When our life goes smoothly, we enjoy life and go with the flow but when there is a dip or when things don’t go as expected we tend to get depressed not knowing what to do. We try our best to work it out but when it goes beyond a limit where we do not have any control on, we want to know what only does our destiny have for us. So the next step most of us would have done is meeting an astrologer. Well the astrologer has a very good knack of reading our minds and says what is conducive to us. Our mind tends to think what he predicts may be right based on what he said about the past. That is when he suggests some remedies and we go behind doing it. Well my personal opinion is the remedies what they suggest don’t work and it can no way change our fates. I have done so many pariharams but didn’t see any room for personal growth in my life. Or should we take it as just because we have done these we are atleast in this position now, otherwise it would have gotten worse. I do not know. I feel when we attempt to do such pariharams our mind seems to think we will be fine and when such positive thoughts come into our mind everything seems to change from then on. Its just a tool for positive thinking is what I feel. Or does it really have an effect? Any views on this?
This is my point of view. I believe our current life is based on purvarjita karma. (Deeds earned from previous life). And our fate is written long back. So no parhiharams might not change fate but Helps you deal with the fate. Small example. A tablet/vicks taken for cold won't stop cold immediately/magically. But helps bare the pain and get through it.. Doing poojas parhiharams will definitely help to deal with our issues and gives energy to fight issues and peace/sane mind to resolve the issues.. There is saying there is no lock without a key. So hang in every problem has a solution. All the best..
It’s good to have some hope when things go wrong , astrology for some, belief in God for others and belief in oneself for a few. Whatever works to keep one going through life.
Pariharams generally consists of some poojas in temples. And going to temples has a scientific reason , the main god there is located in a place where the magnetic fields and vibrations are stronger. And when mantras are continuously chanted there, the power increases,it is believed that the positive vibration helps us feel good,positive and work towards our goal. There is saying Faith can move mountains. It is not that some miracle actually happens, its our faith which helps us work towards our objective and eventually achieve success. This is the same principle behind going to temples and pariharams. Lots of emphasis is given on our thought process and how we can materialise our dreams with our thoughts. While it seems like not doable for us normal folks, it does have an impact when our general mindset is positive. And I can understand your mindset when things are still not changing inspite of doing many pariharams. I would say hang in there, surrender to the supreme power in the universe. Things will change for the better slowly. Good luck to you!