more of your posts. You have a way with words and expressions.
    I have neither seen nor heard about this movie. But now, I shall search the web and have a 'dekho' to inform myself. Your review was too good and I guess is apt. I think Balachander's previous movie too did not receive much appreciation. I forget what its name was, but was suppose to be his hundreth movie etc etc.
    Looking forward to reading more of your rejoins...

    L, Kamla
  4. Shallinee

    Shallinee New IL'ite

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    Really Manju ?? Really Sudha ??

    I have yet to watch the movie. I wanted to actually - very, very much, but somehow, never managed. But, I plan to, pretty soon. Will keep you guys, updated.

    KB has always brought revolution to Tamil Cinema and small screen alike. Women always play important roles. Not just important, but intelligent ones, too. It has been a while since he released any, so for me, 'Poi' was eagerly, eagerly awaited. Sad though, that the feedbacks have not been too promising.

    There are two songs in 'Poi' that sound great. Enna Tholaithaai and La, La, La. One of the reasons - besides, the combination of KB & Prakash Raj - why I STILL want to watch this movie. :)
  5. Oviya

    Oviya Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Manju,

    Your crispy crisp review is like a class movie by itself.

    Dear Thaamarai Buddy,

    His last one was 'Paarthaale paravasam' to which for the first time after delivery(LO was 3 months old) I went with great expectations and came back with a feeling of watching a serial. With all his, the then current hit, serial characters and the same expressions, how could he produce something other than a great flop?

    I should say that I continue to be an ardent fan of his old-gold hits. Hats off to him for those.

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