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Please Don't Laugh!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Laughing at a joke can be injurious to health.. You could be hauled up over hot coals by the cops . for laughing..
    Now why are cops bothered about your laughter? You ask the Mumbai cops who charged actresses Deepkia Padukone and Alia Bhatt with criminal conspiracy for laughing at a sand up comedy programmei.
    The show AIB Roast was not exactly about clean jokes.. If you are wondering what AIB which sounds like the acronym of some bank or insurance firm is it stands for All India bakchod. (now don’t get wrong ideas about bakchod. I don’t know what it means but it certainly does not mean what you and I think it means).
    Most of the jokes were risqué and very very adult. One or two did violate religious sentiments Okay the organisers and participants could be charged under some sections of IPC or CRPC but members of the audience and that too for criminal conspiracy? And criminal conspiracy against whom.or what?
    Besides Deepika and Alia others targeted by cops include producer director Karan Johar,and actors Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. These guys participated in the show and cracked vulgar and not so vulgar jokes.. Religious groups particularly Catholics yelled blue murder for anti-clerical jokes and even one involving Jesus . .Okay granted that constitution restricts your freedom of expression on grounds of decency, morality and public order. But why drag in those in the audience.?
    I think I know the reason.
    Our security conscious cops have realized that laughter is not only the best medicine but is also an explosive weapon that poses a major security threat.. If you don’t believe it ask Mamatadi, She locked up someone who posted a cartoon on her on Internet as a Maoisht (spelling not mine. That’s the way didi pronounces the word).

    Just have a dekko at our mythology. Once Shiva prepared for battle with demons who moved around in three flying cities and harassed all and sundry. But when he was about to depart for the battlefield, the axle of his chariot broke. and what did Shiva do? Instead of leaving to do battle,in another chariot, he just laughed the three cities of Asuras out of existence..
    Now doesn't that story show us the power of laughter?It is a weapon of mass destruction, no less. What if whole lot of guys laugh and …. I am not even able to imagine the horrible and devastating consequences.
    Great job Mumbai cops. May be Deepika and Alia planned to laugh the city off. a la Shiva., You can’t trust anyone these days. A terrorist wolf might be hiding behind the sheep’s clothing of a Bollywood star.
    That is scary., really scary. It is high time police all over the country locked up all those guys who stand in a circle in parks early in the morning, raise their hands and haw haw away to glory/. They must be terrorists. Just plaster their mouths so that they don’t laugh and lock them up in soundproof cells as an extra precautionary measure.
    If you see suspicious looking guys and laughing guys grab the latter first. The former could be terrorists or criminals and may be carrying weapons and explosives but they are nothing compared to explosions of laughter.
    Ban joke books and cartoons for the sake of national security please. Stand up comedians will no longer stand up. They will be made to lie down instead with their faces down pressing their mouths to the ground. That is not exactly a comfortable position to crack a joke you know.
    And if you laugh at my blogs I am not responsible. The onus of laughter is on you and not me. If cops come calling don’t blame me.
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  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @balajee - Glad to be posting the first FB. I did see the AIB episode. The jokes were risqué but Arjun and Ranvir didn't seem to mind at all. Karan was hilarious and so were some of the participants. I wouldn't air it on national TV though. I can't even imagine my parents watching something like this. I can't imagine kids getting on it by mistake and hearing such raw language. Yikes.

    I cant understand the logic behind the summons. Most of the jokes were directed at Alia's IQ. She did laugh at herself. No idea how that qualified as a crime.
    As for Deepika, she laughed like everyone else in the audience.

    I laughed so hard throughout the program. The ISIS one and calling Alia out to explain that Isis wasn't the ISI mark on cookers was brutal.
    I guess when something is aired on national TV it's debatable. I didn't know it was punishable under IPC. Good to know. One of the summons were for Ranvir and Deepika for public indecency because he kissed her on the cheek. Well.....

    Why not just ban it on regular TV, push it to an adults only channel and move on? I guess Mumbai police have a lot of time to kill.

    ^ Added - Btw, I did feel the tape needed editing before being aired. Religious references, even made in jest and directed at a participant is not at all in good taste. It's opening a can of worms, even though the guy himself brought it up. Maybe slap a case on those guys. Not sure if that's already been done? I didn't read anything about that. Freedom of speech does come with a responsibility. There is never free speech that is truly "free".
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  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Laks09, Indian constitution does restrict freedom of expression on various grounds including decency and morality , public order etc. But conspiracy? Where does conspiracy come in except in the sick imagination of some paranoid mind? Police have made themselves the fodder of standup comedians with that move. I think the basic problem was putting it on youtube. If it had remained just a stage show for paid audience no one would have raised a finger.i
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  4. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I didn't think it was on YouTube alone. I thought it was aired on TV somewhere!
    Conspiracy - Alia conspired with the producers before hand, yes, that's criminal conspiracy right there!!!!laugh1smiley
    This is so funny! Will these charges even stick or are the Mumbai cops doing it to preempt any religious issues based on this program?
  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear balaji
    I laughed more at yr blog tgan tge clios of tge show
  6. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Only somje Christian groups protested mildly and the show organizers quickly sent a written apology to the Archbishop of Mumbai and the apology was gracefully accwepted. After that I don't know why the cops moved in. May be the morel cops above them drove them ti it.
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  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamalji it should be a matter of concern to us. Cops are trying to upstage humour writers and comedians by beating them in their own game. . How else can you explain criminal conspiracy charge being slapped on someone for laughing.?
  8. butterflyice

    butterflyice Local Champion Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    @Balajee, a good read.

    I watched the show on youtube, didnt find any derogatory reference Christianity or to Sallu bhai or his sister. Perhaps it was the edited version.

    The jokes were obviously adult, but I had a good laugh.
  9. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    @Balajee Loved the way you wrote the aftermath of the incident and laughed all the way. I did see the video on youtube. it was difficult to listen to all the jokes but picked up on few. Most of these shows are scripted and all involved are informed well in advance of what's going to happen. Even in award shows, the hosts jokes with the people in audience and they are told in advance what is going to happen and what their reaction should be.

    These days it is difficult to believe whether the protests are real or orchestrated to gain publicity. There will always be some controversies around the time of a movie release and generally these controversies benefit the success of the movie. After a while, there is no sign of the controversies. So maybe something like that going on here.

    But you put everything in a wonderful way. May be Ram Gopal Verma will make the movie "Hasna Mana Hai" if he has not already made one.
  10. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    If there was anything about allu and his sis I missed it but there were two jokes about Christianity including one about Jesus, Otherwise the programme was okay. And the show was supposed to be about adult jokes. What else did you expect?

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