Hi ladies, these points came to my mind when thinking about why we so tolerant even in extreme cases. 1. Is it our nature to be so? Are we biologically designed that way? 2. Is it due to point that this idea is passed on through generations? (ponnunna porummaiya irukkanam) 3.Due to financial problems do we tolerate the not-so-good-employers?or is it due to bring up the family from the financial crisis? 4. Is it to save the family's reputation? Married women tolerate because they think about their parents and siblings' future? 5. Is it for our own good? Are we so health-conscious ,so that we don't want to not suffer the side effects of not being patient which are being listed now by the doctors? 6.Is it for our children we are tolerant? Thinking, if we are not so, their future will be spoiled (either mentally or financially?) 7. Do we want to be praised in front of other people so that our self-esteem go up? 8. Is it our desire to rule the world? There is saying in Tamil which states 'porutthaar bhoomi alwar' (which means, if you are patient you can rule the world. ( which world?) If you are still patient you can also discuss other factors which determine why we are patient. Sriniketan
Hai Sriniketan, I feel that due to other relationships like uncle, aunty etc.... the girl get scared & try to live with the dominants hubands. Just take an example: The girl is very good & straight forward. But their relatives including husband are not like that. If she says some good suggestions, they will not accept it. If she talks anything frankly then they will give a name like vaayadi or talkative girl. Parents relations will tell that bcos of her talkative personalty she missed her life or her life is like that, this etc. Is it not rediculous?? The women relatives itself will talk whatever they want & will give all bad names to other ladies. Women is the first enemy for Women!! Pl let me know if I am wrong with my statements. Love Preethi
hi Sri, This is why we call this living being as Women making everyone happy may be for some reason or no reason at all, its nature. padma
Hi Sri, Being patient does'nt mean allow yourself to be oppressed,at home or outside. Say if we have a crisis,being impatient blurs our thought process.We are unable to find a solution.Keeping calm helps us to sort out the problem.Also when we take up a new assignment we need to focus on the job in hand rather than be impatient to get fast results.As Lord Krishna said in THE GITA "Do your karma don,t worry about the results". A job well done will definitely bring good results. People use these proverbs to cover up their inabilities & lack of action. Regards latha.
hi sriniketan i feel ev1 has patience evn if they accept it or deny it...we r patient cos we hav hopes sum day evthng wil be fine n we al believe in god n trust him he'l help us out in al our problems...sum people show they have patience bt latr remove their frustration on sum othr thngs..:bangcomp: actually we shud nw understand the procedure of the nature aftr gud thng there is sumthn bad n vice versa..cos if ther is no bad hw cn we enjoy d gud thngs...so patience is very necessary n it shows how strong u r 2 fight against ur problems...be patient for evthn hapns 4 gud...:2thumbsup:
i thnk ur rite for ur statements...mostly it hapns a newly married girl if she talks a lot shes jus gone...as if its dat she cnt talk..i don knw y people hav problem wn she talks...n really they say talkative n vayri...rite thng u hav said....very true...
Dear Sriniketan, Why the Goddess earth is tolerant towards all the ill happenings on her? Just because all the living beings surviving on her is fully dependent on her. If she loses her patience just think of this world. We have witnessed many calamities like that. The same way, the families are dependent on women. If she loses her patience and act against, everything goes wrong, the very foundation is shaken. So it is our nature. By birth we are patient. We should be proud of being so. regards, Vanaja