Hi friends I have recently started online clothing business and searching for good manufacturers and suppliers for my business .. I have contacted few good companies but none willing to give less than 10 pieces . How should we contact to them to get the deals .. What are the tips ?. They wont allow returning of unsold items either.. Am confused and bit scared of what should i do.. Actually am very intereted in clothing business and i wish to achieve something .. Am not financially sound too . I know many womans out here are successful in this clothing online business .. Please guide me to carry on my business because sometimes i feel like giving up.. The concerns are .. As am doing online i dont wish to buy the materials in big bulk and keep it .. because i feared if its not sold out then its a big loss to me .. So am requesting the manufacturers to provide min orders like less than 20 which they say a BIG NO .. But what shoud i do .. I dont need such a huge quantity .. I plan to order them as and when my customers place an order to me so which will be in very less quantity So what should i do?. I dont know how to proceed further .. Please guide me ladies .. I can carry on successfully with your brilliant guidance for sure..Please HELP!!!
Hi, Yes the wholesale manufacturers do not supply pieces in 10 or 20. They prefer supplying in bulk. I suggest that you buy in bulk at least few items that are in demand like the one which are in trend now. Also it would be difficult for you every time to place an order with the wholesaler after your customer places the order. Please keep track of how much money you have invested and the ROI and do it like a real business. All the best !
Whats your initial investment?. Yes. Big offers comes with huge quantity. Did you check with Alibaba?. Min order is more than 1lak or 100 pieces. You haven't mentioned about what type of clothing?. Is it saris, western or chudidhars?. Unsold items no one will be ready to take back untill its damage piece during the delivery. Start with 1Lak. Dont invest 1Lak in single shot. 50% invest and rest 50% if you start getting returns. Check with Online dealers and you will get min quantity of 5-10 or less than min of 30K budget. Look for one more partner, who can have trust in your business model. Suggestion : Go around the market and start handpicking the items with unique colors , patterns and styles instead of buying in bulk. If the dealers like your business model, they will be back to support them . Since you are in starting of your business, you need to struggle. Come up with the business plan and you will get good offers. How do you sell the products?. Do you have page for online?. Festivals are coming up and utilize them for next 3 months to get good returns. Good luck.
hI Sajitha Thanks for ur reply.. Yes they always wanted to buy min 100 pieces which i sometimes think what if nothing got sold .. Anyways i will take ur suggestions of keeping track and buying materials that are in demand.. Monika
Hi Ramya Many thanks for ur reply .. I sell Ladies garments like kurtis, salwars and sarees of latest designs.. The problem is i donno how to approach the manufacturer and make him to agree somehow wat am demanding. yes they told they wont take any items return unsold. As of now i am working with fb page .. Am creating my webpage with the help of dh. Thanks for ur ideas Ramya. Monika