Please Help!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by BeautifulSmile, Nov 11, 2022.

  1. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    Hello all,

    Hope all are doing good. After lot of suffocation I am coming here to take your help.

    I am working in company for almost 11 years now. Last couple of years ago I got promoted as managers and got multiple teams. CEO, executive team members, everyone were super happy about performance and growth in my teams. My manager was absolutely stunned and my team was reference for all the successful stories. Then new boss got recruited for my manager, they both (my manager and his manager) didn’t get along. My manager had great reputation in the company, at a point majority was running on his shoulders. They both had exchanged lot of anger,issues etc, after a point my manager left the company. Now I am directly reporting this manager who reports to CEO directly.

    Now here is the problem, from the day one he doesn’t sounds like he has great impression on me. All the managers were left due to the changes management was doing, and this new managers got majority of his ex-colleagues to this company. In the chain of all the managers reports to this new manager, he appreciates everyone except me. He sounds impressed with everyone except me. He is involved with everyones work except me.

    I drive by the pat on the shoulder, I always look for feedback. Without recognition I cant work, but he seems don’t care anyone who is leaving the company but I am 1000% sure how great work I am doing but acts its nothing or he don’t like to appreciate me. When I asked once, he says no no concerns, you are doing okay. Am I doing okay? Where the entire company is looking at my work? Huh. In everyone 1-1 he tries to find something in me , asks me to pull 1000% of metrics. Feels like he is asking me to leave. Due to my immigration status I cant be able to move from the current company.

    I am carrying this and very very unhappy in work and carrying that to personal life. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am career driven. Feeling less confident and doubting my ability building all the inferiority complex. What should I be doing now? Tell me something that I come out of suffocation. I do cry, I feel I cant breathe sometimes. But after all this is work not my life but not able to convenience my brain and heart.

  2. lakshmi888

    lakshmi888 Silver IL'ite

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    Are you new to the corporate world.. it happens everywhere. As an old woman in IT and having worked in many Fortune 500 organizations , the moment a CTO or VP changes, whole command down the line changes and they bring their old colleagues from old companies. …

    it’s not about who is working hard or not .. it is because of work politics and because they trust the people that they have worked with in the past ..

    You have no option but to change your job before they put you under PIP.. even h1bs change jobs frequently..what’s the big deal

    even star performers like my ex boss who worked in this famous organization for 30 years or so and devoted his entire youth to this company had to resign when a new CTO came in and he brought his own favorites in many roles including my ex boss’s next level role and most of the previous down level chain of command also changed in 1 year or so .,

    this is life .. my ex boss was an old man and though a citizen ( a Caucasian ) but in his 60s so he could not find another job ..

    as long as you are less than 60 years of age , you can land a great job.. I know h1bs who change job every year or every 2 years .. what’s the big deal ??

    I am pretty sure you might be less than 60 years of age so, what’s the issue in finding a new job .. majority of IT workforce is on H1b and so many h1 or tech workers in US, Uk , Canada change job every 2 years or so
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  3. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Congratulations on being a star performer. When you have done so well, there is nothing to worry, you will find something better. Sometimes opportunities presents themselves this way. Don't get bogged down and put your best foot forward.

    Until you find the next job, try to see if you can impress your new boss. Can you give example of what your new boss is finding fault with. Run with it on those areas as well. It will come in to help in the future.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  4. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I had this happen. I had just gotten out of a micro manager’s clutches and didn’t have the energy for another change. Here is what I did. Doubled up with kindness. I appreciated him and told him what a great mentor he was. Even if I felt everyone knew my capability I always ensured to tell them of the tremendous support I got from my supervisor. I realized later that he was intimidated by my work. When he realized we could be friends he dropped the persona completely. People in the org started asking me how he always wanted me in his team but kept snubbing the rest of them. He spoke to me about his family, something he never told anyone. He was still stand-off ish with everyone else but we did good work together. We worked so well together that he still calls me every once in a while to check on me.

    Your new boss is in a new org where everyone is measuring him with the yard stick of how he got along with your old boss. He is also probably sensing that you don’t like him at all. You have the advantage of having worked there for years which he doesn’t have. Cut him some slack. Maybe if you make an attempt, this can be made better.

    With the current market condition, don’t quit now. You’ve worked so hard to get here. Don’t leave unless you get a better opportunity elsewhere. You have thrived in a conducive environment. Maybe this is your opportunity to manage your manager and get him on your side. Take it as a challenge and work on building a bridge. If that also fails, you can always quit but don’t give up yet.
    BeautifulSmile and Thoughtful like this.
  5. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    I always come post only the issues I have. For the first time let me share the good news.

    My manager continued to being hard on me, but 80% of the time he is amazed with my work, that I can sense but he just dont express it. May be he dont know how to appreciate or dont like to or I dont know. But I was just dealing with him, but continued to do what I do, and help him wherever I can.

    Fast forward: its annual review time. I was thinking I may have to put up lot of debate with him to get the good rating and I was kind of nervous he may put me on meets expectation or so.

    In review he said, I am on outstanding, top rating. In my group all these 12 years I have never witnessed anyone got that rating, in fact across my organization. Once my director also said that he has never seen anyone getting that rating. Here I am with that rating, I never thought I would get that. Hurray!! Last night celebrated this with my family - delicious dinner.

    I really want to thank you all, you are always holding me when I need you guys. I just feel, I am back home with great news.
  6. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    What an amazing update! Congratulations @BeautifulSmile! You deserve this and so much more. Being a high performer under constant scrutiny is never easy and you’ve proven you can be the best even under duress! Kudos.
    I’m hoping the manager has slowed down on his critique but even if he doesn’t, you’ve got this!
    Celebrate all weekend long. Well deserved :cheer:
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  7. Anisu

    Anisu Platinum IL'ite

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    Thats Amazing @BeautifulSmile , Congratulations on this achievement. :cheer::cheer:. Very happy for you.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  8. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Everyone! I want to post one more good news, again I gained one more promotion. Now that I am working more closely with my CEO, this happened. Also more has landed on my plate. I am positive new responsibilities will also be fine as I am already doing all those. Only thing is now, I am planning to well define a few things so I wont drop some of the kids educational stuff, I feel I did let slip some of the kids' educational stuff. It's not too late, I can pick up from here.
    Thank you all, whoever was holding me tight when I was falling off.
    Laks09, Rihana and Anisu like this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    What happened to the new manager who came and ignored you and did pat you for your top work. I presume now your status is elevated and overtaken that new manager. God bless .
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  10. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    He has left the organization couple of months ago @Thyagarajan sir.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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