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Planned Life

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Tamildownunder, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Tamildownunder

    Tamildownunder Bronze IL'ite

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    As a student of business management I have learnt the importance of planning. Planning in life helps to avoid tensions and disappointments. I tend to plan everything because by nature I tend to get tense due to delays and failures. For example, if I have to reach a place I plan my trip working backwards the timings of my travel to the place, preparations before starting etc. giving enough allowances for delays and stops. This has helped me as I have said the tensions and disappointments. While I am like this, my close friend is of different view. He used to say to me 'why take the trouble of planning? if things don't work out to your plan it is going to lead to tensions and disappointments. So, be 'bindhas' or cool. Things will happen in their own way'. I would like to narrate a situation where my planning helped me and his not planning landed him in trouble.

    In 2002, when my son and daughter both got admissions to U.S. universities to do M.S, the time came for their departure. My daughter left few days ahead of my son as she went with a group of her friends who were all going to the same University of Texas at Arlington. We went to airport to see her off and I did not have to plan anything since her friends were there and arranged everything like transportation and they left well in advance also. For my son I had to accompany him and arrange things. So, I planned taking into account the fact one has to be at the airport three hours before the departure of the flight, it was taking 30-45 minutes to reach airport in off-peak traffic and i added allowances for possible delays etc. and arranged to leave our house at Anushakthinagar some five hours before the departure of the flight. It was mansoon season and we were having continouous rains. The day my son left there was not much rains and since we left well in advance, we reached the airport without going through any tensions and my son left after spending sufficient time with us after checking his baggage. My friend's son was to leave two days later and when I told him the next day about my planned arrangements, he as usual laughed and siad ' I agree with you that one should be three hours before departure. But, it takes only 30 minutes to reach airport. So, I will leave only 31/2 hours before the flight departure time. His son left for U.S and next day when I asked him how things went, he accepted that planning the time taking into account the delays would have saved him the goose pimples he got the previous day. What happened was that it rained heavily that day when he took his son to the airport and due to sudden flooding of water, the traffic moved in snail's pace and worse was that the vehicle got stuck up in knee-deep water in Sahar approach Road to Sahar International airport. His efforts to get a cab went fruitless and he and his son had to carry the luggages on their heads, wade through knee deep water making slow progress towards the airport. When they ultimately reached the airport it was just 30 minutes left for departure and so they earned the wrath of the airlines people, security people and everyone. The boy boarded the flight just in nick of time.

    Among married couple, some plan to get children not immediately after marriage and they succeed. I know of one couple who planned their married life and since both are working in U.S, they bought a house, cars for each, socialized a lot and enjoyed life to the fullest for the first four years. They went for a kid afterwards, got a cute child and now they have a well underatnding, happy life together. Another couple I know did not plan their married life, went for the baby immediately and got a baby exactly 10 months after marriage. Now, during their initial crucial period, all their attentions and concerns were on the baby and did not have any time to understand each other. So, they are having frictions.

    So, what I want to say is planning helps. But, one should also remember 'Man proposes God disposes'.

  2. Tulasi

    Tulasi Silver IL'ite

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    Yes TDU sir, I agree with you totally. Looks like all physicists are well planning people, my husband also one like you. I was more like you’re freind in the beginning but changed after seeing my husband..

    Regarding kids also we planned a head. We wanted to have time for our self to settle in our jobs and financially and also mentally then had our first kid after 3.5 years after marrige..Then after 3 more years we had our second kid. We are very happy about our planning...I think planning is very Important in everybody's life:yes:

  3. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear TDU,

    Yes, I agree with you..... Planning is important for us to avoid unwanted tension in life.....

    But in my life It is the Ulta... I dont know why...

    Whenever I plan to leave the office early to go out with my family, it will either be market or hospital for my kids....I will pack and be ready to leave, my boss or un expected meeting will come in and invariably I will reach late home... It is not one time or two times I have lost count of it....

    Similarly when I come from Chennai to Muscat, I will ask the taxi fellow to come minimum half an hour early before the time I want to start..... But invariable for some reason or the other he will come half hour late...

    All my planning will go for a Six...

    I fully agree man proposes and GOD Disposes..... In my life all throughout every activity has been designed in a pattern by somebody... I couldnt move this side or that side....

    So, I left it to HIM.....All advices acceptabel....

  4. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes I too agree with you.Even we plan but some plans get jeopardized.It is all in God's good hands.If it is already willed that way it would happen come what may.There is nothing wrong in planning,leave the rest to God.
  5. raginiprakash

    raginiprakash Senior IL'ite

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    Dear TDU,

    Agree with you, i've always believed in planning ahead & going about everyday life in a systematic manner rather than being haphazard when it comes to day to day routines/activities, travel, moving, get to-gethers, etc. This is what i imbibed from my parents.

    So, i usually make check lists & never leave anything for the last minute.
    But, my husband is just the opposite, he's not organised, never plans ahead, always laughs at the umpteen lists that i make & tells me that 'discipline is boring'!! But, till now, he's never succeeded in de-motivating me, so i still plan ahead & that makes life a lot easier for the both of us......though he would never accept that!!:-D

    On the other hand, i've also experienced that not everything in life can be planned, like having children like you mentioned, doesn't work for everybody as planned.....'Man proposes & God disposes'!!

  6. Abha

    Abha Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello TDU Sir

    I competely agree with you on this aspect... I believe in planning and like you Ragini I too think and do things in systematic manner.

    me and my husband are ealy risers... i'm too particular about being punctual, so if we have given time to someone we always reach on time... and i really dont like when people are not on time and make others wait.

    recently we were on a holiday with a couple friend... and being on a tight schedule, we had to see a lot of places so me and my hubby planned the itinery while the other couple totally relied on us... and when everyday it was time to leave the hotel and go for sightseeing... we were always ready on time and we used to call them and they always say just 5 minutes... and those 5 minutes turned into 1/2 hour and soo and this was the most irritating thing... it actually spoiled the whole spirit of the holiday... i mean if you hve to sleep and relax go the mountains where there is nothing to see and just relax in your bed.... or just stay at home... a person should have some sort of discipline in the day to day life... being lousy nd lazy hasnt helped anybody.

    I believe one should plan where necessary... like the situations described above... otherwise when it comes to some big things in life... i believe neither should a person speak too much and declare to others... that YEs i'm goin to do this... cos as you said rightly "man proposes and god disposes". you never know what time comes and what it makes you do. cos Hello !!! god is also there and he will do whatever is best for you

  7. twinsmom

    twinsmom Silver IL'ite

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    Hi TDU,
    Though not 100% aplanner I am married to a person who believes 200% in planning... So all's well in my general life... As for personal.. Well....I have quite a backlog of FB's to acknowledge.... Does that answer your question? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  8. mithili

    mithili New IL'ite

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    planning is again one way of disvilpining urself....my hub does the planning and i carry the responsibility of making it come right as he hads planned...life goes smooth....but inspite of frictions we are able to carry life peacefully with two cute kids....again planning our friction times!:yes:
  9. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    With two small kids around and one too a toddler, i have never acheived planning though I would love to.

    Get ready, pack everything and just about the lock the door, the youngest one would have spoiled the diaper, clean him change it and dress him up again and again I will want to check whether I locked the back doors and close the cylinder. GRRR will be the sound from hubby dear who will be waiting near the auto, with daughter nagging him around.

    But without us planning, we had our first daughter only after three years of marriage. My father is a person who always say plan ahead but you cross the bridge when you come to it. Dont plan in too advance for it is always God is the one who disposes even though you propose.
  10. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Planning is a must even in day to day life. A working woman has to plan what to cook for the next day. So it is important to plan for the education and a girl child's marriage well ahead. Even the invitees and menus are to be planned for a party or marriage and checked and rechecked. We always used to plan everything well in advance. Of course, " man proposes and God disposes." But it doesn't mean that we should not plan.

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