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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous in Parenting' started by sudhak90, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. sudhak90

    sudhak90 Senior IL'ite

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    hi, in todays' world -especially, dealing with young adoloscents , ina city like banglaore can be very trying-both for the parents and the kid as well.peer pressure,exposure to western styles, but unable to adapt them completely to our convenience,unwanted adn wanted counselling, all these juggle inside the young mind, and finds no definite place.

    as parents, it's important for us to maintain an open equation with our adoloscent kids. preparation for this should start from when they are toddlers. be a friend first and then a mother. learn to trust them ,but always make them aware, you have knowledge about their whereabouts-strike a chord of friendship with their friends too, ur kids will love you for that- as friends are everything for them at this budding stage.

    firstly from home starting at an early age, instill family values in them.for this as a mother , we have to show in action what it takes to keep together a family harmoniously. a child who is happy at home, will obviously perform well, not meaning academically only, but as an overall person outside as well.

    any wrong paths, a child with values encounters, he/she would think twice before falling a trap, inspite of peer pressure.such a child holds his/her own at times of crisis and is honest. their opinions are to be respected, but the correct guidance given.
    as parents if we dont fall trap to half baked western ideals, our kids would follow ensuite. tell them if you want to ape the west, whose culture is at crossroads, with ours, ape them for their work culture/patriotism and civic sense.
    aping such things would be a great value addtion to our society as a whole.
    :goodidea: :wave
    sindmani likes this.

  2. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    good advice for the parents who are not able to go this side or the other side.

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  3. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sudha,
    "Firstly from home starting at an early age, instill family values in them.for this as a mother , we have to show in action what it takes to keep together a family harmoniously. a child who is happy at home, will obviously perform well, not meaning academically only, but as an overall person outside as well."
    I do not know, how old is your child or children. I being a mom who believes in Love and trust have always been a friend to my kids and always set an example to them in many ways. In fact I used to argue with my friends that it is in the up-bringing that makes a child a good or a bad adult. But then what with the modern technologies like computers, cell phones , the invasion of the TV, the children do get influenced by them. and as teenage approaches, not only peer pressure but also work pressure (studies) and a combination of so many factors do affect their psychic. The only consolation we can have is that the values taught by us are embedded in them and even if they go astray due to harmonal changes and other circumstances,we can rest assured that they will come back to roots.

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